Name: Kill tags Description: Players kills show on their tag [Compatible with GroupManager/PEX] It would add the tag in front of their PEX/GM Prefix and update on a configurable amount of time Commands: /kt reload Permissions: kt.enable [True by default] Example: Example Config: Kill_Tags: Tag: &7[&4K:{kills}&7] Update_Time: 5 [In Seconds] Stat_Shown: {KD} [Options are {KD} Kill to death ratio as the percentage or {KILLS} which would show the kills they have
AronTheGamer It would show the number of kills they have then the rank they have in the example 12 kills and default rank It would be able to be define in the config as {KD} or {KILLS}
k i can either make it compatible with pex or gm EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I'm confused, at first you want the amount of kills a players has then you want their kill/death ratio. Which one do you want? killerbigmacs
This would be a VERY simple plugin to create, you'd just have to create the stat tracker, which MUST use the player's UUID, because if a player changes his/her name, their stats will be reset ingame. The stat tracker would be easily done in yml format, but more efficient would probably be a seperate object for each player, and a list of the objects. The object has kills, deaths, and a method to calculate K/D Ratio. When a player joins the server, make a new object, and retrieve the stats via the storage method chosen, when the player leaves or when the plugin is disabled, save the stats of the player that left, or all players when the server disables to the storage. When a player chats, just display the stats, and the messages can be configured through YML config.
MCMatters I still need this plugin, so please tell me of you are still going to make this. If not I would like someone else to. Bump
Its been so long, Im sorry. but from your comment it seems like you have it done? If so may I have a link? MCMatters EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.