Item particles

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SuitedSlime, Jun 9, 2013.

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    Is it possible to spawn 'item particles'?

    I basically want to spawn bones and red-dye when a player is killed in a particle-like fashion, meaning you can't actually pick them up and they will dissipate after a short amount of time. I know how to spawn the already existing particles, but as for 'custom' particles. I'm not sure.

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    By 'item particles' I assume you mean fake item drops. The best way to do this would probably be to drop the items naturally, add them to a Set of items that can't be picked up, and in the PlayerPickupItemEvent, cancel the event if the item they're trying to pick up is in the Set. You'll probably want to use a Set created from a WeakHashMap to avoid memory leaks.
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    Item item = entity.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(entity.getLocation(), new ItemStack(/*Material of dropped item*/, 1, /*damage of dropped item*/));
            item.setTicksLived(6000 - /*how many ticks you want it to stay*/);
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    Hoot215 another way to cancel pickup would be to use item.setPickupDelay(Integer.MAX_VALUE).
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    Huh... I had no idea that method existed. Nice find.
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