Just a simple question...

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by HadrienM, Apr 1, 2011.

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    Hello guys,

    I'm on CB 621, and the trees have sugar canes in their leaves, what's wrong ?

    Same with 617...

    And i've always the message : Can't keep up ! Did the server time change blabla bla, first time i have it... nothing have changed except CB
  2. Offline


    I'm not sure about the sugar canes. I usually go a few builds back, or go with recommended builds. I'll leave you a link bellow regarding the recommended builds. Now, about the "Can't keep up!" you might wanna change the amount of RAM you give your server to run by. Do you have a lot of programs running? If you do then I highly recommend closing a few. That happened to my laptop, because well.. its a laptop. I switched to my Desktop and it works perfectly.

    Recommended Builds - http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/introducing-recommended-builds.5137/

    To add RAM to your server open the craftbukkit.jar or whatever jar you downloaded with notepad, change the 512M to 1024M or what ever amount of RAM you want.
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