Hello, I'm here representing JuraJPlayer a man what you wrote: Ideptent. regarding Koth I would like to apologize in advance for spelling errors. Google Translate is not perfect. Koth will work on a few simple things. 1. This is the event that will run every Saturday at 18:00 admins. (If it were autoamticky, it would be ideal) 2. It is the event in which it comes to a player retained for 15 minutes in the indicated array (The area marked Bedrock). If a player leaves the field, it's time to reset. Which player out there keep the first 15 minutes won the reward and the whole event is off to next Saturday 18:00. 3.Another requirement concerns the sending of messages. When a player stand in the field (The area marked Bedrock) 3/6/9/2/15 minutes, and server management to give all players that the player is already 3/6/9/12/15 minutes in the field. Config Commands for admins in game: /koth setplace( Set place the area marked Bedrock ) Commads for permission : koth.setplace Commands for admins in game : / koth settime (1/2/3...) (Second/minutes/hours) (Set the time for how long a player must be on the surface (The area marked Bedrock) to win Commads for permission : koth.settime Commands for admins in game : / koth reward (Id) (Number) (This command sets the player's reward) Commads for permission : koth.reward Commands for players in game: /koth time (displays the player's time on the specified surface) Commads for permission : koth.time Commands for admins in game: /koth help (Displays all commands regarding Koth plugin) Commads for permission : koth.help Commands for players in game: /koth (Displays the players when it begins next event) Commads for permission : koth.info Contact me if you have any questions about the plugin . Skype : <removed - Iroh>
JuraJPlayerCZE 1. Please don't use that much colors, it is hard to read. 2. Not allowed to take conversation to Skype.
Paints are used for better clarity blue : Admins red : Permissions yellow : explanation green : Player DD I was bored: D