Solved List of values on Config

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by rfsantos1996, Dec 2, 2013.

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        - name: 'etc'
        - location: 5,2,-5
        - etc: etc
    How can I make this work? The user that defines the "List1", how can I get all "List1" to use config.getString(""); for example?
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    Sagacious_Zed Bukkit Docs

    rfsantos1996 You cannot for a path for elements of a list.
    List1 is a list of maps, you will need to go through each element of that list.
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    Could I use SQLLite for this? Does the plugin user needs to download any Lib or Bukkit already have support for SQLLite?

    Like, admins use /command set (name - List1 equivalent) (etc equivalent) and save that on SQLLite and onEnable() i load all entrys?

    I found what I wanted here, getConfig().getConfigurationSection("List").getKeys(boolean)
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