jurasicraft minecraft mod transfer

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by steve102.no-ip.biz, May 29, 2012.

  1. can someone please make a jurasic park like world generator for bukkit servers with working dinosuars here is the link to wat id like it to be like very much appreciated
    ik it hasnt been updated because its dead but if you can make a real working bukkit plugin or watever please do so
  2. Offline


    1.6 beta, SSP only, not using any APIs, ModLoader incompatible..wow. Also buggy and abandoned.

    Reading through the thread, this mod looks more promising: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/845996-125triassicraft-dinosv4/ . It was rewritten from scratch, but supports 1.2.5. Unfortunately still only SSP, and the author says he doesn't plan to add SMP until maybe 1.3.

    If you can find a 1.2.5 SMP mod it may be more feasible to bring to Bukkit. But it should be possible to have dinosaurs etc with a client mod. There are two mods I know of supporting Bukkit adding new animals, Mo' Creatures and RanCraft Penguins (I run both on my server). There have been requests for a "prehistoric" edition of Mo' Creatures but as far as I know nothing has came of it. Still, something like what you're looking for should be possible (with client modification), albeit difficult. Anyone up for the challenge?

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