Question Is there a way to disable plugins on specific worlds?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by UniTyrant, Dec 28, 2018.

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    Hi so I made a factions server and its basicly completed but now I wanted to make a lobby so people can join an island and connect to the factions server. I installed the perworldpluginspremium but that only disables the use of commands which is not what I expected when I bought it because when in the lobby world you still have a scoreboard floating on the right of the screen (TitleManager) and the land is still all claimed as wilderness (LegacyFactions) and people have the same permissions as they do in the regular world (PermissionsEx) and I know I can set world permissions but that leaves the problem that the world is claimed as wilderness, also people can go to the warps set in the normal world. And I know about BungeeCord servers but I cant make a bungeecord server because Im using a hosting website where you have to pay for each server and im not gonna drop a whole $175 on a lobby server. And I would host my server from home but im in the military and the only wifi I have is the barracks internet and I cant port forward someone elses internet. There must be a plugin that completely isolates the plugins to specific worlds but im just not finding it? first person that finds the answer id really appreciate you.
  2. As far as I know, completely shutting out a plugin from certain worlds is probably impossible due to Bukkit/Spigot API's limits.

    You might be able to shut out plugins (near) completely from worlds, but that would require a custom plugin that hooks directly into every single plugin you have on your server and prevent them from manipulating/affecting certain worlds. So it might be possible, but difficult.

    Other than that is the only other solution getting seperate servers, but as you already know, that can be quite costly.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
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