Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by JuraJPlayerCZE, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Hello, I'm here representing JuraJPlayer a man what you wrote: Ideptent. regarding Koth

    I would like to apologize in advance for spelling errors. Google Translate is not perfect.

    Koth will work on a few simple things.
    1. This is the event that will run every Saturday at 18:00 admins. (If it were autoamticky, it would be ideal)
    2. It is the event in which it comes to a player retained for 15 minutes in the indicated array (The area marked Bedrock). If a player leaves the field, it's time to reset. Which player out there keep the first 15 minutes won the reward and the whole event is off to next Saturday 18:00.
    3.Another requirement concerns the sending of messages. When a player stand in the field (The area marked Bedrock) 3/6/9/2/15 minutes, and server management to give all players that the player is already 3/6/9/12/15 minutes in the field.


    Commands for admins in game: /koth setplace( Set place the area marked Bedrock )
    Commads for permission : koth.setplace

    Commands for admins in game : / koth settime (1/2/3...) (Second/minutes/hours) (Set the time for how long a player must be on the surface (The area marked Bedrock) to win
    Commads for permission : koth.settime

    Commands for admins in game : / koth reward (Id) (Number) (This command sets the player's reward)
    Commads for permission : koth.reward

    Commands for players in game: /koth time (displays the player's time on the specified surface)
    Commads for permission : koth.time

    Commands for admins in game: /koth help (Displays all commands regarding Koth plugin)
    Commads for permission : koth.help

    Commands for players in game: /koth (Displays the players when it begins next event)
    Commads for permission : koth.info

    Contact me if you have any questions about the plugin . Skype : <removed - Iroh>
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    1. Please don't use that much colors, it is hard to read.
    2. Not allowed to take conversation to Skype.
  4. Offline


    Paints are used for better clarity

    blue : Admins
    red : Permissions
    yellow : explanation
    green : Player

    :DDD I was bored: D
  5. Offline


    +1 I'd like to see this plugin.

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