Plugin category: Fun Minecraft version: 1.12 Suggested name: LightShow What I want: Simple plugin where you can broadcast the dragon death effect at coordinates or at player. I heard it's possible to make the dragon invisible with packets which is what I'm looking for as well and option to use the sound or not. Ideas for commands: /ls <player name or coordinates> <with dragon or without> <with sound or without> Examples: /ls Notch visible no_sound | /ls 100,50,10 invisible with_sound Ideas for permissions: lightshow.use - ability to use it When I'd like it by: This week
@Stellrow It's for 1.12 and I think I described it pretty well in the example commands. You can either choose if you want just the light effect from the dragon death with or without the sound and the dead dragon.
@BananaFalls Someone managed to do it here: The video is not longer up so you can't see results.
@adi0115 I think he just teleported the enderdragon somewhere no one can see since he's only using the dragon for the boss bar. This plugin can be easily made without making the enderdragon invisible since it's only there a few seconds.