Joomla Minecraft Template | Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by TMBuM, Mar 25, 2011.

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    Hey Minecrafters!

    First of all I apologise i did not know what section this was to go in so if its posted in the wrong area please move or remove this its up to you.

    I have been looking around and cant seem to find any templates for joomla that are minecraft related and its sad because its a great project to start a template that has never been done before into such extent.

    I am still in the process of meaking / tweaking the layout so there is a bit of work that still needs to get done.

    SO here is what iv been working on for the past two days . .

    Screenshot 1


    Screenshot 2


    I will release the template for joomla 1.5 in about a week after some further testing and some tweaks, I will add more photos of the template tomorrow if i have the time come from the community end.

    If you use jomsocial i have also designed a custom theme that is minecraft related aswell.

    Please let me know what you think and let me know how i can improve the design!

    Waves - TM BuM
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    Looks good something we could use in the future, what modules are you planing to implement?
    I might have a few suggestion like the flash thing on our failed site lol
    we are looking at joomla but havent found a good templete yet.
  3. Offline


    Looks awesome! I'm sure im gona use this one =)

    One Question.

    Could you make the mainbody of the page like Sand ? for News and such
  4. Offline


    You can edit any part of the template it comes with info on how to change / edit any part of the template, i will do what you asked adn made an example style with sand for you so you.

    Waves - TM BuM
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    cant wait for it :D
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  7. Offline


    What happened to this template?
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