Plugin category: PvP Suggested name: Legendary What I want: What i want is a plugin that uses lore's as listeners, so make sure that you read carefully! Aegis: What It Needs To Do: When A Player Puts This On They Will Have Strength 2 Until Removed Lore: Infused with Strength (&2) Ethereals: What It Needs To Do: Give The Player Invisibilty 2 Until Removed Lore: Infused with Invisibility Pyro Axe: What It Does: This Item Will Do What This Says Multiply Damage x3 Effect.ZOMBIE_DESTROY_DOOR, 1 Sound.ANVIL_LAND, 1.0f, 0.001f I Want It To Do That When A Player Is Hit With It Lore: I come from the Iron Hills (&4) Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin. Ideas for permissions: None When I'd like it by: 04/03/2016
@AFKMachine Awesome idea, I'm off to code! I'll try to have it ready by you're wanted date above or earlier
AFKMachine Lots of players are giving up on this Even i trieed but when i trie to link a potion to any armor It errors the whole way arround
If you don't mind me self-promoting, I've made a plugin that has these features. The plugin is MoreItems: You can easily create items that have special effects when holding/equipping them. You can also have custom lore, name, enchantments etc. If you want to make the invisibility item: /mi create invisItem /mi name invisItem &6Ethereals /mi enchant invisItem unbreaking 3 ... /mi addpower invisItem holding potionself invisibility 20 0 /mi lore invisItem 1 Infused with invisibility /mi give invisItem I think you get the picture.