[INFO/WEB] Landmarks v0.2 - with DynMap addon [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DFYX, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: v0.2
    Tested with Craftbukkit 953/Dynmap 0.19.1


    This plugin lets you define landmarks that will be saved into a JSON file, similar to the old MapMarkers for hMod. I have included a DynMap component that shows those landmarks as little icons on the map.

    If you like this, why not donate a few bucks? But don't worry, this plugin will always be free.​

    • Set and delete landmarks
    • Display them on a DynMap
    • Full support for multiple worlds
    Download Landmarks 0.2 (Jar only, dynmap component only)
    Source Code
    Older versions: 0.1.1, 0.1

    /landmark add <name>
    Set a new landmark to your current position. Name may contain spaces.
    /landmark modify <name>
    Set update an existing landmark to your current position. Name may contain spaces.
    /landmark set <name>
    Shortcut for add or modify depending if there already is a landmark with this name. Name may contain spaces.
    /landmark delete|del|remove <name>
    Remove an existing landmark. Name may contain spaces.

    (All permissions include the rights to use the matching aliases and shortcuts such as /landmark set)
    The player may use /landmark add
    The player may use /landmark modify on his own markers
    The player may use /landmark modify on all markers
    The player may use /landmark remove on his own markers
    The player may use /landmark remove on all markers

    • List existing landmarks
    • Show information like creator and time (already included in JSON file)
    • Think about priorities or grouping
    • Different icons? Probably larger icons for higher zoom levels.
    • Save display settings in cookies
    1. Just unpack the contents of the zip file into your bukkit folder.
    2. If you want to use the DynMap component:
      1. Go to plugins/Landmarks/config.yml and set markersfile to ../dynmap/web/markers.json
      2. If you have copied your dynmap/web folder to your Apache folder (as described in DynMap's setup instructions), use that path instead or use a symlink
      3. Go to plugins/dynmap/configuration.txt, find "components:" and add the following below it:
          - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
            type: landmarks
      4. Optional: to display the settings panel, add the following just above what you added in the last step:
          - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
            type: settings
    There's also a more detailed howto for Linux users below. Thanks, paccer!

    Version 0.2
    • Permissions support
    • New settings panel where people can select if they want to see the markers and marker texts (optional). See setup instructions step 2.4
    • Markers are now automatically removed from dynmap without reloading the page
    • New commands add and modify (they do basically the same as set, but you won't accidentally update an existing marker when you want to add a new one or the other way round)
    • The default config now contains the correct markersfile path for dynmap
    Version 0.1.1
    • Included config.yml and removed markers.json (will be created automatically)
    • Added a 2 pixel semi-transparent white border around the landmark icons
    • No changes to the jar file itself!
  2. Offline


    this is working for me: http://pastebin.com/V3QdHhv5

    But i don't understand why i can only set 1 Landmark and not more on my dynmap: http://swisssmpserver.tk:8123/
    if i set more, they were never showed, even after a restart or browser page reload (F5).
    my landmark config:
    markersfile: /minecraftbukkit/plugins/dynmap/web/markers.json
    and there is the only one "markers.jon" file on my server. and it shows just the firstly created landmark and why it doesn't save more to the file? xD it has FTP access "660" and with that first landmark setting worked.

    [{"time":1302467621,"name":"FortressAssault Zone","owner":"Kartus","z":-397,"world":"world","y":72,"x":-435}]
    Probably the files from Flag modification from KiloWhyiskey has it broken? I'm going to test this next minutes.
  3. Offline


    What's the path in your landmarks/config.yml file?
  4. Offline


    i wrote it in my post xD
    markersfile: /minecraftbukkit/plugins/dynmap/web/markers.json

    And restart with original landmarks.js doesn't help. i will try this: reinstall landmarks completely.
  5. Offline


    What happens when you try to delete that marker?
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    np ;) glad you got it working now
  8. Offline


    the marker has been removed from map after F5 reloading dynmap page. After this i tried /landmark set, but no mark appear on dynmap after F5. i have to reinstall landmark i think and report the result of test.
  9. Offline


    Just wanted to say I've started using landmarks with dynmap, thank you for providing a useful feature!

    Had a few problems with linux host, but fixed them using a symlink. The config seems to ignore the path.
  10. Offline


    doesn't helped. issue exists. i removed markers.json from /dynmap/web/ and restarted server and it doesn't recreate a new file, also "/landmark set Spawn" say's me in chat "Marker "Spawn" set." but still no markes.json file exists in /plugins/landmarks or /dynmap/web.

    with original config "markersfile: markers.json" and restart server it works. but when i move the marks.json into /dynmap/web and link it in config with markersfile: /minecraftbukkit/plugins/dynmap/web/markers.json
    it can't add new landmarks. only the existing remains and will be shown on map.
    what's problem?
  11. When you set the location in the config, make sure it is like this
    markersfile: ../dynmap/web/markers.json
    The two leading dots are important.
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    markersfile: ../dynmap/web/markers.json
    # All paths in this configuration file are relative to Dynmap's data-folder: minecraft_server/plugins/dynmap/
    # How often a tile gets rendered (in seconds).
    renderinterval: 1
    #  - playermove
    #  - playerjoin
      - blockplaced
      - blockbreak
    # The path where the tile-files are placed.
    tilespath: web/tiles
    # The path where the web-files are located.
    webpath: web
    # The network-interface the webserver will bind to ( for all interfaces, for only local access).
    # The TCP-port the webserver will listen on.
    webserver-port: 8123
    # Disables Webserver portion of Dynmap (Advanced users only)
    disable-webserver: false
    # Writes JSON to file in the webpath
    jsonfile: false
    # How often the json file gets written to(in seconds)
    jsonfile-interval: 1
    # The maptypes Dynmap will use to render.
      - name: Begin
          - class: org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap
            prefix: flat
            colorscheme: default
          - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap
              - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer
                prefix: t
                maximumheight: 127
                colorscheme: default
      - name: Bao
          - class: org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap
            prefix: flat
            colorscheme: default
          - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap
              - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer
                prefix: t
                maximumheight: 127
                colorscheme: default
      - name: Gods
          - class: org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap
            prefix: flat
            colorscheme: default
          - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap
              - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer
                prefix: t
                maximumheight: 127
                colorscheme: default
      - name: Hell
          - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap
              - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer
                prefix: nt
                maximumheight: 127
                colorscheme: default
        # Handles the clientside updates differently only enable if using jsonfile
        jsonfile: false
        # Interval the browser should poll for updates.
        updaterate: 2000
        showchatballoons: true
        focuschatballoons: true
        showchatwindow: true
        allowwebchat: true
        webchat-interval: 5
        messagettl: 15
        showplayerfacesonmap: true
        showplayerfacesinmenu: true
        joinmessage: "%playername% joined"
        quitmessage: "%playername% quit"
        spammessage: "You may only chat once every %interval% seconds."
          - type: landmarks
          - type: chat
          - type: chatballoon
            focuschatballoons: false
          - type: chatbox
            showplayerfaces: true
            messagettl: 5
          - type: playermarkers
            showplayerfaces: true
          #- type: digitalclock
          - type: timeofdayclock
            showdigitalclock: true
        defaultworld: world
          - title: BeginWorld
            name: Begin
              - type: KzedMapType
                title: Surface
                name: surface
                prefix: t
              - type: FlatMapType
                title: Flat
                name: flat
                prefix: flat
          - title: BaoWorld
            name: Bao
              - type: KzedMapType
                title: Surface
                name: surface
                prefix: t
              - type: FlatMapType
                title: Flat
                name: flat
                prefix: flat
          - title: GodsWorld
            name: Gods
              - type: KzedMapType
                title: Surface
                name: surface
                prefix: t
              - type: FlatMapType
                title: Flat
                name: flat
                prefix: flat
          - title: Hell
            name: Hell
              - type: KzedMapType
                title: Surface
                name: nether
                prefix: nt
          # Example:
          #- title: Other World          # With what name the world is displayed.
          #  name: world_other            # The actual name of the world (equal to your directory-name).
          #  maps:
          #    - type: KzedMapType        # The type (or perspective) of the map. At the moment, there are no others than KzedMapType.
          #      title: Surface          # The name of the map that will be displayed.
          #      name: surface            # The actual name of the map (should be unique for this world).
          #      prefix: t                # The prefix of the tile-files that are generated.
          #      icon: images/block_other.png    # Sets a custom icon for the map. (optional)
          #    - type: KzedMapType
          #      title: Cave
          #      name: cave
          #      prefix: ct
    # Enables debugging.
    #  - class: org.dynmap.debug.LogDebugger
  14. Offline


    Thanks. This solved it. I missunderstood that "../". I though i have to replace ".." with my folders ;)
  15. You're welcome :) Glad you got it working. The double dot just tells it to look up one folder.
  16. Offline


    suggest: implement that i can choose or if i want homeicon or flagicon (from KiloWhyiskey):
    "/landmark set f text" = flag icon
    "/landmark set h text" = home icon
    possible? you can make then landmark_h.png and landmark_f.png.

    suggest: make it possible to teleport to the landmarks.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
    Gabriel Gortan likes this.
  17. Offline

    Gabriel Gortan

    helo, i wanna implant this feature in my dynmap but wen i do like you say my map is not loaded, my webbrower dont find the page can you help me , im am portuguese so my english sucks
  18. Offline


    Does your DynMap alone work?

    Different icons are planned. Warps are not. There are lots of good warp plugins. For now just set a warp and a landmark at the same position. Maybe I'll add a parser for warps.txt later.
  19. Offline

    Gabriel Gortan

    yes my dyn map without the landmarks works fine
  20. Offline

    Gabriel Gortan

    can you help me?
  21. Offline


    hi, i dont become marker on my map
    have 0.1.1 fixed
    markersfile: markers.json
    dynmap configuration.txt:
    - type: chat
    - type: chatballoon
    focuschatballoons: false
    - type: chatbox
    showplayerfaces: true
    messagettl: 5
    - type: playermarkers
    showplayerfaces: false
    #- type: digitalclock
    - type: timeofdayclock
    showdigitalclock: true
    - type: landmarks

    whats my misstake?
  22. Offline


  23. Offline


    Set markersfile to ../dynmap/markers.json
  24. Offline


    it looks like so
    markersfile: ../dynmap/map/markers.json

  25. Offline


    I found a bug when I use Dynmap with IIS 7.5/Windows 2008 R2 : https://github.com/FrozenCow/dynmap/issues/120 and I found a similar issue with Landmarks, the markers.json has written in ANSI on Windows, but they should force to write in UTF-8.
  26. Offline


    Great plugin ! Could you add the possibility to set landmarks thanks to signs in game.
    For example if a player create a sign and then put it on the ground or on a wall, if the sign begins with "~", the message on it will automatically be added as a landmark (without the special character ~) ?
  27. Offline


    Maybe later. By the way, sorry for the delay. I had some work to do. The new version is almost finished and will probably be released tomorrow.
  28. Offline


    i dont find the file /dynmap/configuration.txt

    and how to show the marks online
  29. Offline


  30. Offline


    Have you reloaded (or better restarted) your server after editing dynmap/configuration.txt?
  31. Offline


    of course ^^ (more than once (restart))

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