Installers with Plugin Packs

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by puppy3276, Aug 30, 2012.

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    I was wondering if I could make an auto installer with a plugin pack. I will not be redistributing the jar files, instead my program will automaticly download and install them into the plugin folders. I will also do the same with downloading craftbukkkit.
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    i dislike plugin packs in general, since they dont take into account the ever changing interactions with plugins, and tend to go outdated and stupid very quickly.
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    I am planning to add a link that will download the latest version of the plugin. And it will let people choose the plugins they want to use a predefined pack.

    To further explain it will provide a program that users can select which plugins to download and install or use a predefined plugin pack. It will also download and install craftbukkit.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2016
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    this basically what bukkitGUI already does. downloading directly from the plugin page is not recommended, since plugins sometimes upload multiple files, or beta files.
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    Basicly what I'm doing is a craftbukkit auto installer with different plugin pachs such as a starter pack, an rpg pack, a pvp pack, a freebuild pack. Users will also have the choice to do an advanced install where they can pick the plugins they want to install. It will also setup config files and bukkits starip script.
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