Inactive [INFO] MCDocs v14.3 ~ Documentation Plugin || MOTD, Local or Online Files, Your Commands [1.3.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Tazzernator, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Offline



    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    NEWS (open)

    Version 11.2 released (22nd October 2011)

    Version 11.2
    • Added permissions wildcard support (mcdocs.*) works for all commands.
      • Note: this only allows all commands. mcdocs.reload does not fall under this wildcard. This needs to be set separately.
    • Added some try catch around the motd: configs.
    • Fixed motd-enabled
    Version 11.1
    • Removed the spacing that occurs when you only have 1 page.
    • New variable: %time (Shows what time it is in the player's world in 12 hour format.
      • Sun rises @ 5am, Sets @ 7pm
    Version 11
    • Updated to work with PermissionsBukkit (Tested, nodes work)
    • Updated to work with Register for %balance, you will need to download the Register plugin for this to work with iConomy and various other economy plugins.
    • Optimised much of the code.
    • Updated the commands config structure, much simpler now than before. :)
    • You can now use %name, %size, %world, %group, %ip, %world, %prefix, %suffix in your file paths in the config.yml
    • Redefined the MOTD process.
      • Is now all defined within configuration
      • You can now use online files
    • Changed how logging occurs, you can toggle if you want to be informed about errors or not in the config now.
    • Group support now uses an in house permission system, where you define the groups players are in manually.
    • New permissions-enabled variable, Do you have any permissions system installed? Yes: true | No: false
    DoomLord, Camberme, efstajas and 18 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Could you add an override for page length?
    I generally keep the in game news to a readable scale but it cuts off some stuff which I don't like it doing.

    Beautiful plugin by the way, really helps with all the other plugins I'm running and getting them documented.
  3. Offline


    You had the same problem as me. Read the permissions thread again. It talks about renaming the config.yml to your world name (located in This fixed the problem I had for lots of plugins.
  4. Offline


    Minecraft has a set height of lines it can view..
  5. Offline


    Works without any problems with #493 and GM 1.0
    Tazzernator likes this.
  6. Offline


    I think an example of what I'm looking for is in stuff like BigBrother or iConomy's command help menu's, where they exceed what can be seen normally until you bring up the chatbox to view part of the chat log.

    example (open)
  7. Offline


    Sorry - But it'd take too much time.
  8. Offline


    one request:
    yould u remove the ! in the serverlog so that all messages fit into one serverlog line?
  9. Offline


    What? - The width of the console is dynamic....................................................................
    --- merged: Mar 3, 2011 8:33 AM ---
    To Add:

  10. Offline


    hm, im using the default windows7 cmd which isnt so dynamic-.-
    i just try out: the max width is have of the screen (19"). so for me the ! is in a new line
  11. Offline


    lol windows - bad luck :p
  12. Offline


    :p ok u have your fun:D but will u fix it?
  13. Offline


    R-Click the title bar, click "Properties" click "Layout" tab, change widths.
    Tazzernator and Jandalf like this.
  14. Offline


    omg cmd has properties, u are my hero^^
  15. Offline


    I just upgraded to 493 and MCDocs doesn't seem to work. When can I expect it to be compatible? I find it to be an essential plugin. It's how all of my players get information.

    EDIT: Actually it appears to just be the commands that are having issues. MOTD works fine when the players log in. I'm sure permissions is set up correctly because it was working before the upgrade.
  16. Offline



    ^^ As you can see it is working perfectly on build 493. Your setup is incorrect. How preposterous to think it was you, not me :O
  17. Offline


    That's odd. Do you have any idea what could be wrong? It says that the commands are unknown.
  18. Offline


    Did you upgrade Permissions as well?
  19. Offline


    I'm using the latest Group Manager and the permissions for all other commands are working correctly.

    EDIT: I got it to work by deleting the jar and uploading it again. Odd. Sorry for wasting your time. Great plugin by the way!
    Tazzernator likes this.
  20. Offline


    No problems with #493, works extreme good together with commandbook and GroupManager 1.0
    Tazzernator likes this.
  21. Offline


    Hey Tazz,

    What's the chances of a "%world%" variable that we can use within the plugin that will display the world name? Easy enough to do? (Sorry if it's already in, but haven't seen it as a suggestion or in the docco in the pages i've read yet?)

    Tazzernator likes this.
  22. Offline


    Yeah that should be easy enough - ill add the variable in about 24hours. Ill have a quick look at others I can add too while I'm at it.
  23. Offline


    I am getting the error where the player_join event cannot be passed.
    Running Build 493 CraftBukkit. Any help would be awesome. Thanks.
  24. Offline


    The full exception is needed to assist you in any way.
  25. Offline


    Removed all other plugins and MCDocs works. Need to find whats causing combatability problems.
    List of my plugins:
  26. Offline


    It would be permissions most likely - Most likely you have not assigned a group to a use correctly.
  27. Offline


    Yes as you posted I ruled everything but Permissions. I don't know why I have to create whole new groupings, but into the trash it goes (permissions). Thanks for the pointer.
  28. Offline


    I think I accidentally found a solution for the problem of /help still showing the basic bukkit help to OPs. It's kind of a work around, but if you install the help plugin and set up a /help in MCDocs then MCDocs will override the help plugins help command.
  29. Offline


    Awesome plugin but I gotta ask, no chance of a re-thinker?
    Building my own help file with everything in it including plugin list and plugin info
    and would love if I could use "/plugin dynmap" and see my file "plugins dynmap.txt"
    or something like that, with pages perhaps being "/plugins dynmap 2" instead
    of having to use "-" or "_" between them (feels more natural with bare spaces)
    And perhaps sub-folders? right now I 100 *.txt files just for plugins in MCDocs
    perhaps adding a feature where commands.txt could use "/command:folder/filename.txt:group"?
    sorry for lengthy post :oops:
  30. Offline


  31. Offline


    commands wont work

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