Solved ItemSpawnEvent: Get Projectile that Caused Item to Spawn

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by hockeygoalie5, Oct 7, 2012.

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    Here's a tricky one. I'm creating a plugin where you are given items based on your job. These items can not be manipulated in any way (e.g., moved in your inventory, dropped, etc.). I want to make it so when an arrow is launched from a bow that a person received for free because of their job, it won't spawn an arrow item when it hits the ground. However, if it was fired from a bow that someone got by other means, it will. So far, I've been able to give metadata to the projectile if it has been fired from a job-given bow:
    public void onProjectileLaunch(ProjectileLaunchEvent e) {
        if(e.getEntity().getShooter() != null) {
            if(e.getEntity().getShooter() instanceof Player) {
                Player player = (Player) e.getEntity().getShooter();
                if(Job.isJobItem(player.getItemInHand())) {
                    e.getEntity().setMetadata("nospawn", new FixedMetadataValue(new LightRP(), true));
    I've also detected when an arrow hits the ground, if it's from a job-given bow:
    public void onProjectileHit(ProjectileHitEvent e) {
        if(e.getEntity().hasMetadata("nospawn")) {
    How will I be able to, from a onProjectileHit method, stop the arrow from spawning? Or, how can I use an onItemSpawn method to get the projectile that spawned the arrow, check its metadata, then take action?
  2. Did you try a simple e.remove() in the ProjectileHitEvent?
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    V10lator Wouldn't that remove the projectile? I want the projectile to hit, just not spawn an arrow that can be picked up. I was hoping there was a way to set the projectile itself to spawn nothing, or to at least get the item the projectile spawned.
  4. I see, I think you can set that while launching the arrow... <- this will shoot a pickable arrow (like sooted from a player). <- this is used if a skeleton shots an arrow, so not pickable.
    Now if we look into the EntityArrow we find this: and guess what? This variable is public!
    So all you have to do is this:
    1. @EventHandler
    2. public void onProjectileLaunch(ProjectileLaunchEvent e) {
    3. if(e.getEntity().getShooter() != null) {
    4. if(e.getEntity().getShooter() instanceof Player) {
    5. Player player = (Player) e.getEntity().getShooter();
    6. if(Job.isJobItem(player.getItemInHand())) {
    7. ((CraftArrow)e.getEntity()).getHandle().fromPlayer = 0;
    8. }
    9. }
    10. }
    11. }

    For that to work you need the craftbukkit.jar instead of the bukkit.jar into your build path and I didn't test it.

    //Edit: Side note: There is no item till the player picks it up, it's still the arrow entity till then: - As you see it creates a new item, calls the pickup event and if it isn't cancelled gives the item to the player.
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    That looks good! I did see a method for projectiles to change who shot it, so I'll try just changing that to skeleton instead. Thanks for researching it!
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