Problem/Bug Lag Spikes

Discussion in 'General Help' started by iRev0lution, Dec 22, 2016.

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  1. Offline


    Sometimes when my players place/break blocks we get lag spikes. Sometimes these lag spikes can be from 5-10 seconds long, maybe even longer. We also get lag spikes randomly sometimes. How can I fix this?


    All help is appreciated :)
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2016
  2. Offline


    Stop your server.
    Start your server.
    When it's fully started, stop it again.
    Go in to your server files.
    Go to the logs folder.
    Open the file called latest.log.
    Copy and paste the contents at
    Post it there and then link the URL here.
  3. Offline


    Here is a link to my latest.log: I also have edited the post, the link will also be there.
  4. Offline


    It's possible that since you have a few plugins that rely on block placing (NoCheatPlus, Plot plugin) that it's messing with the server. Even the server just starting up is giving "can't keep up" messages which leads me to believe either you don't have enough RAM for the amount of plugins you have on there, or the CPU for your server isn't powerful enough. Is your server home hosted? Also, how much RAM is dedicated to it?
  5. Offline


    RAM only controls the amount of objects/instances that can be stored, not the amount of processing power. The issue is with the amount of plugins checking the BlockPlaceEvent and the CPU
  6. Offline


    @Zombie_Striker @oceantheskatr

    I host my server on mcprohosting, and they give me 768 megabytes of RAM for my plan.
    I am not sure about the CPU. I need a little help understanding how CPU works, which might help for me to solve my issue.
  7. Offline


    Since you can't control the CPU (since you can't ask them to get a better one and, since you are using a hosting site, can't make them stop running other servers/ other applications), all you can do is manage the amount of plugins your server has.

    [Edit] Try removing all plugins and see if that fixes the lag spike. If you remove all plugins and you still get lag spikes, you have a bad hosting site and may need to find another one.

    If, however, the lag spikes disappear, slowly add each plugin. Do this one at a time and figure out which plugin is causing the lag spike.
  8. Offline


    Okay, I will try that. Thanks. I will only mark this thread as "Solved" once I find the plugin that is causing the issue.
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