Plugin category: Admin Suggested name: Join/Leave Command What I want: A plugin where when a person leaves it executes a command. You can have a config where only certain people have the join/leave command thing. Ideas for commands: /joinleave config [Variable] [True/False or a Command] Variables: Join, Leave, Command. Ideas for permissions: joinleave.[number] (In the config it will have different commands. Each section with a command will be assigned a number. If someone has the permission joinleave.[number] then when they join and/or leave that command will execute. For example: Config: '1' Join: True Leave: False Command: give {name} diamond 5 '2' Join: False Leave: True Command: kickall Bye So if someone had the permisson joinleave.1 then whenever they joined the game they would receive 5 diamonds. If someone had the permission joinleave.2 then whenever they left it would kickall and put the message, "Bye" When I'd like it by: March 1, 2013
Would you like it so that you could make extra fields, such as for a permission "joinleave.3" there would be a third field/command? And on and on, as many fields as you would ever need?
Yes. If possible make it go on forever. Bump EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Sorry, it's not yet ready for download. I've started working on it, though, and it should be available within a day or two at most.
I can make this if you're sure its not possible with another plugin, won't be able to start until tomorrow though