Hi there. I want the following plugin: LoginLogoutWatcher and Protector What must it do: - Logging the Login-Action of each User - Logging the Logout-Action (any disconnect) of each User - Saving Nick, Time, IP and Location of each Login or Logout - Logging to Database or to a File (no sqlite!) - Command /lock <passphrase> - - if user types /lock <passphrase>, the account will be locked. (no move, no inventory change, no chatting (only the following command) and no building/destroying - Command /unlock <passphrase> - - <passphrase> must be the same of the <passphrase> of /lock from the user given. Else it doesnt work. - - this will unlock the player. (to prevent unauthorized access by offline-mode-servers) Its enought, if a locked account cant move and build. can anyone create this please? Or exists a plugin, that can do this (not similar, i mean exactly this)?
If you can't find one like what you want, I can make this for you. Actually, this should do it: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/se...e-mode-authentication-1-1-r8-1-2-5-r2-0.8712/ EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
No its toooo complex for my simple request. I only want a plugin with THIS functions! And i think, /lock and /unlock dont have any plugin already. Please write this simple plugin for me. How to save the log: via sql (host, port, name, pass and database in config please) in table "global_logs" (also in config please) and it will be save like this: id / time (unix timestamp) / user / ip / action / location / text 1 / 18257128 / DogmaGriever / / "command" / "1512.5192t7 19.23 77.44121251" / "/msg DogmaGriever anything to test" 2 / 18257132 / DogmaGriever / / "logout" / "1512.5192t7 19.23 77.44121251" / "disconnect.lostConnection" 3 / 18257145 / DogmaGriever / / "login" / "1512.5192t7 19.23 77.44121251" / "-" I hope, you understand the synthax. So on. If they save in a file, use csv (list style) separated with semikola ( The command /lock will automaticly deop (if they have) the player, remove them from any group higher than user (force to move them back) and lock movement and building. If the command /unlock is typed by a locked user, the op-status will be restored (saving it into a user-file) and the group will be restored (also in user file). if user types /lock MEMORY, the word "MEMORY" will be converted to a md5-hash and then saved to the user file. If he types /unlock MEMORY, the word "MEMORY" will be also converted to md5 hash and if this is not the same as the saved md5 hash, the unlock fails. Maybe you have time to make it, if a user types 4 times a wrong keyword, the user will be kicked and banned for 15 minutes? cliff777 PS: Sorry for my poor english :/
Would you just want it so a user cannot move or talk or do anything until they 'unlock' their account? What are you talking about in the syntax with the action?
if a user has locked his account with /lock <pass>, they will be kicked. if he login again, he cant move, talk and build untill he has unlocked his account with /unlock <pass>. Its forced to set up a pass by each /lock and he must type it by /unlock the same. like: /lock NoAccess to lock his account. No move, command, talk and build. save permissions-state (rank and if he has op) and degrade them to normal user /unlock GiveAcces will NOT work, the password is NoAccess (dont show this) 4 times wrong = kickban 15 minutes (tempban) /unlock NoAccess unlocking the account. unlock move, commands, talk and build. restore permissions-state (rank and op), if they has. I hope, you understand. My english isnt the best.
I do understand. Do you happen to have the plugin McBans? That would make tempbanning a lot easier (although I'm sure I could develop something else). I will start work on this soon, but I have another project to finish and finals coming up to end the school year. -Cliff
No. MCBans i dont have. But i have essentials and permissionsbukkit. And another idea: If a user is longer than 15 minutes offline, they looses OP status and any higher rank than user if they have. So that they must become explicit new op and rank from console or other op/admin, you understand? But i think, it will be to difficulty. Its only a easy idee.