
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MisterGiant, Aug 26, 2014.


Good idea?

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    Plugin category:
    Anti-griefing tools/economy/world editing and management
    Suggested name: LandClaimer
    What i want: Basically i want a plugin that can generate a world with plots of 70x70 (changable in a config) then people can claim a plot (on these plots are trees and resources like ores and stuff). In the begin they can only build in a 10x10 square. Then i will build a shop where people can sell stuff like wood that they've gathered and resources. And when they reach like a certain amount of money they can upgrade their plot to 20x20 and the max is 70x70. (Prices and max plot size changable in config plz)
    Ideas for commands:
    /land - Basic command for the plugin.
    /land claim - Claim land where standing on (if you don't have one)
    /land upgrade - Upgrade the land to the next upgrade (if enough money)
    /land confirm - Confirm that you wish to upgrade the land
    /land disband <player> - Removes & resets the island to it's original state.
    /land tp <player> - TP to someones land
    /land add <player> - Add someone to your land (building rights)
    /land remove <player> - Remove someone of your land
    /land cost - Shows the cost of the next upgrade.
    Ideas for permissions:
    landclaimer.claim - Permission to claim land.
    landclaimer.claim.<amount> - Permission to claim multiple lands.
    landclaimer.upgrade - Gives the permission to upgrade.
    landclaimer.add - Gives the permission to add people to your land.
    landclaimer.admin - Gives the permission to all commands and to disband other island.

    Multiverse support would be great.

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