Inactive [INFO/MISC] OreDetector v0.2 - Finding ores & dungeons easily [1240]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by deleted_70790, May 14, 2011.

  1. Offline


    OreDetector - Finding ores & dungeons easily:
    Version: v0.2
    Download: Download latest version here
    Older versions: v0.1
    • Is your diamond tool broken again? Or you need some lapislazuli for your dye?
    • Are you sick of digging over hundrets of blocks until finding some pieces of rare ore?
    • Haven't found a dungeon for weeks or not at all?
    • Does it gnaw at your conscience when using /i or /give commands to obtain ores of your choice?
    OreDetector helps you a bit without cheating!

    OreDetector1.jpg OreDetector2.jpg OreDetector3.jpg

    • Detects COAL, IRON, GOLD, DIAMOND, LAPISLAZULI, REDSTONE or MOSSY COBBLESTONE nearby the player and sends him a hint message
    • Player can switch detection on/off, change detection sensitivity and select the ores to get notified for
    • Permissions support (but not required!)
    How to use

    Just move around below the surface and you will get notified when ore is around. By default detection for Iron, Gold, Diamond, Lapislazuli and Mossy Cobblestone is enabled.

    The notification contains a hint how many block between you and the ore are. So you still need to dig around a bit to find it!

    Note: You won't get repeating notifications for the same ore block, if the distance to it is not changing. Just move around if notification stops and try to get closer to the ore.
    Try around a bit. You will get a feeling for it ;)

    Not all ores types are found on every elevation. See the following graph if you like to learn more about ore occurences and their typical elevation:

    Show Spoiler

    • /odrange [none|low|normal|far]
      • none = Detection off
      • low|normal|far = Detection sensitivity
    • /odtype [c|i|g|d|r|l|m|*]
      • c = Coal
      • i = Iron
      • g = Gold
      • d = Diamond
      • r = Redstone
      • l = Lapislazuli
      • m = Mossy Cobblestone
      • * = ALL
      • You may combine the letters as you like, e.g. use /odtype gdl to find Gold, Diamond and Lapislazuli only
    Warning: Enabling all types together isn't recommended if you actually want to find rare ores. You will get notified on the first occurance of any ore you selected. As Coal ist the most common ore and is around you at any time, you will get notified for coal at first, even if there are diamonds e.g. two blocks onward. So you have to mine the coal first, to get notified for the diamonds then. Enabling detection for the rare ores only (or these you are urgently looking for) and disabling the other ones is more effective then.


    Just Copy OreDetector.jar in your plugin directory and reload your server or plugin manager.


    You may configure OreDetector by altering the config.yml file within the plugins/OreDetector folder. It looks like:

        range: NORMAL
        types: GDLM
        fallbackop: true
    Possible properties are:
    • default:
      • range: [NONE|LOW|NORMAL|FAR]
        • Defines the initial detection range for new players
      • types: [C|I|G|D|R|L|M]
        • Defines the initial ores to be detected for new players
        • Each letters stands for its corresponding ore (see command /odtype)
        • You may combine the letters, e.g. GDL for Gold, Diamond and Lapislazuli
    • permission:
      • fallbackop: [true|false]
        • Defines how OreDetector should handle permissions if no supported Permission plugin is found. If set to true, only players mentioned in ops.txt may use the plugin. If set to false, ALL players may use OreDetector.

    Permission nodes for Permissions plugin by TheYeti.
    Last tested version: v3.1.4
    • oredetector.*
      • Allow everything
    • oredetector.range.*
      • Allows the player to use all ranges
    • oredetector.range.low
      • Allows the player to switch range to LOW
    • oredetector.range.normal
      • Allows the player to switch range to NORMAL
    • oredetector.range.far
      • Allows the player to switch range to FAR
    • oredetector.type.*
      • Allows the player to enable detection for all ore types.
    • oredetector.type.coal
      • Allows the player to enable detection for coal.
    • oredetector.type.iron
      • Allows the player to enable detection for iron.
      • Allows the player to enable detection for gold.
    • oredetector.type.diamond
      • Allows the player to enable detection for diamond.
      • Allows the player to enable detection for redstone.
    • oredetector.type.lapislazuli
      • Allows the player to enable detection for lapislazuli.
    • oredetector.type.mossystone
      • Allows the player to enable detection for mossy cobblestone.
    If Permissions is not installed, the fallback method depends on how you configured it in the config.yml file!

    Planed Features (in future releases):
    • Ore priority choosable, means player can select which ore should be notified at first
    Known bugs
    • none

    Version 0.2 (June 08, 2011)
    • Added more detailed permission nodes
    • Added configuration options
    • Fixed weird notification behavior when flying out of vertical world bounds
    Version 0.1 (May 14, 2011)
    • Initial release (Fork from DiamondDetector)
    Suggestions and bug reports are always welcome! Please report also performance issues when using the plugin with many players! I can't test that.

  2. Offline


    Hi I've tried to run these command directly from the server console. But I get the following "error".
    >odrange far
    12:04:51 [INFO] /odrange [none|low|normal|far]
    But in game it's possible to change the range. I need this support to change the range randomly over a shell script. Please can you fix this issue?

    Greetings :)
  3. Offline


    @madcad This is no issue :) The commands and their effects are user specific. Do you like to tell me what is your intention?
  4. Offline


    Hehe Ok :) Then I have a feature wish. :)

    I want to change this globally for the whole server over a shell script. This script send commands to the server over netcat to a bukkit telnet plugin. So I'm also able to give randomly money to the current online players (essentials economy system). And exactly the same I want for your nice plugin. So that every player can't decide about the scanning range and the range should be changed randomly e.g.. every 15 minuets.
  5. Offline


    Can i have the source to this please?

    Nevermind, ill just do some looking around.
  6. Offline


    This was working fine with CraftBukkit 1.1-R1, but it no longer loads with -R6. But maybe you already know that...
  7. Offline


    running CraftBukkit version git-bukkit-1.2.4-r1.0-b2126jnks (mc 1.2.4)

    I was unable to get the ore detector to load. I copied the jar to my plugins folder

    Error was 17:57:27 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\OreDetector.jar' in folder 'plugins'
    org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bu

    Theres other errors from here on.
  8. Offline


    M8 great plugin i would love to see it working under 1.2.4/5
    can we help?
  9. Offline


    Because this plugin seems to be dead and i was unable to find similar plugin, i made my own, you can try it...
  10. Offline


    Why won't it create a folder for it in my plugins folder? I have installed many plugins and have never had a problem before. I put the jar file in my plugins folder, but it did not create a OreDetector folder after I restarted my server.

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