I need a economy that is entirely player-based. Players may buy and sell items on the economy shop using gold ingots. If you sell an item, you will receive the gold once a player purchases that item. As the purchaser, you will automatically receive the lowest price within your price range as long as there are items on the market at the price you offered - otherwise, it will wait until the item becomes available at that price. All market transactions are final and cannot be reversed (even if your item hasn’t been purchased yet), so think twice before you put something on the market! Commands: /deposit <# gold ingots / all> - I'd like it so you can deposit gold ingots that are your inventory into your bank balance. Your bank balance is protected from other players, They cannot steal from your balance. You can use ‘/deposit 64’ to deposit 64 ingots, or ‘/deposit all’ to deposit all of your gold ingots in your inventory. /withdraw <amount> - I'd like the plugin to have it so, When you do /withdraw it opens a Chest GUI and you cant place items in, You can only take out gold ingots, When you click a gold ingot from your bank, It'll say for the lore: "Are you sure you want to withdraw this?" You then click it again and it will deposit it to your inventory /price <quantity> <item> - Check how much players are selling a certain item on the market for. For example, you can type ‘/price 2 diamond’ to see the lowest price for two diamonds. /sell <quantity> <item> <price> - Sell an item stack on the economy for a specified price. The price specified is the amount for all of the items and NOT a per-item price. For example, if we wanted to sell 8 diamonds for 10 gold each, we would type ‘/sell 8 diamond 80’. The gold you earn from the sale of an item on the market will be added to your bank balance when a player purchases your item. /buy <quantity> <item> <price> - Purchase an item on the economy for a specified price. Keep in mind that this is the maximum price you will pay for the entire item stack, and is not a per-item price.