Kit Chooser

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by TerraFiX, Feb 19, 2017.

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  1. Minecraft version: 1.8

    Suggested name: KitChooser

    What I want:

    A (GUI would be nice) plugin that let's you choose between 2 or more kits. You can only use 1 of them and they all go on a cooldown when you use 1 of the kits.

    I am using KitAdder and Essentials at this moment, nothing else for my kits.

    Example: Rank: Elite
    /kit Elite
    (GUI) Kit Armor or Kit Potion

    Used kit potion -> got potions -> Kit Armor and Kit Potion are on 24h cooldown.

    Ideas for commands:

    - /kit (Kitname) - Opens GUI to choose kit
    - /kit add (Kitset) (KitName) to add another kit to the list of kits you can choose
    Example: /kit add Elite Potion
    /kit add Elite Armor
    (The kits are already created using another kit creating plugin like KitAdder- Essentials)
    - /kit remove (kitset) (kit)
    - /kit delay (kitset)

    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by:

    Sometime.. Take your time, no need to rush.


    PS: I'm sorry about my bad English, if there is any more needed information, just ask me and I'll reply ASAP.
  2. TerraFiX likes this.
  3. Offline


    Seems Easy enough! Though Its kind of Redundant that you want to add remove Kits that way, Maybe its me misreading your request but, I feel like it should just import your kits from essentials
    (KitAdder Just a adds your inventory to an essentials kit file)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2017
  4. Yes, this is nice but I want something that if you choose 1 kit, all of the available kits go on cooldown (they all have 1h of cooldown, you choose 1 now you need to wait another hour to choose between the kits again)
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