Inactive [INFO] MapMarkers v0.3.4 [1.1R6]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by TJ09, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. Offline


    This plugin outputs a JSON file containing player locations for use with various Minecraft mapping software.

    1. Put MapMarkers.jar in your plugins folder
    2. Run your server once to generate a config file
    3. Edit plugins/MapMarkers/config.yml to your liking

    SETUP FOR MINECRAFT OVERVIEWER (Courtesy of FlukiestEmperor)
    0. Perform installation (see above)
    1. Edit MapMarkers.yml so that markers.json is placed in the same folder as your Minecraft Overviewer output
    Alternatively don't edit MapMarkers.yml, make a symlink (Linux):
    ln -s path/to/minecraft/server/bin/world/markers.json path/to/minecraft/map/markers.json
    2. Put player.png, player.php, and player_markers.js where the overviewer index.html is. (Optionally web_assets in your overviewer source directory)
    If you don't want to use player skins as the markers (requires PHP, allow_url_fopen, and ideally write permissions by your PHP user), copy player_markers_noskin.js and rename it to player_markers.js
    3. Add a line to your source overviewer index.html that reads:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="player_markers.js"></script>
    4. Run overviewer and everything should work

    0. Perform installation (see above)
    1. Edit MapMarkers.yml so that markers.json is placed in the same folder as your Pigmap output
    Alternatively don't edit MapMarkers.yml, make a symlink (Linux):
    ln -s path/to/minecraft/server/bin/world/markers.json path/to/minecraft/map/markers.json
    2. Put player.png, player.php, and player_markers_old.js where the pigmap HTML is.
    If you don't want to use player skins as the markers (which requires PHP, allow_url_fopen, and ideally write permissions by your PHP user), copy player_markers_noskin_old.js and rename it to player_markers.js
    3. Add two lines to your source template.html that reads:
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="player_markers.js"></script>
    4. Run pigmap and everything should work

    plugins/MapMarkers/config.yml contains all settings

    saveInterval (default 3000): How often to output the markers, in milliseconds
    outputFile (default world/markers.json): Where to place the output file
    dateFormat (default yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss): How to format timestamps in the output JSON.
    writeSpawn (default false): Whether or not to place spawn markers (one for each world) in the output.

    • Fixed for new configuration and event handling (Now works in 1.1-R6 and 1.2-betawhatever)
    • Updated quit event signature (fixes the nag errors)
    • Updated player_markers.js for the latest version of Overviewer. Pigmap and old versions of Overviewer are in the _old suffix (unchanged from 0.3.2)
    • Readme file contains the right instructions pointing to the new config location.

    • Properly included player_markers_noskin.js in the zip
    • Fixed a bug in player.php
    • Config file is now located in plugins/MapMarkers/config.yml. The plugin will automatically create the folder/file as necessary.
    • JSON output now includes world name instead of GUID.

    • Removed the constructor for compatability with new versions of Bukkit.
    • Plugin now handles player teleport events.
    • Timer now uses the bukkit scheduling stuff instead of a separate thread.

    • JSON output now has IDs indicating the marker type
    • Optional spawn markers (see config file)
    • JSON output includes world GUID
    • Player skins as can be used as icons
    FUTURE(Possible features)
    • Easy multiworld support.
    • Commands to add custom markers
    • Server weather and time
    • Player-controlled hiding of their position.
    • Zoom-to-player and track player

    Most recent version available at: (Direct Jar)
    Older versions can be downloaded from:
    Mahagon, Phaedrus and DiddiZ like this.
  2. Offline


    Yeah, I didn't update the plugin.yml file.

    EDIT: If version number is important to you, I just re-uploaded 0.3.1 with the right version number.
  3. Offline


    Haha, I can be OCD at times, so yes, this helps me sleep at night now. Thank you! :)
  4. Offline


    I'm still not getting a config file to edit the plugin. This is driving me nuts. I have to take the source, edit the values manually, and re-compile.
  5. Offline


    What do you mean by "not geting a config file?" There's one packaged in the zip, are you saying that editing the config file is having no effect for you?
  6. Offline


    Yeah... I'll create an official fork sometime today. My pull request from 2/12/2011 (implementation of onTeleport to track warps) has been ignored so far [​IMG]
  7. Offline


    The plugin used to automatically create it. Why is it not now? Where would I place the config file for the plugin to read it?
    --- merged: Mar 4, 2011 3:38 PM ---
    I placed the config file in the root of my Bukkit folder, and it worked.

    I hate doing that

    Please fix this plugin to use the same ./plugin/PluginName/PluginConfig.yml like the other plugins do.
  8. Offline


    The code never actually wrote to a config file, unless the built-in Bukkit config classes used to.

    I probably will do that at some point.
  9. Offline


    Just can't seem to get this working with my overviewer installation :(

    Gives errors about the player.php and doesn't draw any markers on the map
  10. Offline


    If you're having issues with player.php, you can use generic player images instead:
    Also, is anyone using the world part of the JSON yet? I implemented multiworld on my server and am working on setting up multiworld markers on overviewer, and it's looking like it'd be more useful to put the world name instead of the GUID, but I don't know if that'd break things for any existing users.
  11. Offline


    I cannot wait for any kind of multiworld script (using pigmap, ofc ;)) World name is better imo, gives easier flexibility in adapting the scripts.
  12. Offline


    Maybe I'm totally blind or something, but I just can't seem to find the _noskin.js from anywhere.
  13. Offline


    Looks like I forgot to modify my Makefile to include it in the zip. Here's the file. (Renamed to .txt due to forum limitations)

    Attached Files:

  14. Offline

    Jonathan Bloom

    I have allow_url_fopen enabled and added the code to my pigmap, but it's not showing up.
  15. Offline


    And, where to find player_markers_noskin ? I'm asking for it since one week :D
  16. Offline


    The player.php just gives "PHP Notice: Undefined variable: username in player.php on line 4" even if you have all the settings right etc.
  17. Offline


    Right. Because it's sending headers /before/ it parses the username out of the URL. If you move the two header() lines below "$username = ..." it should fix that.
  18. Offline

    Jonathan Bloom

    D'oh! Had lighttpd installed, but not php.
    --- merged: Mar 7, 2011 2:07 AM ---
    @TJ09, it seems to be an issue with retrieving the skin. It works if I use noskin, but once I switch to the skin script, it won't show up. I even made a cache directory with full write permissions.

    My php info file is
  19. Offline


    PLease, I really can't find the no_skin.js ...
  20. Offline

    Jonathan Bloom

    It's an attachment further up. Download it and change it from txt to .js
  21. Offline


    Thx Jonathan, I would have not seen it !
  22. Offline


    Where i can get Pigmap ?
  23. Offline


    Minecraft official forum, search "pigmap" :)
  24. Offline


    0.3.2 released. Changes are:
    • Properly included player_markers_noskin.js in the zip
    • Fixed a bug in player.php
    • Config file is now located in plugins/MapMarkers/config.yml. The plugin will automatically create the folder/file as necessary.
    • JSON output now includes world name instead of GUID.
  25. Offline

    Jonathan Bloom

    I still can't get the player skins to work. I've got php 5 installed and fopen is allowed, but when I use the regular player_markers.js it doesn't show up, but as soon as I go to noskin it pops up right away.
  26. Offline


    What happens if you try to access player.php?Username directly? EX player.php?TJ09
  27. Offline

    Jonathan Bloom

  28. Offline


  29. Offline

    Jonathan Bloom

    Installed GD and now it works!

    I also wanted to thank you for making this plugin. It's invaluable for my server. We love seeing who's online and also seeing where we are relative on the map.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  30. Offline


    Saw a mod in the thread but can we get a playerlist built into this.
  31. Offline

    Jonathan Bloom

    I also would like to see the playerlist built in.

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