[INFO/CHAT]CustomJoin 0.0.1 - Change join/leave messsages [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by rossotorres, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. CustomJoin 0.0.1

    Did you ever get tired of these boring "derp has joined the game" messages? With this plugin you can change the format of the join/leave messages as you prefer it!

    1. Download the jar file and put it in your plugin folder. (Make sure bukkit isn't running!)
    2. Start and stop your server once
    3. CustomJoin has generated a settings file in your plugin folder. Customize your login/logout messages if you want to.
    4. Run your server and enjoy!

    - Custom join/leave messages
    - Supports color codes (List of color codes)

    Upcoming features
    - Custom join/leave messages for specific players
    - Silent admin-joining (?)

    CustomJoin.jar (0.0.1)

    Version history

    • inital release
  2. Offline


    I'd Recommend you create a BukkitDev project page, and link it here. Plugin Submissions are going to be phased out sooner or later, and BukkitDev is the future of plugins.
  3. Going to do that, thanks for reminding me :)

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