Solved Inventory Click Event Not Sensing Inventory

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Kedric, Oct 30, 2014.

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    Im really seriously lost here. I have done a bunch of research and tried for hours so I think it is time to ask bukkit forums. I have a OOP that I have created registered with an event and everything, it doesn't sense the invnentory, I've tried everything else and it works but not this one? I'm very confused! Thanks for the help if you can! Here is the code:

    Thanks again! - Kedric
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    try a debugger such as a System.out.println("test"); in each event and if statement to see where the problem might be occurring, or if the events are even being registered
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    So I've been trying debuggers and tests and all other things, it seems as if the inventory is not registered as an inventory. It is like it doesn't sense it, I made sure it registers, it does.
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    which inventory are you reffering to Kedric
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    The Inva or inv, I have tried each one and it doesn't work.

    I still haven't advanced. Does anyone have any ideas? Its really confusing....

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
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    Where do you open the inventory? Could I see both classes?
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    TheCodingCat well even if it is for debug purposes It's a bad habit to use system.out.println(); for bukkit plugins.. Please avoid it

    Also as xXMaTTHDXx said correctly, could you please post both classes?
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    How I manage the QS.
    How I access it, , that is my Main class and in the onEnable the line is the QSManager.addQuestion...
    BTW its just a test question, it is for a quiz that we are going to give the players.

    Nevermind I have figured it out! ~Thanks for all those who have helped, stupid error on my part, if you are opening an inventory to another inventory and don't close the other one it doesnt register! -Thanks again! ~Kedric

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
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    Kedric great its fixed ;) but have you removed the static?
    In order to acess non static methods/variables you have to create a instance of the class (new ClassName();) and then if you have lets say QA question = new QA(); you do question.method/variable
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