
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by mrdude123, Jun 30, 2015.

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    Plugin Name: KothTP
    Config: Coords for teleportation
    Permissions: Ability to start and stop the kothtp timer
    Commands: /kothtp, /kothtp start, /kothtp forcestop,

    Okay, so doing /kothtp start (if you have the given permissions) will start a 3 MINUTE timer. Once the timer runs out, the /kothtp command doesn't work. Remember this. If a player does /kothtp and the timer is not running, the command does not work.
    However, if the timer is running, and the player types in the command, the player has to stand still for 5 seconds or else teleportation will be cancelled. Once the kothTP timer is up, there is a broadcast saying "The window for teleporting to the koth has closed."

    I don't think it should take too long. :)
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