Java question

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Sammy, Mar 30, 2011.

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    Hey ppl
    Since I started programing in java I haven't found a good way to get around this type of problem
    For example:
        public void msgPly(String msg) {
            Object[] players = scores.keySet().toArray();
            for (int x = 0; x < scores.size(); x++) {
                Player ply = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(players[x].toString());
    If the player on the variable maker isn't online I'll get a "java.lang.NullPointerException"...
    If I use a try/catch the method ends but,

    What could I do to make java acknowledge the error but still continue to the next line of code?
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    Edward Hand

    Player player = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(maker);
    if(player != null)
    //then do other stuff
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    Let me see if I get it, every time there's a change I get a null value that will gives me an error, I should declare a variable that let's me check if I returned null or not ?
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    Edward Hand

    Yes. Better to do checks to prevent errors than to try and deal with the aftermath of what happens when you get one I think.
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    Thanks Edward, the tutorials I used to learn Java always expressed the need of using try/catch, but I never liked using them on a regular basis, 'cause it's like what you said, we are just dealing with them aftermath.
    Thanks again :)
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