[Lib] Regenerating Blocks

Discussion in 'Resources' started by TryB4, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. spoljo666 But, I wanted to try, so... if you cant help me i will search...
  2. Offline


    Doknesss you have to call that method somewhere.
  3. Offline


    Doknesss you can see an example in the main post.
  4. spoljo666

    1. public void regen(final List<BlockState> blocks, final boolean effect, final int speed)

  5. Offline


  6. ;-; i dont understand...
    on regen i have error and blocks too... Cant you give me finish code? its not hard
  7. Offline


    He is giving you the code, he can't be any more clearer. Read the original post, read the post above yours, he is literally giving it to you. I agree with him, suggest you learn some stuff about Java...
    spoljo666 likes this.
  8. Offline


    Thank you for this resource, I'm definitely going to use this!
  9. Offline


    Anyone has idea how to rotate these blocks?

    @edit //Nevermind :)
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    radius++ is just short for radius += 1
  12. Offline


    :O No way!
    Bro, I know, don't worry. I just mainly see radius++ not += except in mainstream coding....
  13. Offline


    I have an problem it will shoot the the blocks up but wont remove them and place them right!
    EDIT : I already know what i did wrong!

    Sorry im quite a noob but how do you enable Effects?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
  14. Offline


    1. public void regen(final List<BlockState> blocks, final boolean effect, final int speed) {

    set effect as true.
  15. Offline


    Example Usage? Full Code? I dont understeand
  16. Offline


    For some reason, the blocks don't regenerate.....

    Here is my code:

    public void regen(final List<BlockState> blocks, final boolean effect, final int speed) {
    new BukkitRunnable() {
    int i = -1;
    public void run() {
    if (i != blocks.size()-1) {
    BlockState bs = blocks.get(i);
    if (true)
    bs.getBlock().getWorld().playEffect(bs.getLocation(), Effect.POTION_BREAK, bs.getBlock().getType());
    for (BlockState bs : blocks) {
    }.runTaskTimer(plugin, 30L, 30L);
    public void explode(EntityExplodeEvent e) {
    if (!e.blockList().isEmpty()) {
    final List<BlockState> blocks = new ArrayList<BlockState>();
    for (Block b : e.blockList()) {
    if (b.getType() != Material.AIR) {
    if (!blocks.contains(b.getState())) {
    new BukkitRunnable() {
    int i = 17;
    public void run() {
    if (i>0){
    regen(blocks, false, 6);
    }.runTaskTimer(plugin, 30L, 30L);
    I already have the event registered in the
  17. Offline


    Possible help please. Currently using:

    1. List<Location> locs = Resource.circle(event.getEntity().getLocation(), radius, height, false, true, 0);
    2. List<Block> blockList = new ArrayList<Block>();
    3. for (Location l : locs){
    4. Location locfinal = l.subtract(0, 1 , 0);
    5. Block block = locfinal.getBlock();
    6. block.setType(Material.WOOL);
    7. block.setData((byte)Resource.randomizeColor());
    8. blockList.add(block);
    9. }
    10. if (!blockList.isEmpty()) {
    11. final List<BlockState> blocks = new ArrayList<BlockState>();
    12. for (Block b : blockList) {
    13. if (b.getType() != Material.AIR) {
    14. if (!blocks.contains(b.getState())) {
    15. blocks.add(b.getState());
    16. }
    17. }
    18. new BukkitRunnable() {
    19. int i = 17;
    20. public void run() {
    21. if (i>0){
    22. i--;
    23. }else{
    24. Resource.regen(blocks, true, 1);
    25. this.cancel();
    26. }
    27. }
    28. }.runTaskTimer(this, 15, 15);
    29. player.sendMessage(blocks.toString());
    30. blockList.clear();
    31. }
    32. }

    I am trying to get these blocks to regen after a time . I added a check and it seems that it is adding the block to the list yet it isn't working. My regen code is exactly identical to the one in the OP. Any thoughts would be awesome!
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    Both classes need the eu.thegamecube.Physics.Physics class?

    The way I am calling it, is that correct?
  20. Offline


    Physics.getInstance() you can replace with your main class.
    97WaterPolo likes this.
  21. Offline


    Will this restore sign states (lines)?
  22. Offline



    Updated the code and nothing is running when using

    1. @EventHandler
    2. public void onHit(ProjectileHitEvent event){
    3. if (event.getEntity().getShooter() instanceof Player){
    4. if (event.getEntity() instanceof EnderPearl){
    5. Block hitBlock = event.getEntity().getWorld().getBlockAt(event.getEntity().getLocation().subtract(0, 1, 0));
    6. Player player = (Player) event.getEntity().getShooter();
    8. if (hitBlock.getType() == Material.GRASS) {
    9. hitBlock.getWorld().playEffect(hitBlock.getLocation(), Effect.STEP_SOUND, Material.OBSIDIAN.getId());
    10. List<Location> locs = Resource.circle(event.getEntity().getLocation(), radius, height, false, true, 0);
    11. List<Block> blockList = new ArrayList<Block>();
    12. for (Location l : locs){
    13. Location locfinal = l.subtract(0, 1 , 0);
    14. Block block = locfinal.getBlock();
    15. block.setType(Material.WOOL);
    16. block.setData((byte)Resource.randomizeColor());
    17. blockList.add(block);
    18. }
    19. if (!blockList.isEmpty()) {
    20. final List<BlockState> blocks = new ArrayList<BlockState>();
    21. for (Block b : blockList) {
    22. if (b.getType() != Material.AIR) {
    23. if (!blocks.contains(b.getState())) {
    24. blocks.add(b.getState());
    25. }
    26. }
    27. new BukkitRunnable() {
    28. int i = 17;
    29. public void run() {
    30. if (i>0){
    31. i--;
    32. }else{
    33. Utilities.regen(blocks, true, 1);
    34. this.cancel();
    35. }
    36. }
    37. }.runTaskTimer(this, 15, 15);
    38. player.sendMessage(blocks.toString());
    39. blockList.clear();
    40. }
    41. }
    42. }
    43. }
    44. }
    45. }
  23. Offline


    Signs are a blockstate, so I believe so, You can try it. If it doesn't work let me know and I'll try to add that. 97WaterPolo
    Add debug messages
  24. Offline


    Show Spoiler

    1. @EventHandler
    2. public void onHit(ProjectileHitEvent event){
    3. if (event.getEntity().getShooter() instanceof Player){
    4. if (event.getEntity() instanceof EnderPearl){
    5. Block hitBlock = event.getEntity().getWorld().getBlockAt(event.getEntity().getLocation().subtract(0, 1, 0));
    6. final Player player = (Player) event.getEntity().getShooter();
    8. if (hitBlock.getType() == Material.GRASS) {
    9. hitBlock.getWorld().playEffect(hitBlock.getLocation(), Effect.STEP_SOUND, Material.OBSIDIAN.getId());
    10. List<Location> locs = Resource.circle(event.getEntity().getLocation(), radius, height, false, true, 0);
    11. List<Block> blockList = new ArrayList<Block>();
    12. for (Location l : locs){
    13. Location locfinal = l.subtract(0, 1 , 0);
    14. Block block = locfinal.getBlock();
    15. block.setType(Material.WOOL);
    16. block.setData((byte)Resource.randomizeColor());
    17. blockList.add(block);
    18. }
    19. if (!blockList.isEmpty()) {
    20. player.sendMessage("Test");
    21. final List<BlockState> blocks = new ArrayList<BlockState>();
    22. for (Block b : blockList) {
    23. player.sendMessage("Test2");
    24. if (b.getType() != Material.AIR) {
    25. player.sendMessage("Test3");
    26. if (!blocks.contains(b.getState())) {
    27. player.sendMessage("Test4");
    28. blocks.add(b.getState());
    29. }
    30. }
    31. new BukkitRunnable() {
    32. int i = 17;
    33. public void run() {
    34. if (i>0){
    35. player.sendMessage("Test5");
    36. i--;
    37. }else{
    38. Utilities.regen(blocks, true, 1);
    39. player.sendMessage("Test6");
    40. this.cancel();
    41. }
    42. }
    43. }.runTaskTimer(this, 15, 15);
    44. player.sendMessage(blocks.toString());
    45. blockList.clear();
    46. }
    47. }
    48. }
    49. }
    50. }
    51. }


    Makes it to Test 5, but not to Test 6? I moved the Utilities.regen(blocks, true, 1) to the if statement and still nothing happens.
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    Hallo! Managed to get the regenerating part to work, only problem now is the block that is regenerating, is wrong. I have added checks and it shows the the correct block is being added to the list, but after I modify it, it seems to change to the modified block instead of sticking to the original one.

    Both test messages 5 and 6 return the actual item, while 8 and 9 both return wool. Any ideas?

    Show Spoiler

    1. List<Block> blockPaint = new ArrayList<Block>();
    2. @EventHandler
    3. public void onHit(ProjectileHitEvent event){
    4. if (event.getEntity().getShooter() instanceof Player){
    5. final Player player = (Player) event.getEntity().getShooter();
    6. final Block originalblock = event.getEntity().getWorld().getBlockAt(event.getEntity().getLocation().subtract(0, 1, 0));
    7. player.sendMessage(originalblock.getType().toString() + "5");
    8. blockPaint.add(originalblock);
    9. player.sendMessage(originalblock.getType().toString() + "6");
    10. if (event.getEntity() instanceof EnderPearl){
    11. if (Resource.isItem(originalblock.getType())) {
    12. if (!originalblock.hasMetadata("Paintball")){
    13. originalblock.getWorld().playEffect(originalblock.getLocation(), Effect.STEP_SOUND, Material.LAPIS_BLOCK.getId());
    14. originalblock.setType(Material.WOOL);
    15. originalblock.setData((byte)Resource.randomizeColor());
    16. originalblock.setMetadata("Paintball", new FixedMetadataValue(this, player.getName()));
    17. player.sendMessage(originalblock.getType().toString() + "8");
    18. if (!blockPaint.isEmpty()) {
    19. final List<BlockState> blocks = new ArrayList<BlockState>();
    20. for (Block b : blockPaint) {
    21. if (b !=null){
    22. if (b.getType() != Material.AIR) {
    23. if (!blocks.contains(b.getState())) {
    24. blocks.add(b.getState());
    25. player.sendMessage(originalblock.getType().toString() + "9");
    26. }
    27. }
    28. }
    29. }
    30. new BukkitRunnable() {
    31. //int i = 17;
    32. int i = 10;
    33. public void run() {
    34. if (i>0){
    35. i--;
    36. }else{
    37. regen(blocks, true, 5);
    38. this.cancel();
    39. removeMetaData(originalblock);
    41. }
    42. }
    43. }.runTaskTimer(this, 5, 5);
    44. player.sendMessage(blocks.toString());
    45. blockPaint.clear();
    46. }
    47. }
    48. }
    49. }
    50. }
    51. }

  27. Offline


    Grass (ID 31:1) regenerates as block Shrub (ID 31). When i explode grass and when it regenerates, it regenerates as Shrub instead of Grass.
    Here is regen() method:
    1. public void regen(final List<BlockState> blocks, final boolean effect, final int speed) {
    3. new BukkitRunnable() {
    4. int i = -1;
    5. @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
    6. public void run() {
    7. if (i != blocks.size()-1) {
    8. i++;
    9. BlockState bs = blocks.get(i);
    10. bs.getBlock().setType(bs.getBlock().getType());
    11. bs.getBlock().setData(bs.getBlock().getData());
    12. if (effect) {
    13. if(bs.getBlock().getType() == Material.GLASS
    14. || bs.getBlock().getType() == Material.GLOWSTONE
    15. || bs.getBlock().getType() == Material.REDSTONE_LAMP_OFF
    16. || bs.getBlock().getType() == Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON
    17. || bs.getBlock().getType() == Material.THIN_GLASS
    18. || bs.getBlock().getType() == Material.GLASS) {
    19. bs.getBlock().getWorld().playEffect(bs.getLocation(), Effect.STEP_SOUND, Material.GLASS);
    20. }else{
    21. bs.getBlock().getWorld().playEffect(bs.getLocation(), Effect.STEP_SOUND, Material.WOOL);
    22. }
    23. }
    24. }else{
    25. for (BlockState bs : blocks) {
    26. bs.getBlock().setType(bs.getBlock().getType());
    27. bs.getBlock().setData(bs.getBlock().getData());
    28. }
    29. blocks.clear();
    30. this.cancel();
    31. }
    32. }
    33. }.runTaskTimer(this, speed, speed);
    34. }
  28. Offline


    try replacing:
    1. bs.getBlock().setData(bs.getBlock().getData());
    2. //with
    3. bs.getBlock().setData(bs.getData().getData());
  29. Offline


    TryB4 It worked! :) Thank you.
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