[INFO] GetSeed v0.1 - get the world seed easily [740]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by jessenic, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. Offline


    GetSeed - get the world seed easily:
    Version: v0.1

    GetSeed is a very simple plugin that lets OPs check the world seed by typing /getseed. Works from console too. There is no Permissions support, it is easy to add, though if there is any interest for it.

    • Get the world seed with a simple command
    • Multiworld compatible ;)
    Source Code (user/pass: bukkit/bukkit if it asks)

    Version 0.1
    • Releasing the features of this very simple plugin ;)
  2. Offline


    nice, that way i can regenerate my server world in my singleplayer game (cuz it spawned me near some good stuff)
  3. Offline


    Using a plus character in version is misleading (and forbidden)
  4. Offline


    Oh, sorry :( I have seen plugins with + in there so many times so I thought it would be allowed.
  5. Offline


    I believe this was scheduled to be built-into cbukkit - though I could be mistaken.
  6. Offline


    Nope, they just added:
    Added the ability to retrieve a world's Seed.
    in build 723...

    They didn't add a command for it, that requires a plugin... which is what this is for. :)
  7. Offline


    Nice job.

    I won't be needing this feature, but I may aswell say it. Will there be permissions support?
  8. Offline


    There will if someone wants that. I try to keep this as simple as possible though.
  9. Offline


    I always wonder whats the seed for my server is. Thank you very much for making this.

    EDIT: It gives me the seed -6340238852175222468 yet when i generate a world with this seed it looks nothing like my server. But I must add, my server was generated 2 months before minecraft went into beta, does this make a difference with the seeds?
  10. Offline


    It should work fine with old worlds too. Another way to regenerate your world with the same seed is to copy the level.dat from your world's folder and put it into a new folder at .minecraft/saves
    If that doesn't work there is something wrong with the level.dat
  11. Offline


    @jessenic Its ok, not a big deal to me. But I did try the other thing you said and it generated the same map from the seed -6340238852175222468. Whats strange is that on my server I have had chunks reformed again after I fix them into the same chunk they reformed into the first time. Not only that but I have identified one of these reformed chunks as a chunk that can be found from seed -6340238852175222468. Kinda makes me think there is another world trying to merge with mine and I now know what that other world looks like. Still love the plugin, I can now get seeds of worlds that I like.
  12. Offline


    Jesus. That adf.ly thing put me through to a gas station marketing survey, asked for my email address and a 6-question survey in promise for a FREE apple iPad...

    I'm gonna go with a different plugin that I can download simply.
  13. Offline


    Weird, didn't I remove the adf.ly link then? Well, can't do anything about that because I only have my phone atm. Direct link is digiex.net/minecraft/dlfiles/getseed.jar if I remember correctly.

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