Item Dura working with enchantments

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by boomboompower, Sep 4, 2015.

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    Basically what im trying to do is make it in my plugin that if the player has the enchantment "Unbreaking" or Enchantment.DURABILITY it doesn't just take 1 durability off the item I am holding. The reason I need this is because I have a block break event that cancels when a player goes to break a block unless its a ore, if its an ore it takes 1 dura off the item the player is holding. I need it to work with the Unbreaking enchantment, can anyone please help?
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    I have done this in one of the events:
    if (dp.containsEnchantment(Enchantment.DURABILITY)) {
                    dp.setDurability((short) (d + 0.5));
    "d" is:
    short d = p.getItemInHand().getDurability();
    "dp" is:
    ItemStack dp = p.getItemInHand();
    and yes, I know you can't get half durability but I was just testing.
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    @boomboompower you need to set the durability in a scheduled task since the BlockBreakEvent is fired before the actual block breaking.
    boomboompower likes this.
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    Yes I know I can find info about it here:
    But which one would I use (I haven't used scheduler in a plugin before) thx for the help so far :)
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