Solved item always null

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by pkt, Jun 21, 2013.

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    I have been constantly been getting a NullPointerException, no matter what code I use. I haven't coded in Java for a couple months, so I am a bit rusty, can anyone help me out?

            for (ItemStack items : player.getInventory().getContents()) {
                if (items != null)
                    if (items.hasItemMeta() && items.getType() == Material.WRITTEN_BOOK)
                        if (((BookMeta) items.getItemMeta()).getTitle().equals(ChatColor.BLUE + "test"))
  2. Offline


    Which line are you getting the NPE on?
  3. Offline


    all of the ones in the for loop, it doesn't matter what order I put them in, they all get nulls
  4. Offline


    pkt is player null? :3
  5. Offline


    no, just the items

    Why does items.equals(null) give an npe when I'm checking to see if its null? And whats the difference between using == and .equals() ? one seems to work sometimes and the other doesnt...?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
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    You can use .equals() on a null since a null object doesn't have any specific functions. Add some debug such as
    if (player == null) {
      getLogger().info("Player is null");
    if (player.getInventory() == null) {
      getLogger().info("Inventory is null");
    to find the root of the NPE
  7. Offline


    I already did debugging.
    For some reason... it just stopped giving npes.... I did not change any code or order.... but now my problem is removing the item, item.setType() to AIR or 0 won't work..
  8. Offline


    Player's can't carry an air block, if I recall correctly you might be able to do player.getInventory().remove(items)
  9. Offline


    Yea, just found that method in the JavaDocs... I remember setting items to air a long time ago.. :eek: I really need to keep up with Java, been away soo long. well thanks for helping!
    foodyling likes this.
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