level formals

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by noraver, Apr 17, 2013.

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    Hey guys, i'm thinking of making a plugin for a leveling system not based on the exp bar
    one that is configurable amount of xp needed for each level
    i looked around and didn't find any info i was looking for so i thought i ask.

    if anyone knows a good place to look up experience level formals any info would be helpful

    Thanks guys.
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    player.getExp() returns a float. 0.056 is 1/18 of the bar because 1/18 = 0.056.
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    but im not trying to use the exp bar thats used for enchanting
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    Which one are you trying to use? The green level bar or the numbers above the bar?
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    non of those was going to make a command like /stats that displays in chat

    Name: Bless_
    Level: 1
    Experience: 10/5000
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