Inactive [INFO] AutoMessage v1.5a - Broadcast Automatic Messages [1535]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by RedFalKon, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. AutoMessage (Version 1.5a)

    Attention: There is currently an issue with AutoMessage v1.5a on CB Build #1185 which causes duplicate console output, in-game messages are unaffected however, this will be fixed in v1.6.

    A Simple Automatic Message plugin developed upon request from:

    This Plugin allows multiple messages to be broadcast serverwide at a set interval. The default time between messages is around 20 Seconds. This can be changed in the configuration file "".

    1. Copy "plugins\AutoMessage.jar" to your CraftBukkit Server Plugins Directory.
    2. Copy "plugins\" to your CraftBukkit Server Plugins Directory.

    • /reloadmsg - Reload the Message Configuration File (OPs Only)
    Adding Messages

    New Messages can be added by creating a new line in the properties file in the form of "msg=[message]".
    msg=This is a Sample Message !
    Colours can now be used in messages with the $ prefix
    msg=$cHello $eAll!
    Multiple Lines can now also be used in messages with $n

    msg=Hello All!$nA New Line
    Colour Codes:
    Show (open)

    Black = $0
    Dark Blue = $1
    Dark Green = $2
    Dark Aqua = $3
    Dark Red= $4
    Dark Purple = $5
    Gold = $6
    Gray = $7
    Dark Grey = $8
    Blue = $9
    Green = $a
    Aqua = $b
    Red = $c
    Light Purple = $d
    Yellow = $e
    White = $f

    • Add Colour Code Support for Messages (v1.1+)
    • Add Per User Message Control (1.6)
    • Add YAML Configuration File Support (1.6)
    • Move Config File to Plugins/AutoMessage Directory (1.6)
    • Add In-Game Message Editing/Viewing Functionaility (1.6)
    • Add Group Permissions Support (1.7?)
    Change Log

    • Versino 1.5a
      • Moved Properties File to Plugins Directory
    • Version 1.5
      • Removed Prior Change (Disable Colour Option)
      • Removed Truncation of Messages (Requires CraftBukkit #406)
    • Version 1.4
      • Added option to disable Colour Codes in messages (allows for untruncated messages)
    • Version 1.3
      • Added Multi-Line Support with $n Delimiter
      • Implemented Fix to Prevent Client and Server Crashes
      • Fixed problem when reading the plugin tag after /reloadmsg
    • Version 1.2
      • Added Colour Code Support for Message Prefix
      • Allowed removal of Message Prefix
      • Added support for message shuffling
      • Added /reloadmsg command to reload config for Server OPs
    • Version 1.1
      • Added Colour Code Support with $ prefix
    • Version 1.0
      • Released AutoMessage 1.0

    Current CraftBukkit Builds:
    [MC] (Latest Version for CB RB and Current Builds)

    If you like the plugin please consider donating to help withthe production of new features and updates for this and other plugins I develop.

    Donate via PayPal
    Chillax_Team, DaEgo, tombik and 5 others like this.
  2. Offline


    I LOVE that idea, although it's probably very complex, we'll just have to wait and see!
  3. Offline


    Hello thank's for this plugin could you port it with mysql please ? thank you :)
  4. Offline


    color codes ??
  5. Just check the spoiler underneath the heading for Colour Codes to find them, then add them infront of text like this $fHello.
  6. Offline


    How's it going with the development bro?
  7. I've been quite busy for the past few weeks so I haven't had chance to work on AutoMessage, the new version will be released but I don't currently have a set date.
    imoneofthem likes this.
  8. Offline


    Hi there!
    A small request...
    I have some scripting running on my server on a specific hour every day.
    Could it be plausible to add optional messages at a specific time of the day, not ignoring the random message system that it already has?
    Best regards,
  9. Offline


    Thank you for the update, all your work is appreciated and I'll remain eager for the release of the new version :)
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    Usefull example right here :D

    # AutoMessage Configuration
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    # General Config
    # This config can be reloaded in game with the '/reloadmsg' command (OPs Only)
    # time - Set the time between messages in Seconds
    # prefix - The text in the tag before an Auto Message (Now Supports Colour Codes) Remove the tag for No Message Prefix
    # random - Choose if the message list should be shown in order or shuffled (true or false)
    # Message List
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    # All Messages Should Start With msg=
    # Colour Codes can also be added to messages with the $ prefix e.g. msg=$cHello $eAll!
    # Add a new line to a message with $n
    msg=Griefers will be banned
    msg=This is free build server
    msg=this is free build server = for items type ex: /i rock or /i wood
    msg=Speak only enlgish in this server
    msg=Don't do retarted stuff
    msg=He's seeing you right now
    msg=He has his eyes on you
    msg=He always sees you
    msg=Don't bother admins with your stupid questions
    msg=Don't grief or bully people
    msg=You better be building right now
    msg=Build nice stuff! Help the server!
    msg=no retarted buildings pls
    msg=ask me about stargate
    msg=don't annoy people, be USEFULL!
    msg=Hitler was right
    msg= for items type ex: /give 1 64
    msg= for getting items (no punching wood) type /i rock or /give 1 64 for example
    # -----------------------------------------------------
  12. Offline


    it random weher i set to true or false in config

    u already can

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2016
  13. Offline


    On CB 1092 at the moment as well as running spout.
    All automessages are showing up twice. <- may be a problem once the next RB comes out.

    I noticed the double messages are only in console. Not in game however.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2016
  14. Hi, as #1092 is a standard build I will not currently be fixing any issues with it, when the next build for 1.8 is promoted I will then fix any issues which have arisen, their appears to be a few minor changes to the chat system within the current 1.8 builds.
  15. Offline


    This is one Plug-In that is a Staple on my Server, Good Work!
  16. Offline


    Also getting this error on automessages. Whenever an automessage comes up that has more then one line shows the follwing:
    2011-09-18 15:23:19 [INFO] [EcoCityCraft] Griefing is NOT allowed in the wild! However
    2011-09-18 15:23:19 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Thread-13" 
    2011-09-18 15:23:19 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-09-18 15:23:19 [SEVERE]  at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftPlayer.sendRawMessage(
    2011-09-18 15:23:19 [SEVERE]  at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftPlayer.sendMessage(
    2011-09-18 15:23:19 [SEVERE]  at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.broadcast(
    2011-09-18 15:23:19 [SEVERE]  at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.broadcastMessage(
    2011-09-18 15:23:19 [SEVERE]  at
    2011-09-18 15:23:19 [SEVERE]  at Source)
  17. Hi, I've just tested the plugin with the latest stable release of CraftBukkit at the time of writing #1149, multi-line messages are working fine and so are the console debug messages (only once per message), make sure that you're using the $n delimiter to signify the new line in your message and that your not just adding a new line in the config.

    A sample multi-line message could be the following:

    msg=This is the First Line of the Message !$nThis is the Second Line of the Message !
  18. Offline


    Indeed I am. Ive been using the plugin for about 2 months now and it has always worked fine. Some messages were over 4-5 lines :) Now i just have issues with it -_- - guess ill give it another spin in a day or two and test it further.
  19. Just tested a message with six lines in the same definition, no problems displaying it in-game or the console, try using a new copy of the config file and see if that works (are you using a prefix or not ?)
  20. Offline


    After upgrading to 1.8.1, this plugin spams console with the tip message multiple times (usually 3 times per tip). Works fine in-game however.
  21. Hi, as I previously stated once the 1.8.1 compatible CraftBukkit release is promoted to RB then I'll fix the errors which users are encountering, thanks for your feedback !
  22. RB #1185 for 1.8.1 Has been released so I'll be patching AutoMessage to support it.
  23. Offline


    Thanks Red.
    Your plugin is a must have on my servers nowadays.
  24. Offline


    Hi,can you make this plugin support Chinese?
    Beacause,I type chinese after the msg= it show 口
  25. Offline



    I have the following config :

    # AutoMessage Configuration
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    # General Config
    # This config can be reloaded in game with the '/reloadmsg' command (OPs Only)
    # time - Set the time between messages in Seconds
    # prefix - The text in the tag before an Auto Message (Now Supports Colour Codes) Remove the tag for No Message Prefix
    # random - Choose if the message list should be shown in order or shuffled (true or false)
    # Message List
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    # All Messages Should Start With msg=
    # Colour Codes can also be added to messages with the $ prefix e.g. msg=$cHello $eAll!
    # Add a new line to a message with $n
    # -----------------------------------------------------

    But every 20 sec, there is no message :s can someone explain me why ?
  26. Offline


    Uhm, it only logs it in console for me. Never in-game.
  27. Offline


  28. Offline


  29. Offline


    works fine for me. :) and is on time every time.. good job on the plugin btw..
  30. Offline


    I had a [severe] error of it not starting the plugin, and this fixed it for me :)
  31. Offline


    Is it possible to write ö, ä and ü?
    If yes, how?

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