[INFO/WEB] Landmarks v0.2 - with DynMap addon [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DFYX, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: v0.2
    Tested with Craftbukkit 953/Dynmap 0.19.1


    This plugin lets you define landmarks that will be saved into a JSON file, similar to the old MapMarkers for hMod. I have included a DynMap component that shows those landmarks as little icons on the map.

    If you like this, why not donate a few bucks? But don't worry, this plugin will always be free.​

    • Set and delete landmarks
    • Display them on a DynMap
    • Full support for multiple worlds
    Download Landmarks 0.2 (Jar only, dynmap component only)
    Source Code
    Older versions: 0.1.1, 0.1

    /landmark add <name>
    Set a new landmark to your current position. Name may contain spaces.
    /landmark modify <name>
    Set update an existing landmark to your current position. Name may contain spaces.
    /landmark set <name>
    Shortcut for add or modify depending if there already is a landmark with this name. Name may contain spaces.
    /landmark delete|del|remove <name>
    Remove an existing landmark. Name may contain spaces.

    (All permissions include the rights to use the matching aliases and shortcuts such as /landmark set)
    The player may use /landmark add
    The player may use /landmark modify on his own markers
    The player may use /landmark modify on all markers
    The player may use /landmark remove on his own markers
    The player may use /landmark remove on all markers

    • List existing landmarks
    • Show information like creator and time (already included in JSON file)
    • Think about priorities or grouping
    • Different icons? Probably larger icons for higher zoom levels.
    • Save display settings in cookies
    1. Just unpack the contents of the zip file into your bukkit folder.
    2. If you want to use the DynMap component:
      1. Go to plugins/Landmarks/config.yml and set markersfile to ../dynmap/web/markers.json
      2. If you have copied your dynmap/web folder to your Apache folder (as described in DynMap's setup instructions), use that path instead or use a symlink
      3. Go to plugins/dynmap/configuration.txt, find "components:" and add the following below it:
          - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
            type: landmarks
      4. Optional: to display the settings panel, add the following just above what you added in the last step:
          - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
            type: settings
    There's also a more detailed howto for Linux users below. Thanks, paccer!

    Version 0.2
    • Permissions support
    • New settings panel where people can select if they want to see the markers and marker texts (optional). See setup instructions step 2.4
    • Markers are now automatically removed from dynmap without reloading the page
    • New commands add and modify (they do basically the same as set, but you won't accidentally update an existing marker when you want to add a new one or the other way round)
    • The default config now contains the correct markersfile path for dynmap
    Version 0.1.1
    • Included config.yml and removed markers.json (will be created automatically)
    • Added a 2 pixel semi-transparent white border around the landmark icons
    • No changes to the jar file itself!
  2. Need some information. Which downloads from this thread are you using, paste your dynmap config file so we can confirm your config is correct, and how is your dynmap hosted? Via the dynmap server, apache, IIS, etc?
  3. Offline


    I downloaded "Download Landmarks 0.2", my config file is below, and I am hosting it off of a DynMap server.

    # All paths in this configuration file are relative to Dynmap's data-folder: minecraft_server/plugins/dynmap/
    # All map templates are defined in the templates directory
    # By default, the 'classic' FlatMap and KzedMap templates are used, which can be found in normal.txt, nether.txt, and skylands.txt
    # To use the HDMap low-res map templates as world defaults (normal-lowres, nether-lowres and skylands-lowres), uncomment the following line
    #   The definitions of these templates are in normal-lowres.txt, nether-lowres.txt, and skylands-lowres.txt
    #deftemplatesuffix: lowres
    # To use the HDMap hi-res map templates (these can take a VERY long time for initial fullrender), comment the following line
    #   The definitions of these templates are in normal-hires.txt, nether-hires.txt, and skylands-hires.txt
    #deftemplatesuffix: hires
    # Other values will search for templates named normal-<value>, nether-<value>, skylands-<value>
      - class: org.dynmap.ClientConfigurationComponent
      - class: org.dynmap.InternalClientUpdateComponent
        sendhealth: true
        sendposition: true
        allowwebchat: true
        webchat-interval: 5
        hidewebchatip: true
        trustclientname: false
      #- class: org.dynmap.JsonFileClientUpdateComponent
      #  writeinterval: 1
      #  sendhealth: true
      #  sendposition: true
      #  allowwebchat: false
      #  webchat-interval: 5
      #  hidewebchatip: false
      - class: org.dynmap.SimpleWebChatComponent
        allowchat: true
      #- class: org.dynmap.herochat.HeroWebChatComponent
      #  # Control which HeroChat channel messages from web are directed to
      #  herochatwebchannel: Global
      #  # Control which channels are monitored and reported to the web
      #  herochatchannels:
      #    - Global
      #    #- Trade
      #    #- Haggle
      - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
        type: chat
      - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
        type: chatballoon
        focuschatballoons: false
      - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
        type: chatbox
        showplayerfaces: true
        messagettl: 5
      - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
        type: playermarkers
        showplayerfaces: true
        showplayerhealth: true
        # Option to make player faces small - don't use with showplayerhealth
        smallplayerfaces: false
      #  # Optional - make player faces layer hidden by default
      #  hidebydefault: true
      #- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
      #  type: digitalclock
      - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
        type: timeofdayclock
        showdigitalclock: true
        showweather: true
      #- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
      #  type: logo
      #  text: "Dynmap"
      #  linkurl: "http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/dynmap.489/"
      #- class: org.dynmap.regions.RegionsComponent
      #  type: regions
      #  name: WorldGuard
      #  useworldpath: true
      #  filename: regions.yml
      #  basenode: regions
      #  use3dregions: true
      #  regionstyle:
      #    strokeColor: "#FF0000"
      #    strokeOpacity: 0.8
      #    strokeWeight: 3
      #    fillColor: "#FF0000"
      #    fillOpacity: 0.35
      #  # Optional setting to limit which regions to show, by name - if commented out, all regions are shown
      #  visibleregions:
      #    - homebase
      #    - miningsite
      #  # Optional setting to hide specific regions, by name
      #  hiddenregions:
      #    - hiddenplace
      #    - secretsite
      #  # Optional per-region overrides for regionstyle (any defined replace those in regionstyle)
      #  customstyle:
      #    homebase:
      #      strokeColor: "#00FF00"
      #  # Optional - make layer hidden by default
      #  hidebydefault: true
      #- class: org.dynmap.regions.RegionsComponent
      #  type: regions
      #  name: Residence
      #  useworldpath: false
      #  filename: res.yml
      #  basenode: Residences
      #  use3dregions: false
      #  infowindow: '<div class="infowindow"><span style="font-size:120%;">%regionname%</span><br /> Owner <span style="font-weight:bold;">%playerowners%</span><br />Flags<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">%flags%</span></div>'
      #  regionstyle:
      #    strokeColor: "#FF0000"
      #    strokeOpacity: 0.8
      #    strokeWeight: 3
      #    fillColor: "#FF0000"
      #    fillOpacity: 0.35
      #  # Optional setting to limit which regions to show, by name - if commented out, all regions are shown
      #  visibleregions:
      #    - homebase
      #    - miningsite
      #  # Optional setting to hide specific regions, by name
      #  hiddenregions:
      #    - hiddenplace
      #    - secretsite
      #  # Optional per-region overrides for regionstyle (any defined replace those in regionstyle)
      #  customstyle:
      #    homebase:
      #      strokeColor: "#00FF00"
      #  # Optional groups (subareas under a residence) overrides for regionstyle (any defined replace those in regionstyle)
      #  groupstyle:
      #    homebase:
      #      strokeColor: "#007F00"
      #  # Optional - make layer hidden by default
      #  hidebydefault: true
      #- class: org.dynmap.regions.RegionsComponent
      #  type: regions
      #  name: Towny
      #  use3dregions: false
      #  infowindow: '<div class="infowindow"><span style="font-size:120%;">%regionname% (%nation%)</span><br /> Mayor <span style="font-weight:bold;">%playerowners%</span><br /> Associates <span style="font-weight:bold;">%playermanagers%</span><br/>Flags<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">%flags%</span></div>'
      #  regionstyle:
      #    strokeColor: "#FF0000"
      #    strokeOpacity: 0.8
      #    strokeWeight: 3
      #    fillColor: "#FF0000"
      #    fillOpacity: 0.35
      #  # Optional setting to limit which regions to show, by name - if commented out, all regions are shown
      #  visibleregions:
      #    - homebase
      #    - miningsite
      #  # Optional setting to hide specific regions, by name
      #  hiddenregions:
      #    - hiddenplace
      #    - secretsite
      #  # Optional per-town overrides for regionstyle (any defined replace those in regionstyle)
      #  customstyle:
      #    homebase:
      #      strokeColor: "#00FF00"
      #  # Optional per-nation overrides for regionstyle (any defined replace those in regionstyle)
      #  groupstyle:
      #    MyNation:
      #      strokeColor: "#007F00"
      #  # Optional - make layer hidden by default
      #  hidebydefault: true
      #- class: org.dynmap.TestComponent
      #  stuff: "This is some configuration-value"
      - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
        type: settings
      - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
        type: landmarks
    # Treat hiddenplayers.txt as a whitelist for players to be shown on the map? (Default false)
    display-whitelist: false
    # How often a tile gets rendered (in seconds).
    renderinterval: 1
    # How many tiles on update queue before accelerate render interval
    renderacceleratethreshold: 60
    # How often to render tiles when backlog is above renderacceleratethreshold
    renderaccelerateinterval: 0.2
    # Zoom-out tile update period - how often to scan for and process tile updates into zoom-out tiles (in seconds)
    zoomoutperiod: 30
    # Tile hashing is used to minimize tile file updates when no changes have occurred - set to false to disable
    enabletilehash: true
      #- chunkloaded
      #- playermove
      #- playerjoin
      - blockplaced
      - blockbreak
      - leavesdecay
      - blockburn
      - chunkgenerated
      - blockformed
      - blockfaded
      - blockspread
      - pistonmoved
      - explosion
      - playermove
    # The path where the tile-files are placed.
    tilespath: web/tiles
    # The path where the web-files are located.
    webpath: web
    # The network-interface the webserver will bind to ( for all interfaces, for only local access).
    # The TCP-port the webserver will listen on.
    webserver-port: 8123
    # Maximum concurrent session on internal web server - limits resources used in Bukkit server
    max-sessions: 30
    # Disables Webserver portion of Dynmap (Advanced users only)
    disable-webserver: false
    # Enable/disable having the web server allow symbolic links (true=compatible with existing code, false=more secure (default))
    allow-symlinks: true
    # Period between tile renders for fullrender, in seconds (non-zero to pace fullrenders, lessen CPU load)
    timesliceinterval: 0.0
    # Maximum chunk loads per server tick (1/20th of a second) - reducing this below 90 will impact render performance, but also will reduce server thread load
    maxchunkspertick: 200
    # Progress report interval for fullrender/radiusrender, in tiles.  Must be 100 or greater
    progressloginterval: 100
    # EXPERIMENTAL - parallel fullrender: if defined, number of concurrent threads used for fullrender or radiusrender
    #   Note: setting this will result in much more intensive CPU use, some additional memory use.  Caution should be used when
    #  setting this to equal or exceed the number of physical cores on the system.
    #parallelrendercnt: 4
    # Interval the browser should poll for updates.
    updaterate: 2000
    showplayerfacesinmenu: true
    # Set sidebaropened: true to pin menu sidebar opened
    #sidebaropened: true
    joinmessage: "%playername% joined the game"
    quitmessage: "%playername% left the game"
    spammessage: "You may only chat once every %interval% seconds."
    # webprefix and websuffix support using '&color;' as escape code for color code
    webprefix: "&color;2[DynMap] "
    websuffix: "&color;f"
    # Enable checking for banned IPs via banned-ips.txt (internal web server only)
    check-banned-ips: true
    # Default selection when map page is loaded
    defaultzoom: 0
    defaultworld: MineLand
    defaultmap: flat
    # NOTE: the 'templates' section is now found in the 'templates' directory
    #  Templates CAN still be defined in configuration.txt, as before 0.20
    # NOTE: the 'worlds' section is now found in the worlds.txt (example custom settings can be found in worlds.txt.sample)
    #  Worlds CAN still be defined in configuration.txt, as before 0.20
    # Set to true to enable verbose startup messages - can help with debugging map configuration problems
    # Set to false for a much quieter startup log
    verbose: false
    # Enables debugging.
    #  - class: org.dynmap.debug.LogDebugger
  4. 0.2 doesn't work. You need at least 0.3, but I'd suggest 0.5 from a few posts above.
    Install at least the new web files, and then remove
      - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
        type: settings 
    from your config (0.5 has no settings panel). You may also want the new .jar since it has a few new features that 0.2 doesn't have.
  5. Offline


    Where can i download 0.5?

    EDIT: Found it. Thanks!

    Landmarks still don't show up

    EDIT: wait, maybe i fixed it...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  6. Offline



    Hi... I would like to use this plugin to work with my pigmap renders. And I have it working. I was wondering if you could have it write to a different JSON file per world? Right now, ALL the markers show up on all of the worlds. If I could have the settings file redirect the entries based on which world the player is in, then I can modify the web pages to pull from a different JSON per world.

    Help please?

  7. You don't need multiple files to do this. The world is included as a property for every landmark. Simply loop over the list of landmarks and throw away the ones with a world property you do not want. This is also how this plugin + dynmap works: it loads all landmarks, then only displays the ones where the world matches the currently viewed world. Having multiple files would only needlessly complicate everything :)
  8. Offline


    I actually thought of that this morning... unfortunately, my JavaScript skills are very lacking and I don't know how to parse through and only display some records based on one of those fields. I will keep trying though. In looking at a lot of code from other people's pigmaps, I've been able to do more than I thought I would have.

    Is the new "type" field on Landmarks 0.4 intended to be used as a category? If so, then I could display different icons based on the type of landmark...

    Does anyone know how I would modify this Javascript call in order to pull out data from different worlds on my server?

    function initMarkers() {
    if (markersInit) { return; }
    markersInit = true;
    for (i in data) {

    function createMarker(item) {

    var content = "<span style='font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px'><span style='font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 16px'><b>" + item.name + "</b></span><br/>Landmark by: " + item.owner + "<br/>Coords: " + item.x + "," + item.y + "," + item.z + "</span>";
    var info = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: content, });
    var converted = fromWorldToLatLng(item.x, item.y, item.z);
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: converted,
    map: map,
    title: item.name + " - " + item.owner,
    icon: '../sign.png',
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {info.open(map, marker);});


    Sample JSON data:


    What I'd really love would be to separate out worlds and types. This way I could have different types of markers (the types) on different worlds all stored in one JSON file, which is added to by the Landmarks plugin, but displayed on different pigmap pages with different functions like the one above.

    Can anyone help? Thank you so much in advance!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  9. Offline


    I still cant get any markers to show up. When i do /landmarkslist , it shows all of them, but it does not appear on the dynmap. I have no idea what I am doing wrong!
  10. Yes. That's exactly what it is for :)

    Something like this: http://pastebin.com/ppXjPej0
    Note that it doesn't remove any markers when you call it multiple times, it only adds them... you'll have to take care of removing the markers before adding any new ones. Simply supply the world name to the init function and it should work. Types can be done in a similar way.

    Did you copy the web files into the dynmap web folder? Did you enable landmarks in the dynmap setup? When viewing the map, do you get any javascript errors (if so, which)?
  11. Offline



    Thank you so much for your assistance. I tried to work with what you sent me and I'm not sure what field to modify to equal my world info. What part of your code would I want to modify if I wanted to parse and select only those entries with a "world":"mundusprime" with them?

    What I'm really needing is the ability to filter on two different fields (world and type) at the same time. I'm so terribly appreciative for what you've done already, but can you help me do something that parses for:

    "world":"mundusprime" AND "type":"portal"

    At some point, I'd love to be able to turn on and off layers of "types" at some point. I realize that what you've helped with will only turn on the data and not off, but I'll have to tackle that some other day.

    Thank you so much for your help!!!

    - SBHouse


    I figured out what I was supposed to do to fire it off... thanks! I did some research (after all, I *AM* trying to learn and not just ask of others). Once I modify the line later in the page to this everything works as planned:


    Thanks again for your help!!!! I wouldn't have gotten this far without your help! Would still love how to select based off of two parameters instead of one. If you have the time, that would be awesome!

    - SBHouse

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  12. Offline




    That worked great! You rock!
  13. Offline


    Yes i copied the web folder, enable landmarks in the dynmap setup?? Uh-oh.... How do i do that?, no javascript errors
  14. Go to plugins/dynmap/configuration.txt, find "components:" and add the following below it:

    - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
      type: landmarks
  15. Offline


    Yes, i did that
  16. Then it should either work or throw javascript errors at you. :)
  17. Offline


    Heeey! thats my project.

    I should update it.
    Will start this week if people wants more icons. (I can make around 800 icons for it)
  18. Offline


    I am unable to get the 0.5 landmark plugin to work on my server.

    I have downloaded the 0.5 .jar and 0.5 dynmap files

    I have additionally added:

    - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
    type: landmarks

    I did not add type: settings

    The plugin gives no errors and says it is succesfully saving the markers.json file and I have verified that the file is present.

    What am I missing?

    - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent type: landmarks
  19. Offline



    I have the same problem as jeremytrains and FoxTech.

    Here is my dynmap config (I highlighted the landmarks part):

    # All paths in this configuration file are relative to Dynmap's data-folder: minecraft_server/plugins/dynmap/

    - class: org.dynmap.ClientConfigurationComponent

    - class: org.dynmap.InternalClientUpdateComponent
    sendhealth: true
    allowwebchat: true
    webchat-interval: 5
    #- class: org.dynmap.JsonFileClientUpdateComponent
    # writeinterval: 1
    # sendhealth: true
    # allowwebchat: false

    - class: org.dynmap.SimpleWebChatComponent
    allowchat: true
    #- class: org.dynmap.herochat.HeroWebChatComponent
    # # Control which HeroChat channel messages from web are directed to
    # herochatwebchannel: Global
    # # Control which channels are monitored and reported to the web
    # herochatchannels:
    # - Global
    # #- Trade
    # #- Haggle
    - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
    type: landmarks
    - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
    type: chat
    - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
    type: chatballoon
    focuschatballoons: false
    - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
    type: chatbox
    showplayerfaces: true
    messagettl: 5
    - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
    type: playermarkers
    showplayerfaces: true
    showplayerhealth: true
    #- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
    # type: digitalclock
    - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
    type: timeofdayclock
    showdigitalclock: true
    showweather: true
    - class: org.dynmap.regions.RegionsComponent
    type: regions
    name: WorldGuard
    useworldpath: true
    filename: regions.yml
    basenode: regions
    use3dregions: false
    infowindow: '<div class="infowindow"><span style="font-size:120%;">%regionname% - %priority% (%parent%)</span><br /> Owners <span style="font-weight:bold;">%playerowners% %groupowners%</span><br />Members <span style="font-weight:bold;">%playermembers% %groupmembers%</span><br />Flags<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">%flags%</span></div>'
    strokeColor: "#FF0000"
    strokeOpacity: 0.8
    strokeWeight: 3
    fillColor: "#FF0000"
    fillOpacity: 0.35
    - class: org.dynmap.TestComponent
    stuff: "This is some configuration-value"

    # Treat hiddenplayers.txt as a whitelist for players to be shown on the map? (Default false)
    display-whitelist: false

    # How often a tile gets rendered (in seconds).
    renderinterval: 1

    # Do render on main thread - may generate more server load, but safer and fixes broken tiles
    renderonsync: true

    - chunkloaded
    - playermove
    # - playerjoin
    - blockplaced
    - blockbreak

    # The path where the tile-files are placed.
    tilespath: web/tiles

    # The path where the web-files are located.
    webpath: web

    # The network-interface the webserver will bind to ( for all interfaces, for only local access).

    # The TCP-port the webserver will listen on.
    webserver-port: 8080

    # Disables Webserver portion of Dynmap (Advanced users only)
    disable-webserver: false

    # Use timesliced fullrender - takes a bit longer, but much more polite for server
    timeslicerender: true

    # Period between tile renders for timesliced fullrender, in seconds
    timesliceinterval: 0.5

    # Interval the browser should poll for updates.
    updaterate: 30

    showplayerfacesinmenu: true

    joinmessage: "%playername% joined"
    quitmessage: "%playername% quit"
    spammessage: "You may only chat once every %interval% seconds."

    defaultzoom: 0
    defaulttemplatesuffix: hires
    defaultworld: new

    # template world - this is used for worlds that exist but aren't defined in the worlds section.
    # Also, it supplies the "maps" section for worlds lacking a maps section, and the "center"
    # for worlds lacking a "center" section.
    # Template for normal world
    enabled: true
    x: 1205
    y: 62
    z: 56
    - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
    name: surface
    title: "World"
    perspective: iso_SE_30_hires
    shader: stdtexture
    lighting: default
    mapzoomin: 2
    # Add shadows to world (based on top-down shadows from chunk data)
    # shadowstrength: 1.0
    # Sets the icon to 'images/block_custom.png'
    # icon: custom
    #- class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.HighlightTileRenderer
    # prefix: ht
    # maximumheight: 127
    # colorscheme: default
    # highlight: # For highlighting multiple block-types.
    # - 56 # Highlight diamond-ore
    # - 66 # Highlight minecart track
    # highlight: 56 # For highlighting a single block-type.
    # Nether world template
    enabled: true
    x: 0
    y: 64
    z: 0
    - class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
    name: surface
    title: "Nether"
    perspective: iso_NW_30_hires
    shader: stdtexture
    lighting: default
    mapzoomin: 2

    And here is the server start log (at least the dynmap part):

    09:20:36 [INFO] [Landmarks] Loading /usr/games/minecraft/plugins/dynmap/web/markers.json
    09:20:36 [INFO] [Landmarks] Successfully loaded 1 markers.
    09:20:36 [INFO] [Landmarks] Permission system not detected, no checks
    09:20:36 [INFO] [Landmarks] Landmarks 0.5 enabled.
    09:20:37 [INFO] [dynmap] Using Bukkit Permissions (superperms) for access control
    09:20:38 [INFO] [dynmap] Loading shaders...
    09:20:38 [INFO] [dynmap] Loaded 12 shaders.
    09:20:38 [INFO] [dynmap] Loading perspectives...
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Loaded 56 perspectives.
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Loading lightings...
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Loaded 6 lightings.
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Using environment as template: normal
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Configuration of world new
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] center: org.dynmap.ConfigurationNode@229eb46b
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] enabled: true
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] title: new
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] maps: [{class=org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap, name=surface, title=World, prefix=null, perspective=iso_SE_30_hires, shader=stdtexture, lighting=default, mapzoomin=2}]
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] name: new
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Loading maps of world 'new'...
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Loaded 1 maps of world 'new'.
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Using environment as template: nether
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Configuration of world new_nether
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] center: org.dynmap.ConfigurationNode@5675d86b
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] enabled: true
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] title: new_nether
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] maps: [{class=org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap, name=surface, title=Nether, prefix=null, perspective=iso_NW_30_hires, shader=stdtexture, lighting=default, mapzoomin=2}]
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] name: new_nether
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Loading maps of world 'new_nether'...
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Loaded 1 maps of world 'new_nether'.
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Web server is not permitting symbolic links
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Hello! I'm a component that does stuff! Like saying what is in my configuration: This is some configuration-value
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Loaded 11 components.
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] Dynmap WebServer started on null:8080
    09:20:39 [INFO] [dynmap] version 0.23 is enabled

    When I comment out the dynmap section in the configuration then it only loads 10 components, so it definitely loads the landmarks component.

    When I type /landmarklist in the console I get this:

    09:22:44 [INFO] [Landmarks] [Default] Hanging Gardens at (2647, 103, -3821)

    which confirms that there is a landmark set.

    As you can see there is no Java error and I configured it correctly (as far as I can see), however, it still doesn't show on the map...
  20. Offline


    I would like to add that I am attempting to install this plugin for this first time using 0.5 on the new 1185 build of bukkit. Is it possible that the new 1185 build caused the 0.5 plugin to be incompatible? Is anyone using this plugin with the new 1185 build?
  21. Offline


    Will this plugin (the 0.4 fork by Thulinma ["The Great"]) be getting its own page for easier tracking? This plugin is hugely appreciated on my server thanks to his help with JavaScript displaying of the JSON on my Pigmaps.
  22. For people having issues getting it to work: open up the dynmap map for your server and open the javascript console (recent versions of all decent browsers have this feature build-in). Assuming you have the config part correct (it seems more people that are having issues have a good config) it should then either load the landmarks or show at least one javascript error in the console (in your browser - not in the MC server!) Post the error(s) you are getting here or sent them in a PM to me and I'll try to help as best as I can. Without this information, it really is like shooting in the dark :)

    I guess I should add a separate page for this version, yes... it doesn't look like the original plugin creator is coming back.
    Also, since you went through the trouble of adding pigmap compatibility - if you share your code I can put it up (giving credit where it's due, of course) next to the dynmap files. Since this plugin is not part of dynmap at all, there is no reason not to support more map types - right? :)

    I am, myself. Works without any needed changes to the config.
  23. Offline


    I started a private conversation with you in regards to getting the landmarks working on my dynmap page
  24. Offline


    Hey, I'm having the same problem as these guys where the markers dont show up, the error it gives in the browser is "error loading js/landmarks.js"
  25. Offline


    I was planning on documenting what I did to get the pigmap / landmark implementation going at some point. I will do my best to quote sources. But I snatched Javascript code off I don't know how many different websites PLUS two different people here to equal what it is. My coding ability usually stops at HTML so I can't claim ANY credit really.
  26. Offline


    yes, i know however i just wanted to add the link on another page so people could find it hope you don't mind.
    and yes please MORE ICONS! XD :)
  27. Well, worst case I'll re-write it. I just need to know what needs to be done to support this type of map, really. I don't use it myself so I can't test anything...

    That error means you forgot to put the webfiles in the dynmap /web/ folder.
  28. Offline


    Thank you for helping me Thulinma. I am happy to say that my problem was solved. For what ever reason dynmap was looking for the webfiles where I had tried to install the 0.2 plugin which was different than the default 0.5 directory. Instead of editing the configuration for the webfiles. I simply overwrote all the webfiles for 0.2 in the "web" folder. Hope this helps someone else.
  29. Offline


    to make it more idiot proof, you should add the web folder in dynmap_webfiles.zip

    now the directory structure is like this
    it should be
    (or just remove the dynmap folder)

    i did a blind copy&paste job, and was wondering why landmarks were not showing up in the map :)
  30. Offline


    They are all in the files. tripple checked

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