Inactive [INFO] HelpPages 1.30 - Group-Specific Custom Help Pages [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by ToastedJelly, May 23, 2011.

  1. Offline



    Version: v1.30
    CB Builds Tested: 1337,1060, 1000, 953, 935, 928, 860, 818, 803, 798, 766

    Download: Current Version 1.30 - older: V1.21 v1.20 v1.10, v1.00
    Completely customizable Group-Specific Help Pages. Permissions supported, but works without it. Powerful System to define what is shown depending on group and parameter after /help. Unrestricted: /help can be different from /help 1, pageable named help topics like /help warps, /help warps 2 or even /help 42 without having to define /help 41.
    It's recommended to conform to known standards for the normal help pages, but you can additionaly add easter eggs or store clues for treasure hunts etc.

    • Simple configuration - No YML madness
    • Automatic configuration reload on change
    • Permissions: Group-Specific Help Pages
    • Supported Permission systems: Permissions 2/3, PermissionsEx, GroupManager, Op
    • Reuse of Help Pages for different groups
    • Numbered or Named Help Pages or a Mix
    • Unlimited Number of Pages and Lines per Page (max 10 recommended)
    • Standard Color Codes
    • Color preserving word-wrapping
    • Mutlilanguage Support - Every Message can be customized
    • Custom Group-Specific Variables
    • Testmode to check Help Pages for other Groups
    • Works in-game and in the Console.
    • Creates a list of all Commands and Descriptions on first Start for easy Copy'n'Paste
    • Updateable by CraftBukkitUpToDate
    How to Install:
    1. Download HelpPages.jar from the above Link.
    2. Put it in your plugins folder.
    3. Run the plugin at least once to create the HelpPages directory
    4. Customize HelpPages/config.txt and that's it. No need to reload the plugin. Configuration changes are automatically reloaded.
    5. To integrate this with other plugins that have a /help command like essentials, open the jar file of the other plugin with something like 7zip, extract the plugins.yml, edit it with a text editor and remove the lines defining the help command - i.e. the line "help:" and the following indented lines starting with "description", "usage" etc. Then add the customized plugins.yml back to the jar file.
    Permissions are optional. If you don't use Permissions or the Command sender is not a Player (Console), Op-status is checked instead:​
    • HelpPages.setgroup - Allows you to view other groups Help Pages for testing purposes.
    • /help <page_selector> - Shows the selected Page. The page_selector is optional and can be something simple like 1 or something more complex like wolf 2
    • /help <page_selector> @ groupname - Shows help for different groups - needs Permission
    Basic Configuration (open)

    • Define your Pages and name them. The name is arbitrary, but has to be unique. Example:
      [[page Page1
                          	&4---------------- &fSHAFT&7LANDS &4/help 1&c/2 &4----------------
                          	Lock your chests, furnaces and doors by putting &6[private]
                          	signs next to them - for more Options see &3Lockette &fPlugin!
                          	Chat-Colors: &0&&0&1&&1&2&&2&3&&3&4&&4&5&&5&6&&6&7&&7&8&&8&9&&9&a&&a&b&&b&c&&c&d&&d&e&&e&f&&f
                          	&c/help &7#  &f-  Views help page &7#
                          	&c/m  &f-  Sends a private message to the specified player
                          	&c/r  &f-  Reply to the last player you communicated with
                          	&c/me  &f-  Allows you to emote
                          [[page Page2
                          	&4---------------- &fSHAFT&7LANDS &4/help 2&c/2 &4----------------
                          	&c/who  &f-  Lists the players online and how many slots are left
                          	&c/spawn  &f-  Teleports you to the global spawn
                          	&c/home help  &f-  Shows home related help
                          	&c/warp help  &f-  Shows warp related help
                          	&c/kit  &f-  Obtains the specified kit or views all available kits
                          	&c/ping  &f-  Pong! (Check server response time)
                          	&c/getpos  &f-  Displays your current coordinates
                          	&c/back  &f-  Transports you back to your last deathpoint
    • As you see, you can use the Standard Color Codes:
    • The Order in which the Pages are defined is not important. They are referenced by their name.
    • Then you define which group sees which page depending on the selector
      [[group Administrators,Moderators,(OP)
                          [[group *
    • The Order in which you define those group blocks is important, because the first one that matches your User is used. As you see, Administrators, Moderators (if you use Permissions) and Ops are getting APage1-6 - which I didn't show in the Page definition above and all Users that don't match any of those Groups, fall through and match on * and they get Page1 and Page2. It is recommended to set it up as above - having the empty selector pointing to the same page as the 1 selector, as that's how User expects it to be. You can of course deviate from this, if you know what you're doing.
    • Special groups are (OP) for Ops and Console, (USER) for non-Ops in case you don't have Permissions and * which matches Every User and should be used last as a catch-all, so Everyone gets some Help Pages.
    • Another Example: Setting up the topic Mining with two pages and Monsters with one page.
      [[group Whatever
                           mining    => miningPage1
                           mining 1  => miningPage1
                           mining 2  => miningPage2
                           monster   => monsterPage
                           monster 1 => monsterPage
      • Selectors and Page names are case-insensitiv and additional spaces can be used for formatting purposes and are ignored.
      • Test mode Example: /help Creepers 2 @ SemiOps would show what SemiOps would see, if they would type /help Creepers 2 - given you have the permission to set the group - it's ignored otherwise.
    Advanced Configuration: Variables (open)

    • Default Variables available:
      • {name}, {displayname}
      • {group}
      • {world}
      • {health}
      • {pos} and {pos.x}, {pos.y}, {pos.z}
    • Custom Variables Example:
                         [[group Administrators,Moderators,(OP)
                         [[group *
                         [[page Page1
                         Hello {title} {displayname}
    • Using Custom Variables to reuse Pages at different Positions
                        [[group Administrators,Moderators,(OP)
                          pageCount = 3
                          basicPageNum = 2
                        [[group *
                          pageCount = 1
                          basicPageNum = 1
                        [[page AdminCmds
                        -------- Page 1/3 --------
                        [[page BasicCmds
                        -------- Page {basicPageNum}/{pageCount} --------
    • Another extensive Example is available here:

    Your turn:
    Do you have any suggestions on features you would like to have or did you find a Bug? Post a reply below! Please use a services like for Exceptions and complete Configuration files. I would also like to hear success stories or unusual use cases.​
    Finally if you like this plugin and would like to express your appreciation monetarily, feel free to​

    • Version 1.30 2011-06-16
      • Tested Builds: 860, 928, 935, 953, 1000, 1060,1337
      • Permissions plugin support added for: Permissions 2/3, PermissionsEx, GroupManager
      • Bugfix: Customized Messages not loaded from configuration file.
    • Version 1.21 2011-06-01
      • Tested Builds: 818, 860
      • Bugfix: Bug introduced with v1.20: default config files isn't created. (Thanks WayGroovy, Azelote)
    • Version 1.20 2011-05-30
      • Tested Builds: 803, 818
      • Automatic reload of changed configuration file
      • removed /hp_reload and corresponding permission node
    • Version 1.10 2011-05-26
      • Tested Builds: 803
      • Color preserving word-wrapping added
      • Variables added
    • Version 1.00 2011-05-23
      • Tested Builds: 766, 798, 803
      • Initial Release
    aidancbrady and zipron like this.
  2. Hello!
    I'm having problems with the plugin... it's not recognising as the admin :(
    I always get the help pages from the "*" group, and I can't possibly get it to give me the admins help page :(
    I'm using CB 1060, and bPermissions(Administrator group name is Admin).

    And here's my config for helppages:
    Welcome to the HelpPages configuration file.
    Everything outside the [[ ]] blocks is considered a comment and is ignored.
    When this file is created the first time, all available commands and descriptions
    are appended at the end of this file for easy copy'n'paste.
    noconfig=Configuration file not found.
    reloaded=Help Pages reloaded.
    unknownpage=Unknown Help Page. Start with /help.
    ###################### Groups ######################
    [[group Admin,(OP)
    [[group Mod,VIP
    [[group *
    ###################### Pages ######################
    [[page Members1
    &c--------------------- HELP 1/2  ---------------------
    Hello Mate, you can use the following commands:
    &c/help &7[#] &f- Shows help page &7[#]
    /home - Will teleport you to your home (being the last bed you slept in)
    /who [filter] - Get the list of players
    /motd - Show the message of the day
    /rules - Show the rules
    /me <msg...> - Say an action message
    /msg <target> <message...> - Send a private message to a user
    /reply <message...> - Reply to the last user
    [[page Members2
    &c--------------------- HELP 2/2  ---------------------
    /compass [target] - Get your compass direction
    /sort [top|all|0-35|stack|reload] [0-35] - Sort of your inventory.
    /sortchest - Sorts the chest your looking at.
    /spawn - Teleport to spawn
    [[page Mods1
    &c--------------------- HELP 1/2  ---------------------
    Hello Moderator, you can use the following commands:
    &c/help &7[#] &f- Shows help page &7[#]
    [[page Admins1
    &c--------------------- HELP 1/2  ---------------------
    Hello Admin, you can use the following commands:
    &c/help &7[#] &f- Shows help page &7[#]
    /item [-d] [target] <item[:data]> [amount] - Create an item
    /give [-d] <target> <item[:data]> [amount] - Give an item
    /time [world] <time|"current"> - Set the time of your current world
    /weather <'stormy'|'sunny'> [duration] [world] - Change the weather
    /thunder <'on'|'off'> [duration] [world] - Set the thunder state
    /setspawn [location] - Set the spawn location
    /spawnmob [-d] [-i] [-r] <mob> [count] [location] - Spawn a mob
    [[page Help
    &c--------------------- HELP 2/2  ---------------------
    This page is the same for everyone.
    Colors: &00 &11 &22 &33 &44 &55 &66 &77 &88 &99 &aa &bb &cc &dd &ee &ff
    I hope you can help me find the problem as I'd really like to use this plugin! :)
    Thank you!
  3. Offline


    Hey Guy,
    can u add PermissionsBukkit, too? plz ....
  4. Offline


    Working at it. Sorry for the delays... RealLife is a bitch...
  5. Offline


    Join BukkitDev
  6. Offline


    Will do for version 2
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    Second that.
  9. Offline


    Yes please!
    And is it just me or is the download link broken?
  10. Offline


    Hello. I'm using Build 1135, PermissionsBukkit.
    I'm confused. I downloaded the plugin, didnt change config.
    And when i try using /help command (doesn't matter if its /help or /help 1,2 or 3 ) it just gives me "/help <page>"
    and an error in console:
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at me.ToastedJelly.HelpPages.HelpPagesConfiguration.showHelp(
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at me.ToastedJelly.HelpPages.HelpPagesPlugin.cmdHelp(
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at me.ToastedJelly.HelpPages.HelpPagesPlugin.onCommand(
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at
    15:07:10 [SEVERE] at
    Should i add some permission or something cause im really confused on how to use this.
  11. Offline


    I'm working on a new version which uses SuperPerm.
    This should still work though. You may have to config the files to show help page on * (for everyone)
  12. Offline


    Well i dont really know where to make it. If you mean this:
    ###################### Groups ######################
    [[group *
    ###################### Pages ######################
    [[page Page1
    &c--------------------- HELP 1/2  ---------------------
    Hello User, you can use the following commands:
    &c/help &7[#] &f- Shows help page &7[#]
    [[page Page2
    &c--------------------- HELP 2/2  ---------------------
    This page is the same for everyone.
    Colors: &00 &11 &22 &33 &44 &55 &66 &77 &88 &99 &aa &bb &cc &dd &ee &ff
    It doesn't work. Still typing in /help or /help 1 or /help 2 gives me "/help <page>"
    and the same error showing.
    Also, if i type the command in the console, it works.
  13. Offline


    And you don't have any permissions installed? This may be the problem. I haven't tested it without and can't look into the sourcecode right now.
  14. Code:
    Welcome to the HelpPages configuration file.
    Everything outside the [[ ]] blocks is considered a comment and is ignored.
    When this file is created the first time, all available commands and descriptions
    are appended at the end of this file for easy copy'n'paste.
    noconfig=Configuration file not found.
    reloaded=Help Pages reloaded.
    unknownpage=Unknown Help Page. Start with /help.
    ###################### Groups ######################
    [[group Owner,Admin,VIP Mod,Moderator,VIP Adventurer,Mature Adventurer,Renowned Adventurer,Seasoned Adventurer,Adventurer
    ###################### Pages ######################
    [[page Plugins1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 2
    &aAlpha Chest &f- Virtual chests (VIP Only!)
    &aCaptureThePoints &f- Capture The Points Game with Wool
    &aCommandBook &f- Essential and useful commands
    &aiConomy &f- Ingame economy
    &aLogBlock &f- Making Griefing impossible
    &aLWC &f- Self protection (Chests,Furnaces,Doors etc.)
    [[page Plugins2
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 2 of 2
    &aMagic Carpet &f- Take yourself Wonder by Wonder (VIP Only!)
    &amcMMO &f- RPG Addiction Redefined!
    &aMyWarp &f- Basic,Social,Guilding
    &aPEX &f- Promoting/Demoting
    &aTowny &f- Land controll and town management
    &aVanishNoPacket &f- Invisibility made easy!
    [[page Alpha Chest1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/chest &f- Open your virtual chest
    &a/clearchest &f- Clears your virtual chest
    &a/workbench &f- Opens a virtual workbench
    [[page CaptureThePoints1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/ctp join &f- join the game
    &a/ctp leave &f- leave the game
    &a/ctp team &f- while playing the game shows players on command sender team
    &a/ctp rejoin &f- join a game if one has started(if there is no game started, player will not be able to join).
    &a/ctp stats &f- shows player in-game stats.
    [[page CommandBook1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 2
    &a/motd &f- Show the message of the day
    &a/rules &f- Show the rules
    &a/who [filter] &f- Get the list of players
    &a/home [[[world]] [target]] [owner] &f- Teleport to home
    &a/sethome [location] [owner] &f- Set home
    &a/say <msg...> &f- Say a message
    &a/me <msg...> &f- Say an action message
    [[page CommandBook2
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 2 of 2
    &a/msg <target> <message...> &f- Send a private message to a user
    &a/reply <message...> &f- Reply to the last user
    &a/afk [status] &f- Set yourself as away
    &a/isbanned <target> &f- Checks if a player's name is banned
    &a/money help &f- Controls account balances and more
    &a/whereami [target] &f- Get your current location
    [[page iConomy1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/money &f- Check your balance.
    &a/money help &f- For Help & Information
    &a/money give [name] [amount] &f- Give money
    [[page LogBlock1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/lb help &f- Ingame Help
    &a/lb toolblock &f- Gives the block lookup tool (Jack-o-Lantern)
    &a/lb toolblock [on|off] &f- Toggles whether the tool block is enabled or not
    &bWant more help on LogBlock ask Spicywiener!
    [[page LWC1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/lwc cprivate &f- Create a private protection
    &a/lwc cpublic &f- Create a public protection
    &a/lwc cpassword <Password> &f- Create a password protection
    &a/lwc cremove &f- Removes a protection
    &a/climits &f- Shows you how many protections you have and what your limit is
    [[page Magic Carpet1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/mc &f- Gives a MagicCarpet with default size and material
    &a/ml &f- Lights up the MagicCarpet using the default method and material
    [[page mcMMO1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 3
    &a/mcmmo &f- Displays a description of the mod and how to play
    &a/mcc &f- Displays a list of mcMMO commands in game
    &a/stats &f- View detailed information on your mcMMO stats
    &a/a &f- Toggle admin chat or send admin chat messages
    &a/<skillname> &f- Displays information of the skill in game
    [[page mcMMO2
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 2 of 3
    &a/p &f- toggle party chat or supply additional arguments to send a message
    &a/party <party_name> &f- (creates a party with said name or attempts to join)
    &a/ptp &f- (teleport to another party member, default 10m cooldown)
    &a/invite &f- (invite player to your party)
    &a/accept &f- (join a party you've been invited to)
    &a/party lock &f- (useable by party owner)
    [[page mcMMO3
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 3 of 3
    &a/party unlock &f- (useable by party owner)
    &a/party password <password> &f- (useable by party owner, party must be locked)
    &a/party password "" &f- (useable by party owner, party must be locked, disables password)
    &a/party owner <player> &f- (useable by party owner, transfers ownership)
    &a/party <party> <password> &f- (useable by any, to join a password protected and locked party)
    &a/party ? &f- (extended help)
    &a/invite and /accept &f- work with new system
    [[page MyWarp1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 3
    &a/warp <name> &f- Warps to <name>
    &a/warp create <name> &f- Create a new (generally public) warp at your current location
    &a/warp set <name> &f- Alias for /warp create
    &a/warp pcreate <name> &f- Create a new private warp at your current position
    &a/warp delete <name> &f- Deletes your warp, <name>
    [[page MyWarp2
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 2 of 3
    &a/warp welcome <name> &f- Change the welcome message for warp <name>
    &a/warp point <name> &f- Points your compass to warp <name>
    &a/warp list (#) &f- List all of the warps you have access to (page style)
    &a/warp slist &f- List all of the warps you have access to (hMod style)
    &a/warp search <query> &f- Searches your warps for a specific query
    [[page MyWarp3
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 3 of 3
    &a/warp give <player> <name> &f- Give your warp <name> to <player>
    &a/warp invite <player> <name> &f- Invites <player> to your warp <name>
    &a/warp uninvite <player> <name> &f- Uninvites <player> from your warp <name>
    &a/warp public <name> &f- Makes your warp <name> public
    &a/warp private <name> &f- Makes your warp, <name>, private
    [[page PEX1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/promote <playername> &f- Promote a player
    &a/demote <playername> &f- Demote a player
    [[page Towny1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/towny? &f- Gives all information on Towny
    [[page VanishNoPacket1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/v &f- Toggles the players visibility
    ########### Available commands for easy copy'n'paste ###########
    ### CommandBook
    /cmdbook <arguments...> - CommandBook commands
    /motd - Show the message of the day
    /rules - Show the rules
    /who [filter] - Get the list of players
    /debug ... - Get server information
    /ping - Get back a dummy reply
    /pong - Get back a dummy reply
    /item [-d] [target] <item[:data]> [amount] - Create an item
    /give [-d] <target> <item[:data]> [amount] - Give an item
    /kit <kit> [target] - Get a kit (or list kits)
    /more [-a] [-i] [target] - Expand stack size
    /midi [midi] - Play a MIDI file
    /intro - Replay the intro music
    /time [world] <time|"current"> - Set the time of your current world
    /playertime [-rsw] [filter] <time|"current"> - Set the time of specific players
    /weather <'stormy'|'sunny'> [duration] [world] - Change the weather
    /thunder <'on'|'off'> [duration] [world] - Set the thunder state
    /setspawn [location] - Set the spawn location
    /spawnmob [-d] [-i] [-r] <mob> [count] [location] - Spawn a mob
    /whereami [target] - Get your current location
    /whois [target] - Tell information about a user
    /biome [target] - Get a players current biome
    /compass [target] - Get your compass direction
    /clear [-a] [target] - Clear your inventory
    /thor [target] - Give Thor's hammer
    /unthor [target] - Revoke Thor's hammer
    /rocket [-s] [-h] [target] - Rocket a player
    /slap [-s] [-h|-v] [-d] [target] - Slap a player
    /shock [-s] [-k] [-a] [target] - Shock a player
    /barrage [-s] [target] - Send a barrage of arrows
    /firebarrage [-s] [target] - Sends a barrage of fireballs
    /teleport [target] <destination> - Teleport to a location
    /call <target> - Request a teleport from someone
    /bring <target> - Bring a player to you
    /put <target> - Place a player at the location you are looking at
    /spawn - Teleport to spawn
    /return - Return back to your last location
    /warp [world] [target] <warp> - Teleport to a warp
    /setwarp <warp> [location] - Set a warp
    /warps - Warp management commands
    /home [[[world]] [target]] [owner] - Teleport to home
    /sethome [location] [owner] - Set home
    /homes - Home management commands
    /broadcast <msg...> - Broadcast a message
    /say <msg...> - Say a message
    /me <msg...> - Say an action message
    /msg <target> <message...> - Send a private message to a user
    /reply <message...> - Reply to the last user
    /afk [status] - Set yourself as away
    /mute <target> - Mute a player
    /unmute <target> - Unmute a player
    /kick <target> [reason...] - Kick a player by name
    /ban <target> [reason...] - Ban a player by name
    /unban <target> [reason...] - Unban a player by name
    /isbanned <target> - Checks if a player's name is banned
    /bans ... - Ban save/load commands
    ### HelpPages - Group-Specific Custom Help Pages
    /help <page> - Shows Help pages
    ### iConomy
    /money - Controls account balances and more
    /bank - Control, list, create, and do various bank features.
    ### PermissionsEx - PermissionsEx - New powerful users and groups permissions management plugin.
    /pex - Display help
    /pex reload - Reload environment
    /pex config <node> [value] - Print or set <node> [value]
    /pex backend - Print currently using backend
    /pex backend <backend> - Change permission backend on the fly (Use with caution!)
    /pex hierarchy - Print complete user/group hierarhy
    /pex dump <backend> <filename> - Dump users/groups to selected <backend> format to <filename>.
    /pex toggle debug - Enable/disable debug mode
    /pex users list - List all registered users
    /pex users - List all registered users (alias)
    /pex user <user> - List user permissions (alias)
    /pex user <user> list [world] - List user permissions
    /pex user <user> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Get or set <user> prefix
    /pex user <user> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - get or set <user> suffix
    /pex user <user> delete - Remove <user>
    /pex user <user> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <user> in [world]
    /pex user <user> remove <permission> [world] - Remove <permission> from <user> in [world]
    /pex user <user> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Add timed <permission> to <user> with [lifetime] in [world]
    /pex user <user> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Remove timed <permission> from <user> in [world]
    /pex user <user> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> to <value> in [world]
    /pex user <user> group list [world] - List all user groups
    /pex user <user> group add <group> [world] - Add <user> to <group>
    /pex user <user> group set <group> [world] - Set <group> for <user>
    /pex user <user> group remove <group> [world] - Remove <user> from <group>
    /pex groups list - List all registered groups
    /pex groups - List all registered groups (alias)
    /pex group - List all registered groups (alias)
    /pex group <group> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Get or set <group> prefix
    /pex group <group> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - Get or set <group> suffix
    /pex group <group> create [parents] - Create <group> and/or set [parents]
    /pex group <group> delete - Remove <group>
    /pex group <group> parents [world] - List parents for <group> (alias)
    /pex group <group> parents list [world] - List parents for <group>
    /pex group <group> parents set <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list)
    /pex group <group> - List all <group> permissions (alias)
    /pex group <group> list [world] - List all <group> permissions in [world]
    /pex group <group> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <group> in [world]
    /pex group <group> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> <value> for <group> in [world]
    /pex group <group> remove <permission> [world] - Remove <permission> from <group> in [world]
    /pex group <group> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Add timed <permission> to <group> with [lifetime] in [world]
    /pex group <group> timed remove <permission> [world] - Remove timed <permission> for <group> in [world]
    /pex group <group> users - List all users in <group>
    /pex group <group> user add <user> [world] - Add <user> (single or comma-separated list) to <group>
    /pex group <group> user remove <user> [world] - Remove <user> (single or comma-separated list) to <group>
    /pex group <group> rank [rank] [ladder] - Get or set <group> [rank] [ladder]
    /pex promote <user> <group> [ladder] - Promotes <user> to next group or [ladder]
    /pex demote <user> <group> [ladder] - Demotes <user> to previous group or [ladder]
    /pex promote <user> - Promotes <user> to next group
    /pex demote <user> - Demotes <user> to previous group
    /pex worlds - Print loaded worlds
    /pex world <world> - Print <world> inheritance info
    /pex world <world> inherit <parentWorlds> - Set <parentWorlds> for <world>
    /pex default group [world] - Print default group for specified world.
    /pex set default group <group> [world] - Set default group for specified world - Provides access to Permissions commands and information.
    ### ServerSave
    ### WorldEdit
    /chunkinfo - Get information about the chunk that you are inside
    /listchunks - List chunks that your selection includes
    /delchunks - Delete chunks that your selection includes
    //load <filename> - Load a schematic into your clipboard
    //save <filename> - Save a schematic into your clipboard
    //copy - Copy the selection to the clipboard
    //flip [-p] [dir] - Flip the contents of the clipboard.
    //rotate <angle-in-degrees> - Rotate the contents of the clipboard
    //cut [leave-id] - Cut the selection to the clipboard
    //paste [-ao] - Paste the clipboard's contents
    /clearclipboard - Clear your clipboard
    //limit <limit> - Modify block change limit
    //gmask [mask] - Set the global mask
    /we - WorldEdit commands
    //fast - Toggle fast mode
    //toggleplace - Switch between your position and pos1 for placement
    //searchitem [-bi] <query> - Search for an item
    //hcyl <block> <radius> [height] - Generate a hollow cylinder
    //cyl <block> <radius> [height] - Generate a cylinder
    //hsphere [-q] <block> <radius>[,<radius>,<radius>] [raised?] - Generate a hollow sphere.
    //sphere [-q] <block> <radius>[,<radius>,<radius>] [raised?] - Generate a filled sphere.
    /forestgen [size] [type] [density] - Generate a forest
    /pumpkins [size] - Generate pumpkin patches
    //pyramid <block> <range> - Generate a filled pyramid
    //hpyramid <block> <range> - Generate a hollow pyramid
    //undo [times] [player] - Undoes the last action
    //redo [times] [player] - Redoes the last action (from history)
    //clearhistory - Clear your history
    /unstuck - Escape from being stuck inside a block
    /ascend [# of levels] - Go up a floor
    /descend [# of floors] - Go down a floor
    /ceil [clearance] - Go to the celing
    /thru - Passthrough walls
    /jumpto - Teleport to a location
    /up <block> - Go upwards some distance
    //replace [-f] [from-block] <to-block> - Replace all blocks in the selection with another
    //stack [-sa] [count] [direction] - Repeat the contents of the selection
    //set <block> - Set all the blocks inside the selection to a block
    //overlay <block> - Set a block on top of blocks in the region
    //naturalize - 3 layers of dirt on top then rock below
    //walls <block> - Build the four sides of the selection
    //faces <block> - Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection
    //smooth [-n] [iterations] - Smooth the elevation in the selection
    //move [-s] [count] [direction] [leave-id] - Move the contents of the selection
    //regen - Regenerates the contents of the selection
    /cs <filename> [args...] - Execute a CraftScript
    /.s [args...] - Execute last CraftScript
    //count <block> - Counts the number of a certain type of block
    //size - Get information about the selection
    //shift <amount> [direction] - Shift the selection area
    //chunk [-s] - Set the selection to your current chunk.
    //expand <amount> [reverse-amount] <direction> - Expand the selection area
    //contract <amount> [reverse-amount] [direction] - Contract the selection area
    //pos1 [coordinates] - Set position 1
    //pos2 [coordinates] - Set position 2
    //hpos1 - Set position 1 to targeted block
    //hpos2 - Set position 2 to targeted block
    //wand - Get the wand object
    /toggleeditwand - Toggle functionality of the edit wand
    //outset [-hv] <amount> - Outset the selection area
    //inset [-hv] <amount> - Inset the selection area
    //distr [-c] - Get the distribution of blocks in the selection
    //sel [type] - Choose a region selector
    /snapshot - Snapshot commands
    /restore [snapshot] - Restore the selection from a snapshot
    /size [pattern] - Set the brush size
    /mask [mask] - Set the brush mask
    // [on|off] - Toggle the super pickaxe pickaxe function
    /superpickaxe - Select super pickaxe mode
    /tool - Select a tool to bind
    /mat [pattern] - Set the brush material
    /range [pattern] - Set the brush range
    /info - Block information tool
    /none - Unbind all bound tools
    /tree [type] - Tree generator tool
    /repl <block> - Block replacer tool
    /cycler - Block data cycler tool
    /floodfill <pattern> <range> - Flood fill tool
    /brush - Brush tool
    /deltree - Floating tree remover tool
    /farwand - Wand at a distance tool
    /lrbuild <leftclick block> <rightclick block> - Long-range building tool
    /remove <type> <radius> - Remove all entities of a type
    //fill <block> <radius> [depth] - Fill a hole
    //fillr <block> <radius> [depth] - Fill a hole recursively
    //drain <radius> - Drain a pool
    //fixlava <radius> - Fix lava to be stationary
    //fixwater <radius> - Fix water to be stationary
    //removeabove [size] [height] - Remove blocks above your head.
    //removebelow [size] [height] - Remove blocks below you.
    //removenear <block> [size] - Remove blocks near you.
    //replacenear [-f] <size> <from-id> <to-id> - Replace nearby blocks
    //snow [radius] - Simulates snow
    //thaw [radius] - Thaws the area
    //green [radius] - Greens the area
    //ex [radius] - Extinguish nearby fire
    /butcher [-p] [radius] - Kill all or nearby mobs
    ### Modifyworld - World modification permission ruleset
    ### Permissions - Compatibility layer between original Permissions and PermissionsEx
    If i have got that how do i make it so all the ranks are able to view those after looking at the plugin pages??

  15. Offline


    you need to add to your group block something like that:
    Commandbook => CommandBook1
    Commandbook 1 => CommandBook1
    Commandbook 2 => CommandBook2

  16. Okay thanks alot :)
    Downloaded this earlier today and already really like it!
  17. Okay i have written the whole thing up but is there a permission node i need to have for a rank because it does not seem to work unless i have * in config for everything
  18. Offline


    Try writing out the group to see if it gets the right group
  19. My config is
    Welcome to the HelpPages configuration file.
    Everything outside the [[ ]] blocks is considered a comment and is ignored.
    When this file is created the first time, all available commands and descriptions
    are appended at the end of this file for easy copy'n'paste.
    noconfig=Configuration file not found.
    reloaded=Help Pages reloaded.
    unknownpage=Unknown Help Page. Start with /help.
    ###################### Groups ######################
    [[group Owner,Admin,VIP Mod,Moderator,VIP Adventurer,Mature Adventurer,Renowned Adventurer,Seasoned Adventurer,Adventurer
      Alpha Chest => Alpha Chest1
      Alpha Chest1 => Alpha Chest1
      CaptureThePoints => CaptureThePoints1
      CaptureThePoints1 => CaptureThePoints1
      Commandbook => CommandBook1
      Commandbook 1 => CommandBook1
      Commandbook 2 => CommandBook2
      iConomy => iConomy1
      iConomy1 => iConomy1
      IWarnYou => IWarnYou1
      IWarnYou1 => IWarnYou1
      LogBlock => LogBlock1
      LogBlock1 => LogBlock1
      LWC => LWC1
      LWC1 => LWC1
      Magic Carpet => Magic Carpet1
      Magic Carpet1 => Magic Carpet1
      mcMMO => mcMMO1
      mcMMO1 => mcMMO1
      mcMMO 2 => mcMMO2
      mcMMO 3 => mcMMO3
      MyWarp => MyWarp1
      MyWarp1 => MyWarp1
      MyWarp 2 => MyWarp2
      MyWarp 3 => MyWarp3
      PEX => PEX1
      PEX1 => PEX1
      Ranks => Ranks1
      Ranks1 => Ranks1
      Ranks 2 => Ranks2
      VanishNoPacket => VanishNoPacket1
      VanishNoPacket1 => VanishNoPacket1
    ###################### Pages ######################
    [[page Plugins1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 2
    &aAlpha Chest &f- Virtual chests (VIP Only!)
    &aCaptureThePoints &f- Capture The Points Game with Wool
    &aCommandBook &f- Essential and useful commands
    &aiConomy &f- Ingame economy
    &aIWarnYou &f- Warning System!
    &aLogBlock &f- Making Griefing impossible
    &aLWC &f- Self protection (Chests,Furnaces,Doors etc.)
    [[page Plugins2
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 2 of 2
    &aMagic Carpet &f- Take yourself Wonder by Wonder (VIP Only!)
    &amcMMO &f- RPG Addiction Redefined!
    &aMyWarp &f- Basic,Social,Guilding
    &aPEX &f- Promoting/Demoting
    &aRanks &f- Ranks Information
    &aTowny &f- Land controll and town management
    &aVanishNoPacket &f- Invisibility made easy!
    [[page Alpha Chest1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/chest &f- Open your virtual chest
    &a/clearchest &f- Clears your virtual chest
    &a/workbench &f- Opens a virtual workbench
    [[page CaptureThePoints1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/ctp join &f- join the game
    &a/ctp leave &f- leave the game
    &a/ctp team &f- while playing the game shows players on command sender team
    &a/ctp rejoin &f- join a game if one has started(if there is no game started, player will not be able to join).
    &a/ctp stats &f- shows player in-game stats.
    [[page CommandBook1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 2
    &a/motd &f- Show the message of the day
    &a/rules &f- Show the rules
    &a/who [filter] &f- Get the list of pla yers
    &a/home [[[world]] [target]] [owner] &f- Teleport to home
    &a/sethome [location] [owner] &f- Set home
    &a/say <msg...> &f- Say a message
    &a/me <msg...> &f- Say an action message
    [[page CommandBook2
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 2 of 2
    &a/msg <target> <message...> &f- Send a private message to a user
    &a/reply <message...> &f- Reply to the last user
    &a/afk [status] &f- Set yourself as away
    &a/isbanned <target> &f- Checks if a player's name is banned
    &a/whereami [target] &f- Get your current location
    [[page iConomy1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/money &f- Check your balance.
    &a/money help &f- For Help & Information
    &a/money give [name] [amount] &f- Give money
    [[page IWarnYou1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/warn (username) (reason) &f- Warn a user
    &a/warnings [username] &f- Check yours warnings
    &a/modifywarn &f - Modify a already created warning
    &a/clearwarns (username) [id] &f - Clears the warns set to a user, add a ID to the end to remove a specific warning
    &a/iwy &f - View avalible commands
    [[page LogBlock1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/lb help &f- Ingame Help
    &a/lb toolblock &f- Gives the block lookup tool (Jack-o-Lantern)
    &a/lb toolblock [on|off] &f- Toggles whether the tool block is enabled or not
    &bWant more help on LogBlock ask Spicywiener!
    [[page LWC1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/lwc cprivate &f- Create a private protection
    &a/lwc cpublic &f- Create a public protection
    &a/lwc cpassword <Password> &f- Create a password protection
    &a/lwc cremove &f- Removes a protection
    &a/climits &f- Shows you how many protections you have and what your limit is
    [[page Magic Carpet1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/mc &f- Gives a MagicCarpet with default size and material
    &a/ml &f- Lights up the MagicCarpet using the default method and material
    [[page mcMMO1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 3
    &a/mcmmo &f- Displays a description of the mod and how to play
    &a/mcc &f- Displays a list of mcMMO commands in game
    &a/stats &f- View detailed information on your mcMMO stats
    &a/a &f- Toggle admin chat or send admin chat messages
    &a/<skillname> &f- Displays information of the skill in game
    [[page mcMMO2
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 2 of 3
    &a/p &f- toggle party chat or supply additional arguments to send a message
    &a/party <party_name> &f- (creates a party with said name or attempts to join)
    &a/ptp &f- (teleport to another party member, default 10m cooldown)
    &a/invite &f- (invite player to your party)
    &a/accept &f- (join a party you've been invited to)
    &a/party lock &f- (useable by party owner)
    [[page mcMMO3
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 3 of 3
    &a/party unlock &f- (useable by party owner)
    &a/party password <password> &f- (useable by party owner, party must be locked)
    &a/party password "" &f- (useable by party owner, party must be locked, disables password)
    &a/party owner <player> &f- (useable by party owner, transfers ownership)
    &a/party <party> <password> &f- (useable by any, to join a password protected and locked party)
    &a/party ? &f- (extended help)
    &a/invite and /accept &f- work with new system
    [[page MyWarp1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 3
    &a/warp <name> &f- Warps to <name>
    &a/warp create <name> &f- Create a new (generally public) warp at your current location
    &a/warp set <name> &f- Alias for /warp create
    &a/warp pcreate <name> &f- Create a new private warp at your current position
    &a/warp delete <name> &f- Deletes your warp, <name>
    [[page MyWarp2
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 2 of 3
    &a/warp welcome <name> &f- Change the welcome message for warp <name>
    &a/warp point <name> &f- Points your compass to warp <name>
    &a/warp list (#) &f- List all of the warps you have access to (page style)
    &a/warp slist &f- List all of the warps you have access to (hMod style)
    &a/warp search <query> &f- Searches your warps for a specific query
    [[page MyWarp3
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 3 of 3
    &a/warp give <player> <name> &f- Give your warp <name> to <player>
    &a/warp invite <player> <name> &f- Invites <player> to your warp <name>
    &a/warp uninvite <player> <name> &f- Uninvites <player> from your warp <name>
    &a/warp public <name> &f- Makes your warp <name> public
    &a/warp private <name> &f- Makes your warp, <name>, private
    [[page PEX1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/promote <playername> &f- Promote a player
    &a/demote <playername> &f- Demote a player
    [[page Ranks1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 2
    &fAdventurer &f- Starter rank
    &fSeasoned Adventurer &f- 6 hours played time
    &3Renowned Adventurer &f- 20 hours played time
    &9Mature Adventurer &f- Admin/Owner decide
    &cVIP Adventurer &f- Donator
    [[page Ranks2
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 2 of 2
    &1Moderator &f- Mod
    &cVIP &1Mod &f- Donator/Mod
    &eAdmin &f- Admin
    &6Owner &f Spicywiener
    [[page VanishNoPacket1
    &cHelp Index &7/help <page>                                &bPage 1 of 1
    &a/v &f- Toggles the players visibility
    ########### Available commands for easy copy'n'paste ###########
    ### CommandBook
    /cmdbook <arguments...> - CommandBook commands
    /motd - Show the message of the day
    /rules - Show the rules
    /who [filter] - Get the list of players
    /debug ... - Get server information
    /ping - Get back a dummy reply
    /pong - Get back a dummy reply
    /item [-d] [target] <item[:data]> [amount] - Create an item
    /give [-d] <target> <item[:data]> [amount] - Give an item
    /kit <kit> [target] - Get a kit (or list kits)
    /more [-a] [-i] [target] - Expand stack size
    /midi [midi] - Play a MIDI file
    /intro - Replay the intro music
    /time [world] <time|"current"> - Set the time of your current world
    /playertime [-rsw] [filter] <time|"current"> - Set the time of specific players
    /weather <'stormy'|'sunny'> [duration] [world] - Change the weather
    /thunder <'on'|'off'> [duration] [world] - Set the thunder state
    /setspawn [location] - Set the spawn location
    /spawnmob [-d] [-i] [-r] <mob> [count] [location] - Spawn a mob
    /whereami [target] - Get your current location
    /whois [target] - Tell information about a user
    /biome [target] - Get a players current biome
    /compass [target] - Get your compass direction
    /clear [-a] [target] - Clear your inventory
    /thor [target] - Give Thor's hammer
    /unthor [target] - Revoke Thor's hammer
    /rocket [-s] [-h] [target] - Rocket a player
    /slap [-s] [-h|-v] [-d] [target] - Slap a player
    /shock [-s] [-k] [-a] [target] - Shock a player
    /barrage [-s] [target] - Send a barrage of arrows
    /firebarrage [-s] [target] - Sends a barrage of fireballs
    /teleport [target] <destination> - Teleport to a location
    /call <target> - Request a teleport from someone
    /bring <target> - Bring a player to you
    /put <target> - Place a player at the location you are looking at
    /spawn - Teleport to spawn
    /return - Return back to your last location
    /warp [world] [target] <warp> - Teleport to a warp
    /setwarp <warp> [location] - Set a warp
    /warps - Warp management commands
    /home [[[world]] [target]] [owner] - Teleport to home
    /sethome [location] [owner] - Set home
    /homes - Home management commands
    /broadcast <msg...> - Broadcast a message
    /say <msg...> - Say a message
    /me <msg...> - Say an action message
    /msg <target> <message...> - Send a private message to a user
    /reply <message...> - Reply to the last user
    /afk [status] - Set yourself as away
    /mute <target> - Mute a player
    /unmute <target> - Unmute a player
    /kick <target> [reason...] - Kick a player by name
    /ban <target> [reason...] - Ban a player by name
    /unban <target> [reason...] - Unban a player by name
    /isbanned <target> - Checks if a player's name is banned
    /bans ... - Ban save/load commands
    ### HelpPages - Group-Specific Custom Help Pages
    /help <page> - Shows Help pages
    ### iConomy
    /money - Controls account balances and more
    /bank - Control, list, create, and do various bank features.
    ### PermissionsEx - PermissionsEx - New powerful users and groups permissions management plugin.
    /pex - Display help
    /pex reload - Reload environment
    /pex config <node> [value] - Print or set <node> [value]
    /pex backend - Print currently using backend
    /pex backend <backend> - Change permission backend on the fly (Use with caution!)
    /pex hierarchy - Print complete user/group hierarhy
    /pex dump <backend> <filename> - Dump users/groups to selected <backend> format to <filename>.
    /pex toggle debug - Enable/disable debug mode
    /pex users list - List all registered users
    /pex users - List all registered users (alias)
    /pex user <user> - List user permissions (alias)
    /pex user <user> list [world] - List user permissions
    /pex user <user> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Get or set <user> prefix
    /pex user <user> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - get or set <user> suffix
    /pex user <user> delete - Remove <user>
    /pex user <user> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <user> in [world]
    /pex user <user> remove <permission> [world] - Remove <permission> from <user> in [world]
    /pex user <user> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Add timed <permission> to <user> with [lifetime] in [world]
    /pex user <user> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Remove timed <permission> from <user> in [world]
    /pex user <user> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> to <value> in [world]
    /pex user <user> group list [world] - List all user groups
    /pex user <user> group add <group> [world] - Add <user> to <group>
    /pex user <user> group set <group> [world] - Set <group> for <user>
    /pex user <user> group remove <group> [world] - Remove <user> from <group>
    /pex groups list - List all registered groups
    /pex groups - List all registered groups (alias)
    /pex group - List all registered groups (alias)
    /pex group <group> prefix [newprefix] [world] - Get or set <group> prefix
    /pex group <group> suffix [newsuffix] [world] - Get or set <group> suffix
    /pex group <group> create [parents] - Create <group> and/or set [parents]
    /pex group <group> delete - Remove <group>
    /pex group <group> parents [world] - List parents for <group> (alias)
    /pex group <group> parents list [world] - List parents for <group>
    /pex group <group> parents set <parents> [world] - Set parent(s) for <group> (single or comma-separated list)
    /pex group <group> - List all <group> permissions (alias)
    /pex group <group> list [world] - List all <group> permissions in [world]
    /pex group <group> add <permission> [world] - Add <permission> to <group> in [world]
    /pex group <group> set <option> <value> [world] - Set <option> <value> for <group> in [world]
    /pex group <group> remove <permission> [world] - Remove <permission> from <group> in [world]
    /pex group <group> timed add <permission> [lifetime] [world] - Add timed <permission> to <group> with [lifetime] in [world]
    /pex group <group> timed remove <permission> [world] - Remove timed <permission> for <group> in [world]
    /pex group <group> users - List all users in <group>
    /pex group <group> user add <user> [world] - Add <user> (single or comma-separated list) to <group>
    /pex group <group> user remove <user> [world] - Remove <user> (single or comma-separated list) to <group>
    /pex group <group> rank [rank] [ladder] - Get or set <group> [rank] [ladder]
    /pex promote <user> <group> [ladder] - Promotes <user> to next group or [ladder]
    /pex demote <user> <group> [ladder] - Demotes <user> to previous group or [ladder]
    /pex promote <user> - Promotes <user> to next group
    /pex demote <user> - Demotes <user> to previous group
    /pex worlds - Print loaded worlds
    /pex world <world> - Print <world> inheritance info
    /pex world <world> inherit <parentWorlds> - Set <parentWorlds> for <world>
    /pex default group [world] - Print default group for specified world.
    /pex set default group <group> [world] - Set default group for specified world - Provides access to Permissions commands and information.
    ### ServerSave
    ### WorldEdit
    /chunkinfo - Get information about the chunk that you are inside
    /listchunks - List chunks that your selection includes
    /delchunks - Delete chunks that your selection includes
    //load <filename> - Load a schematic into your clipboard
    //save <filename> - Save a schematic into your clipboard
    //copy - Copy the selection to the clipboard
    //flip [-p] [dir] - Flip the contents of the clipboard.
    //rotate <angle-in-degrees> - Rotate the contents of the clipboard
    //cut [leave-id] - Cut the selection to the clipboard
    //paste [-ao] - Paste the clipboard's contents
    /clearclipboard - Clear your clipboard
    //limit <limit> - Modify block change limit
    //gmask [mask] - Set the global mask
    /we - WorldEdit commands
    //fast - Toggle fast mode
    //toggleplace - Switch between your position and pos1 for placement
    //searchitem [-bi] <query> - Search for an item
    //hcyl <block> <radius> [height] - Generate a hollow cylinder
    //cyl <block> <radius> [height] - Generate a cylinder
    //hsphere [-q] <block> <radius>[,<radius>,<radius>] [raised?] - Generate a hollow sphere.
    //sphere [-q] <block> <radius>[,<radius>,<radius>] [raised?] - Generate a filled sphere.
    /forestgen [size] [type] [density] - Generate a forest
    /pumpkins [size] - Generate pumpkin patches
    //pyramid <block> <range> - Generate a filled pyramid
    //hpyramid <block> <range> - Generate a hollow pyramid
    //undo [times] [player] - Undoes the last action
    //redo [times] [player] - Redoes the last action (from history)
    //clearhistory - Clear your history
    /unstuck - Escape from being stuck inside a block
    /ascend [# of levels] - Go up a floor
    /descend [# of floors] - Go down a floor
    /ceil [clearance] - Go to the celing
    /thru - Passthrough walls
    /jumpto - Teleport to a location
    /up <block> - Go upwards some distance
    //replace [-f] [from-block] <to-block> - Replace all blocks in the selection with another
    //stack [-sa] [count] [direction] - Repeat the contents of the selection
    //set <block> - Set all the blocks inside the selection to a block
    //overlay <block> - Set a block on top of blocks in the region
    //naturalize - 3 layers of dirt on top then rock below
    //walls <block> - Build the four sides of the selection
    //faces <block> - Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection
    //smooth [-n] [iterations] - Smooth the elevation in the selection
    //move [-s] [count] [direction] [leave-id] - Move the contents of the selection
    //regen - Regenerates the contents of the selection
    /cs <filename> [args...] - Execute a CraftScript
    /.s [args...] - Execute last CraftScript
    //count <block> - Counts the number of a certain type of block
    //size - Get information about the selection
    //shift <amount> [direction] - Shift the selection area
    //chunk [-s] - Set the selection to your current chunk.
    //expand <amount> [reverse-amount] <direction> - Expand the selection area
    //contract <amount> [reverse-amount] [direction] - Contract the selection area
    //pos1 [coordinates] - Set position 1
    //pos2 [coordinates] - Set position 2
    //hpos1 - Set position 1 to targeted block
    //hpos2 - Set position 2 to targeted block
    //wand - Get the wand object
    /toggleeditwand - Toggle functionality of the edit wand
    //outset [-hv] <amount> - Outset the selection area
    //inset [-hv] <amount> - Inset the selection area
    //distr [-c] - Get the distribution of blocks in the selection
    //sel [type] - Choose a region selector
    /snapshot - Snapshot commands
    /restore [snapshot] - Restore the selection from a snapshot
    /size [pattern] - Set the brush size
    /mask [mask] - Set the brush mask
    // [on|off] - Toggle the super pickaxe pickaxe function
    /superpickaxe - Select super pickaxe mode
    /tool - Select a tool to bind
    /mat [pattern] - Set the brush material
    /range [pattern] - Set the brush range
    /info - Block information tool
    /none - Unbind all bound tools
    /tree [type] - Tree generator tool
    /repl <block> - Block replacer tool
    /cycler - Block data cycler tool
    /floodfill <pattern> <range> - Flood fill tool
    /brush - Brush tool
    /deltree - Floating tree remover tool
    /farwand - Wand at a distance tool
    /lrbuild <leftclick block> <rightclick block> - Long-range building tool
    /remove <type> <radius> - Remove all entities of a type
    //fill <block> <radius> [depth] - Fill a hole
    //fillr <block> <radius> [depth] - Fill a hole recursively
    //drain <radius> - Drain a pool
    //fixlava <radius> - Fix lava to be stationary
    //fixwater <radius> - Fix water to be stationary
    //removeabove [size] [height] - Remove blocks above your head.
    //removebelow [size] [height] - Remove blocks below you.
    //removenear <block> [size] - Remove blocks near you.
    //replacenear [-f] <size> <from-id> <to-id> - Replace nearby blocks
    //snow [radius] - Simulates snow
    //thaw [radius] - Thaws the area
    //green [radius] - Greens the area
    //ex [radius] - Extinguish nearby fire
    /butcher [-p] [radius] - Kill all or nearby mobs
    ### Modifyworld - World modification permission ruleset
    ### Permissions - Compatibility layer between original Permissions and PermissionsEx
    And My Permissions are
            default: true
                rank: 10
            prefix: '&7[&7Guest&7] &7'
            suffix: '&7'
            default: false
                rank: 9
            - modifyworld.*
            - commandbook.who
            - commandbook.motd
            - commandbook.rules
            - commandbook.home.set
            - commandbook.home.teleport
            - commandbook.say
            - commandbook.msg
            - commandbook.away
            - commandbook.whereami
            - commandbook.bans.isbanned
            - lwc.protect
            - mcmmo.skills.taming
            - mcmmo.skills.mining
            - mcmmo.skills.woodcutting
            - mcmmo.skills.unarmed
            - mcmmo.skills.archery
            - mcmmo.skills.herbalism
            - mcmmo.skills.excavation
            - mcmmo.skills.swords
            - mcmmo.skills.axes
            - mcmmo.skills.acrobatics
            - mcmmo.ability.herbalism
            - mcmmo.ability.excavation
            - mcmmo.ability.unarmed
            - mcmmo.ability.mining
            - mcmmo.ability.axes
            - mcmmo.ability.swords
            - mcmmo.ability.woodcutting
            - iConomy.access
            - iConomy.payment
            - iConomy.rank
            - iConomy.list
            - mywarp.warp.basic.*
            - mywarp.warp.sign.warp
            - multiverse.portal.access.*
            - multiverse.access.*
            - teleport.requests
            - teleport.accept
            - teleport.reject
            - alerter.area.create
            - alerter.area.protect
            - alerter.area.expand
            - alerter.area.add
            - alerter.area.settings
            prefix: '&f[&fAdventurer&f] &f'
            suffix: '&f'
        Seasoned Adventurer:
            - Adventurer
            default: false
                rank: 8
            prefix: '&f[&fSeasoned Adventurer&f] &f'
            suffix: '&f'
        Renowned Adventurer:
            - Seasoned Adventurer
            default: false
                rank: 7
            - mcmmo.commands.partychat
            prefix: '&f[&3Renowned Adventurer&f] &f'
            suffix: '&f'
        Mature Adventurer:
            - Renowned Adventurer
            default: false
                rank: 6
            - permissions.user.promote.default
            - permissions.user.promote.Adventurer
            - permissions.user.promote.Seasoned Adventurer
            - permissions.user.demote.Adventurer
            - warp.set
            - modifyworld.*
            - mywarp.warp.sign.create
            prefix: '&f[&9Mature Adventurer&f] &f'
            suffix: '&f'
        VIP Adventurer:
            - Mature Adventurer
            default: false
                rank: 5
            - modifyworld.*
            - commandbook.clear
            - ac.chest
            - teleport.cancel
            - teleport.tpahere
            - teleport.tpa
            prefix: '&f[&cVIP Adventurer&f] &f'
            suffix: '&f'
            - Mature Adventurer
            default: false
                rank: 4
            - logblock.*
            - kiwiadmin.ban
            - kiwiadmin.kick
            - kiwiadmin.unban
            - kiwiadmin.tempban
            - modifyworld.*
            - permissions.user.promote.default
            - permissions.user.promote.Adventurer
            - vanish.standard
            prefix: '&f[&1Moderator&f] &f'
            suffix: '&f'
        VIP Mod:
            - VIP Adventurer
            - Moderator
            default: false
                rank: 3
            - modifyworld.*
            prefix: '&f[&1VIP Moderator&f] &f'
            suffix: '&f'
            - VIP Mod
            - Moderator
            default: false
                rank: 2
            - modifyworld.*
            - teleport.*
            - alerter.area.modify
            prefix: '&f[&eAdmin&f] &f'
            suffix: '&f'
            inheritance: null
            default: false
                rank: 1
            - '*'
            - mobdisguise.*
            - towny.admin
            prefix: '&f[&9Owner&f] &f'
            suffix: '&a'
    lorindellia likes this.
  20. Offline


    Put something like this in a help page and check if it gets your group right:
    Your Group: {group}

    Which Permissions Plugin are you using?
  21. Offline


    Um, I got your plugin overwritten by this one by CBUpToDate. Is this yours, or someone poaching your name?
    Do you have a bukkit dev page for this plugin?
  22. Offline


    Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I contacted the author, CBUpToDate and bukkit. This is very irritating. I can't imagine he didn't search for this name once on the plugin list.

  23. Tried that still no work :(
  24. Offline


    I'm using PEX and my users may belong to multiple groups. the {group} flag for me, for instance, returns "Dev|SrAdmin|MB" (for the three groups I belong to). However, I cannot see the help pages for Dev:
    [[group Dev
    Not all Dev group members are SrAdmin (and they belong to other groups as well). So how do I have teh dev help page be only accessible to members of the Dev group (who may also be members of other groups).
  25. Offline


    Oh, I see. Stay tuned.
  26. Would you know of anything else i could do ToastedJelly?
  27. Offline


    Telle me the output of {group}
  28. Sorry, but i do not understand what you mean? :/
  29. Offline


  30. Offline


    I enjoy the way your plugin works, but I think I am missunderstanding the setup.

    Help Config
    noconfig=Configuration file not found.
    reloaded=Help Pages reloaded.
    unknownpage=Unknown Help Page. Start with /help.
    ###################### Groups ######################
    #group Administrators,(OP)
    #   =>AdminPage1
    #  1=>AdminPage1
    #  2=>AdminPage2
    #group Moderator,Smoderator
    #   =>ModPage1
    #  1=>ModPage1
    #  2=>Page2
    [[group default,moderator,admin,(OP)
    ###################### Pages ######################
    [[page Page1
    &c--------------------- HELP 1/6  ---------------------
    Hello User, you can do::
    Chat-Colors: &0&&0&1&&1&2&&2&3&&3&4&&4&5&&5&6&&6&7&&7&8&&8&9&&9&a&&a&b&&b&c&&c&d&&d&e&&e&f&&f
    &c/help &7[#] &f- Shows Help pages
    &c &7 &f- Carry chest or two at all times. Save your stuff after you die. Donators allowed Double Chest
    &c &7 &f- Make a shop with a sign over a chest, 
    &c &7 &f- - Name Line 1, Transaction Qty Line 3, #:# Price for Buy:Sell Line 3, item name Line 4.
    &c/ping &7 &f- Get back a dummy reply. Use if you think the server is slow or froze.
    Continue to page 2: /help 2
    [[page Page2
    &c--------------------- HELP 2/6  ---------------------
    Back to page 1: /help 1
    &c/whereami &7 &f- Get your current location
    &c/biome &7 &f- Get your current biome
    &c/compass &7 &f- Get your compass direction
    &c/slap [target] &7 &f- Slap a player - Donator and Staff Only
    &c/spawn &7 &f- Teleport you to spawn
    &c/home &7 &f- Teleport you to your home
    Continue to page 3: /help 3
    server log:
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [INFO] LigerXT5 tried to use command /help reload
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [INFO] Help Pages reloaded.
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at me.ToastedJelly.HelpPages.HelpPagesConfiguration.showHelp(
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at me.ToastedJelly.HelpPages.HelpPagesPlugin.cmdHelp(
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at me.ToastedJelly.HelpPages.HelpPagesPlugin.onCommand(
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-11-10 18:24:27 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [INFO] LigerXT5 tried to use command /help
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at me.ToastedJelly.HelpPages.HelpPagesConfiguration.showHelp(
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at me.ToastedJelly.HelpPages.HelpPagesPlugin.cmdHelp(
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at me.ToastedJelly.HelpPages.HelpPagesPlugin.onCommand(
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-11-10 18:24:52 [SEVERE]     at
    Even as OP, all I get when I use /help is
    /help <page>

    If I use help in console, everything comes up just fine.

    Not sure if it's a problem, but I am using a CB #4 non-rb for mc 1.9pre5. (Announced on twitter. Builds )

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