I'm reopening my server. All's fun and great, but I'm also changing the IP. And it's staying on the same computer. Is there any possible way to run a server (preferably not joinable) on the old IP just to show the MOTD, which would tell the new IP to anyone who doesn't know, while also running the server on the new IP for those who see the message? I know it's probably not possible, but I just wanted to be absolutely sure. Also, if it isn't possible, I'm... not fine, but okay. I can just spread the word that the IP changed on other servers & at my school (the only places where members of my server currently come from). Just let me know if I wasn't clear on something.
Or just kick anyone with the new IP as the reason? You want to run two craftbukkit servers on one computer with two IP adresses, or do you have a router with two IP adresses and a NAT'ed server behind? What operating system do you use?
Uhhh, the first one. But the two IP addresses would be the same, but one is disguised with no-ip.com. As for operating system, I'm assuming it's Windows 7 (Professional). Not exactly a plugin, more of some kind of program or website that would allow me to run two servers at once on my computer, and one of them would be whitelisted and the motd would tell new IP, and the other one would be the new server. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
You could just run a server on like 150 mb of RAM, set a white-list, and change the motd. That should work.
Hm. Apparently no-ip doesn't keep your server from still running on the old IP (though it still runs on the new one). There wouldn't happen to be a way to stop that, would there? THEN I would use that program.
no-ip.com has nothing to do with the amount of IP adresses bound to your server. It's a DNS service, and while you can have an unlimited amount of DNS records referring to the same IP, you won't be able to run more than one server because all the DNS records still refer to the same IP. You could however have two servers on the same IP, but on different port numbers. Start two servers with different -p options should work just fine. http://wiki.bukkit.org/CraftBukkit_Command_Line_Arguments
To make things clear as Fafler stated before: You can have multiple servers running on the same machine if you change the port number. That's it. Beware that the server you want to make public uses the same, old port number. (This is probably the default 25565) Set the new server for example as 25564. This can be found in the Server.properties
Okay, thanks, now I know what I need to do. But I'm not going to. It's honestly just a waste of time, I can just set the MOTD for my server, explaining the new IP. The only setback (the thing I actually wanted to avoid in my last reply) is that it would duplicate the MOTD on the new IP, potentially confusing some members. But it's not a big deal.
I suggest you look into getting a website so if you do change your IP you can just alert everyone on your website.