Inactive [INFO] MCDocs v14.3 ~ Documentation Plugin || MOTD, Local or Online Files, Your Commands [1.3.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Tazzernator, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Offline



    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    NEWS (open)

    Version 11.2 released (22nd October 2011)

    Version 11.2
    • Added permissions wildcard support (mcdocs.*) works for all commands.
      • Note: this only allows all commands. mcdocs.reload does not fall under this wildcard. This needs to be set separately.
    • Added some try catch around the motd: configs.
    • Fixed motd-enabled
    Version 11.1
    • Removed the spacing that occurs when you only have 1 page.
    • New variable: %time (Shows what time it is in the player's world in 12 hour format.
      • Sun rises @ 5am, Sets @ 7pm
    Version 11
    • Updated to work with PermissionsBukkit (Tested, nodes work)
    • Updated to work with Register for %balance, you will need to download the Register plugin for this to work with iConomy and various other economy plugins.
    • Optimised much of the code.
    • Updated the commands config structure, much simpler now than before. :)
    • You can now use %name, %size, %world, %group, %ip, %world, %prefix, %suffix in your file paths in the config.yml
    • Redefined the MOTD process.
      • Is now all defined within configuration
      • You can now use online files
    • Changed how logging occurs, you can toggle if you want to be informed about errors or not in the config now.
    • Group support now uses an in house permission system, where you define the groups players are in manually.
    • New permissions-enabled variable, Do you have any permissions system installed? Yes: true | No: false
    DoomLord, Camberme, efstajas and 18 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Console spews 'couldn't find motd.txt' for every joining player when the file is deleted.
    Can this be excluded or silenced via config in later patches? Sort of adds unnecessary junk to the logs.
  3. Offline


    A workaround could be to make an empty motd.txt.
  4. Offline


    Everything running brilliantly, thanks for the plugin, only one minor problem.
    When i type my /rules command it returns with 'Error: null' but also gives me the contents of my rules.txt.
    My friend isn't getting it and it's only the /rules command.
    Any other information needed?
  5. Offline


    That will instead show the MOTD header and page number when logging in, which is an undesired effect.
  6. Offline


    It shouldn't on the latest version (4.1) i think. I slightly remember removing it. Are you on 4.1?

    Post up your commands.txt and your rules.txt

  7. Offline


    Please excuse me while I go slap myself. I really should read changelogs before I open my mouth. My apologies.
  8. Offline


    &9#1 &cDON'T &9be a ----.
    &9#2 &cDON'T &9modify others' work, if you wish to help, ask.
    &9#3 &cDON'T &9steal other people's items.
    &9#4 &cDON'T &9disobey mods/admins.
    &9#5 &cDON'T &9build single towers or tunnels.
    &9#6 &aDO &9be a mate.
    &9#7 Unsure of ANYTHING, just ask a mod!
    &9#69 Just relax, build awesome ---- and have fun guys.
  9. Offline


    Haha no worries.


    I can't re-create your error :/
  10. Offline


    Okay, no worries. Thanks anyway, it's something minor that I can deal with. :)
    One thing friend gets a 'You do not have access to that command.' error when he types /rules (no other MCDocs commands', but once again the rules still display. that i think about it, it could be a conflict with permissions' /rules command. I'll have a fiddle around and get back to you.

    EDIT: Yepp, fixed it up. It was a problem with Permissions. Thanks anyway!
  11. Offline


    Speaking of permissions could it be possible to have this tied in with permissions, so that if i have a /adminhelp only admins can use it?
  12. Offline


    I'll setup permissions once there is a standard in bukkit's API.
  13. Offline


    I feel lazy cause I didnt put this much dedication to MCDocs when I made it on hMod lol glad to see it has all the features others wanted. Keep up the work
    Tazzernator likes this.
  14. Offline


    My /news and /rules broke when I updated this plugin.

    Any idea right off the bat?
  15. Offline


    Updated with the zip file that overwrote existing files?
  16. Offline


    Try and match the layout in the zip.
  17. Offline


    Jan 25, 2011 5:00:23 PM org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager callEvent
    SEVERE: Could not pass event PLAYER_COMMAND to MCDocs
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
    at com.bukkit.tazzernator.mcdocs.MCDocsListener.onPlayerCommand(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.c(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(SourceFile:24)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(SourceFile:232)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:104)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(

    I saw this within 10 seconds of starting the server with this plugin lol

    Edit: Oh FFS it's in the OP. I'll see if that fixes anything.
  18. Offline


    Could you also add an %IP variable? Thanks.
  19. Offline


    my client locks up when I try certain files. I created one explaining what actions would get you banned on the server. added /banning:banning.txt and when I (or any player) use /banning it locks up the client. Full stop. I tried moving the information to punishment.txt but you can't update commands.txt on the fly like you can the other txt files so everything just stops working. Running 135 with essentials and permissions. I have a total of 11 files and all but banning.txt have 3 funky characters at the begging of the file and only files with these characters work. Suggestions? (I tried copying the funky characters but got the same result, fulls top client lock up)
  20. Offline



    MCDocs 4.2

    • Added a space to the end of every line so even if you accedentally put a color code at the end of a line, the client won't crash.

    ZIP: Download
    JAR: Download


    I'll be putting in more variables and other suggestions most likely tomorrow, as today is Australia Day and thus busy :)
    --- merged: Jan 26, 2011 2:11 AM ---
    update to the lates (4.2) Posted just above this message.

    Since version 3.1 you can use & instead of the funky character.
  21. Offline


    I wasn't talking about §, I was talking about these [] They only appear in the text files that MCDocs loads and they appear before the first character in the first line of the document. This is the first line of my help.txt...

    &f/playerlist &6-&e Lists Players Online

    Might be something to do with how ubuntu reads the file or something. But thank for the fix on the colors at the ends of the lines. I didn't have any put there on purpose, but i think the word wrap was sending the rest of a line around at exactly the right point to leave a color code just hanging out down there. Makes sense anyway.
  22. Offline


    I have no idea what this post even meant.

    If you are still having issues, upload both the commands.txt and whatever command is failing .txt
  23. Offline


    Everything is working great now. Thanks for the update. I have no idea where the funny symbols came from but since the update I can remove them from the txt files and everything still works. Thanks again. :D
  24. Offline


    It's working great, no real bugs to report except if you try text wrapping a line in the commands, the game will crash next time you try to use the commands. Also if a pagination header is used, it can't be seen unless people press Enter to Scroll Up so maybe changing the lines for a pagination to 8 or 9 instead of 10?
  25. Offline


    If there is an 11th line, it makes a page 2 but does not show page header for page 1
  26. Offline


    Any chance you can throw in a config.txt or something that lets you edit the format of the pagination line? So we can pick the wording and colors with the number of pages filled in by a %page variable or something.
  27. Offline


    What do you mean text warpping a line in commands?
    The format is per line /command:file.txt
    Obviously if you fuckup the format, you break the program. Your error.
    Um.. it is 9. Your lines must be too long int the file and going onto a new line in game. Cut up your lines properly.

    Nope. Impossible. You are most likely in the same boat as flaaghara, where your lines are too long in the file and wrapping to new lines in game. Cut up your lines properly in the file.

    Nope, just more ways for people to fuck it up.

    As you can see here, it is working flawlessly.
  28. Offline


    When viewing certain text files, I get a 'null:error' in the chat window at the end of the text.

    cbukkit 137, mcdocs 4.2

    Example text that produces this error:

    &6Welcome to Kochi Minecraft!
    Required reading: &3/rules&f, &3/tips&f, &3/help, &3/market
    Normal chats can only be heard for 20 squares!
    Use &3/y&f to chat globally.
    &c!!WTF!!: On Jan. 27th server had a major glitch.
    Please &3/mail highwisdom&f if you need assistance.
    Example text that does NOT produce the error:
                     USER TIPS
    1. It's always day, but monsters live underground.
    2. &a/sethome&f bookmarks your position. &a/home&f warps back.
    3. Use &a/warp help&f for info on how use/share warp points.
    3. Lock your chests/furnaces! Read §a/lwc &ffor info.
    4. Use the §a/mail §fto send and recieve messages!
    5. Signs can now only be broken by their creator.
    6. Map: §a
  29. Offline


    I fully agree that that it works flawlessly. My question was about format. I don't care for the pink and gray or the format of the text. Thus my request to be able to modify specifically color and wording.
  30. Offline



    Works perfectly for me... :/

    Does the console say anything?

    Also, can you upload your commands.txt?
    --- merged: Jan 27, 2011 8:15 AM ---
    ok ok ok ok. I'll do it
    --- merged: Jan 27, 2011 8:50 AM ---
    MCDocs v4.3


    • Added functionality to modify the header. If it fails at reading your header, or it can't find the file, it will fall back to default.


    ZIP: Download
    JAR: Download


    • YOU DO NOT HAVE TO MODIFY THIS, Only if you want a custom header
    • This file should have only 1 line.
    • This line should not be longer than 1 line in minecraft.
    • I will provide NO support for this addition, as it is only stupidity that will break it.
    This file allows you to modify how the header is displayed when there
    is more than one page. For the following example, say the command.txt line is

    And lets also assume there is 13 lines in "rulefile.txt"

    The line in "headerformat.txt" is the following:

    &c%commandname - Page %current of %count &f| &7%command <page>
    This will output:

    Color codes exempt in the example ofcourse.
  31. Offline


    Nice Update, thanks!

    What's about Permissions Support, so I could make a commands-page onlx for my mods and admins?

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