JSPlugins (DevTeam)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MP5K, Dec 27, 2012.

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    hello Bukkit Community / Plugin Devs,
    i started to working on a Custom Plugin framework with would provide the Ability to create / code Plugins in JavaScript and i'm looking for some dev's who could help me.

    What kind of Plugin this would be?
    • Plugin Framework: to load and execute Plugins coded in JavaScript (load as normal plugins or modules) with allow the access through an wrapper to the whole Bukkit-Api and maybe some easy to use Craftbukkit functions (like: NBT , Package Sending , Mob control)
    • Developer api: to Provide the easy access to Plugin-Dev's to make there Plugins more Advanced. Like: Plugin-extensions like Quests (for an Questplugin).
    • Bukkit-Extensions: to create easily commands and Listeners (for less advanced users / server admins)
    What i am looking for?

    • Java Programmers: with experience in coding java and the Bukkit API
    • Wiki-Author(s): a Plugin Framework needs documentation (methods / tutorials) to make live easier (after finishing the Plugin)
    • Knowledge about CraftBukkit code / functions is an Advantage.
    How would a JavaScript Plugin look like?
    function _onEnable(Kernel PluginManager){
    Kernel.registerListener(EventType.PlayerDeathEvent EventPriority.HIGH "onPlayerDie"); // EventType , Priority , function name
    Kernel.regiterCommand("opme" "OP your self" "/opme" "MyPlugin.opme" "onCommand_OP" false); // name , description , usage , Permission (or null) , function name , only Player
    me.getConfig().create(false); // true if force create (so overwrite the old one)
    _onDisable(Kernel GarbageCollector){
    event.isCancled()) return;
    event.getPlayer().sendMessage("OP's can't die!");
    onCommand_OP(CommandSender lable isPlayer args){
    Please tell me your opinion.
    To make my work and the Project better please tell me your opinion. (good idea , bad idea , nonsense)

    Something about myself:
    (maybe you want to know something about the person asking your work with him.)
    Show message
    Hello i'm MP5K (DevBukkit=HMP5K) i'm 15 years old and i code Java since 1 - 1/2 years.
    I have a good java / bukkit knowledge and some experience with Threading and Reflections
    I'm not Really good in speaking English (currently while learning ; ) ) but i try my hardest to make as less as possible mistakes ;3
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    Not sure why making plugins in JavaScript is needed, but I think it's a fairly interesting idea and I'd like to see some of this in action :p

    I'm not terribly advanced with coding (just started) but I'd be willing to be a wiki author if this ever takes off.
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    wouldn't this just be a more code-based version of Skript?
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    i have never noticed / used script but i will take a look .D

    yes the plugin would be a bit similar but the goal of this project is to proved dev's a hosted Plugin Envonoment with also support the creation of bigger projects.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
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