~~~MESSAGE~~~this is my first plugin!! message is a basic commands plugin it has commands like:==============================================================/day - sets the time to day/night - sets the time to night/storm - sets the weather to storm/sun - sets the weather to sun==============================================================but also commands like:==============================================================/set-name {new display name} - change your display name/set-name-other {player} {new displaye name} - change someone's display name/fire {player} - burn someone/heal {player} - heal someone/half {player} - half someone's live's and food/kill {player} - kill someone ============================================================= also is it posible to spawn the first 4 items with:/stone , /grass , /dirt and /cobble=============================================================to see all the commands use /message-help =================================================================Download now:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15494560/message-1.7.jar
@duuuuuude It appears you don't have a proper title. Please follow ALL guidelines listed here: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/pl...-requirements-updated-december-28-2011.52166/