Iron/Wooden Door Error! Help NEEDED!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Tolerance, Apr 28, 2012.

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    I own a jail server and I want to give my players cells. However, Minecraft has an error in which if somebody opens the door, stands on the door, then shuts in and logs out and back in, then they go out of the map.

    My players NEED cells, but I can't have them escape the jail. Is there ANY way for me to patch this? Help so much appreciated. Thanks!
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    oh your problem is dont do that it will glitch uasally so go get a jail plugin or make a new place new world and suround it by lava and do the thing where they try to escape the cant even when they kill themselfs or a big wall out of bedrock it so simple dont always u doors
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    What do you mean by "jail plugin?" Like, a plugin FOR prison servers, or a plugin just for jailing. I am talking about, my players want furnaces because people take their stuff. I want them to have cells, too. However I do not want to keep monitoring them to see if they're in/out of the map.
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