Invisible Rails

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Norbu10, Sep 16, 2013.

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    It looks like that it will not register the rails in the config for me as its not showing the rails in there. I've tried that command and it did nothing.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    That is really weird.

    I have a plugin that works on my side, modified it for him but somehow it is not working.
    I actually want to make a dev page for this but I also want this issue fixed

    Prefer to work alone

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
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    Any news on any updates?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    I just don't know what is wrong, will add a debug function to it, your console won't like the speed of it though
    Still the same download link, open your config and add this line somewhere:
    debug: true
  5. Offline


    Ok well i think i have found a fix for me to use this plugin im just manually adding the rails into the config and it seems to work.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    And the hidesingle method?
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    It dosnt save them to the config when i use that command.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  9. Offline


    Is there any chance of adding a reload config commmand?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Probably not.
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    Can you maybe add the ability to make rails look like water too? Like have it when you place rails on iron blocks, that the iron blocks are invisible, and so is the rail. Also, make it where when you place rails on lapis blocks, it changes the rail to invisible, and the lapis block is water. timtower
  12. Offline


    why use invisibility?
    why not use point to point entity movement. such as moving the mine cart from point a to point b to point c using previous positions of place track. Example: a person types a command such as /invistrack start and places a visible mine track, this will be the starting point of the mine carts travel, then they type /invistrack build and when ever they place a track it deletes it and places its cords in a array list or some storage place, and then the player types /invistrack end and you place a visible track where mine carts end travel. when the mine cart is placed on the start track it travels to the first invisible tracks cords, then to the next ones cords, and so on, when it reaches the ending track it stops.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    pilot3101 Won't add that.
    lrdemolition This won't require math / a lot of logging. What you want is completely different from this.
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    timtower And why is that? It would be better if you gave a reason of why not then just saying "@pilot3101 Won't add that."
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You can let rails look like any block already ( would have known that if you read everything )
    And also hiding the block below the rails will probably do some weird stuff client side and it is lots of storage that I don't want to implement.
  16. Offline


    Ive tried installing this about 30 times LOL I've removed all plugins etc I've tried everything the console error I'm getting is this ,if you could help me out that would be amazing also I've seen some other people use features like, carts on water and carts suspended by leads idk if you could do that

    23.04 13:51:11 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: nl/timdebrouwer/invisiblerail/InvisibleRail : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
    23.04 13:51:11 [Server] INFO [13:51:11 ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins/InvisibleRail.jar' in folder 'plugins'
    23.04 13:51:11 [Multicraft] Skipped 42 lines due to rate limit (30/s
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    djmentalvibe Update your java. And you can make rails look like water with this, will still work as normal. And I won't make suspended carts.
  18. Offline


    This is probably just me being stupid but do i do this in the server files etc or is it the server host who needs to do it, or is there any tutorials LOL
  19. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    It is a plugin, you put it in the plugins folder.
    And there is a list of commands in a different comment in the thread.
    And there are no tutorials for this.
  20. Offline


    I mean the JAVA does the server host update the java or do i do this in the servers files ;) Sorry for being a pain
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Host has to do this, but I use java 7 to compile, most hosts should have that installed. Mac is a different issue though
  22. Offline


    Thanks for the help mate really appreciate it ;)
  23. Offline


    timtower Why is the rails normal again after a reload/restart?
  24. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    It shouldnt be
  25. Offline


    timtower does it have to save in a config?
    cause it isn't saving to a config tagh me for a faster reply!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Dmrtje It should be doing that
  27. Offline


    Thats what it was doing to me, be but replacing what was already in the config with the new cords every time i tryed to hide a rail so it would only hide the most recent and forget about the rest..
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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  30. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    I am not having that issue as far as I know.
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