Is it not recomended that I access the server classes directly?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by XeonProductions, Feb 15, 2011.

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    Like say I want to intercept certain packet handers, or have direct access to MinecraftServer. Is that frowned upon since it could change drastically in the future?
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    I think the general rule is only touch what's in Bukkit. If you access part of the CraftBukkit implementation or the underlying MC server implementation you have a very good chance your code will break in a subsequent Bukkit build. That said, there are some plug-ins out there that use one or both of these methodologies to provide "illegal" functionality.
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    Only if you know what you are doing. There is still an extensive amount of stuff bukkit has not implemented yet, and using CraftBukkit and Minecart.Net classes are the only solution.
  4. Offline


    Agreed. But as a general statement of protocol, one should probably not directly reference implementation classes. I would not recommend it unless there simply is no other way to do what one needs, and one can afford the additional maintenance headaches.
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    Grum Bukkit Team Member

    Request your change on and then simply implement it in a fork of Bukkit/CraftBukkit and add 2 pullrequests. Unless you are doing something you shouldn't be doing that should give you the fastest result.
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