[INFO]DisplayDepth 0.2 - Know your depth with a right click [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Nicogeta, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Offline


    DisplayDepth - A small plugin to give you your depth:
    Version: v0.2

    This plugin shows you your location in Y when you do a Right Click with a clock.
    You can choose the item you want, in the config file in the plugin folder: plugins\DisplayDepth\ Right click on the file and edit with notepad/notepad++/... and replace (default setting) 347 by the item id of the item you want :)
    You can find a list on the minepedia.

    • Location in Y (depth) with Right Click and a clock in hands.
    • Permission node to let only op and people you want to use it
    • Config file to set the item you want to use
    • Permission node to reload the config in game with /rdd
    Permission node:
    Download The Test Plugin
    Ver 0.2

    Source Code:
    And in the jar :)

    Version 0.2
    • Permission node added to reload the config file with /rdd
    • Config file to set the item you want
    Version 0.1b
    • Without permission, everyone can use it !
    Version 0.1a
    • Release
    Novae7 likes this.
  2. Offline


    Thanks :)

    but i know i forgot something to say.....

    i have no permissions on my server.... just "old" groupsystem from MCMyAdmin

    Sry :-/


    is it possible when no permissions found -> use for all?
  3. Offline


    No problem ^^
    It should be ok.
    Novae7 likes this.
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    THANKS!!!! :)
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    You could also just press F3 and look at the y value to the left of the screen.
  6. Offline


    Except the fact that F3 is not really... the best way, (i don't know for you, but on my desktop computer Y and Z are hidden by the graph) at first it was a request by an admin who doesn't want his users have to use F3 anymore^^'
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  8. Offline


    thx for update :)

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