Inactive [INFO/FUN] DwDSigns - Colored & Editable Signs [1.4.5-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by BillyGalbreath, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Here is another one of our private plugins from the MC Server that we've decided to go public with! \o/

    This is an easy to install, extremely lightweight signs plugin that enables you to use color codes on signs and be able to easily edit those signs without having to break them (either by using a command, you by right clicking on the sign to open the sign editor).

    • Low resource demand!
    • LWC support, so protections stay safe
    • Edit signs in place without breaking them!
    • ProtocolLib support to make click editing signs seemless
    • Add colors to your signs!
    • Easy setup (no difficult config files to mess with)
    • Ability to place signs ON chests!
    • SurperPerms compatible
    • ANY style will work! Even &k (magic)
    • Metrics Support
    Downloads & More Info
    Bukkit Dev Page:
    Command/Permissions/Color Codes:

    ProtocolLib (Soft Dependency)

    This is another plugin that can be found from this bukkit site (linked above, in the soft depends section) that will allow click editing signs to be seamless.
    What do I mean by this? Simple. Without ProtocolLib when you right click a sign to edit it a temporary sign will be placed, floating in the air, while you write your edits. After you click the Done button the sign will disappear and throw its contents on the sign you originally clicked on.
    ProtocolLib allow my advanced methods to kick in and prevent that temporary sign from ever being placed down. No one else will see a floating sign in the air, and neither will you.
    Why is this such a big deal? LWC. Thats why. LWC likes to auto lock signs when they are placed, and unlocks them when they are removed. This also creates a lot of unneeded LWC spam in the chat box for the user editing signs like this. So, to prevent LWC from ever locking the sign in the first place, its never placed on the ground if ProtocolLib plugin is found and enabled.
    What is ProtocolLib? Its a network packet handler. I use this as a dependency so that I dont have to recreate the wheel my own way and avoid other plugins from crashing. This is completely optional, and DwDSigns will work 100% without it on your server.


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