Inactive [INFO/ADMIN] LogBlock v1.54 - Enderdragon Logging! Tree Grow Logging! [1.4.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DiddiZ, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: 1.50​
    Find and Backroll those Damn Griefers
    LogBlock release are on DevBukkit:

    LogBlock dev builds:

    Please read the installation guide

    I won't port LogBlock myself to mcAPI. Source code is available, so it shouldn't be to difficult for someone else to do it, also I'm still here. so I can answer questions. If there is more than one willing, that's up to you to handle that.

    The reasons I take this step, are the usual: I quit playing Minecraft about 5 months ago and lastly I was struggling to keep up with updates. The developement of Guardian made slow progress, so I fear it won't be ready to fully replace LB in time.

    Download latest dev build: Jenkins
    View the source code: GitHub
    Table of contents:
    1. Description
    2. Features
    3. Why to use LogBlock
    4. Example command
    5. Older versions
    6. Change log
    7. Todo list / feature requests
    8. Permission nodes
    9. Plugins supporting this
    10. Support the dev
    11. How to post error messages
    12. Advertizing

    LogBlock logs block changes into a MySQL database. Block changes can be placed or destroyed block, explosions, burned blocks, sign text changes, chest access, leaves decay etc.
    It can be used as griefer identification tool, to find out who build a particular building, or even roll back changes by certain players. Other purposes can be e.g: Undoing of forest fires
    All additional features are optional, to keep the database as short as possible. All database actions run in their own threads to avoid server lags.
    The use of permissions plugin (or any clone) is possible, but not necessary.
    Uses Spout for chest logging (but it's fully optional, and there is no need for the client mod at all).

    • Logging for block placing, block braking, fire, explosions, leaves decay, signtexts, lava flow and chest content
    • Very mighty commands system, not only allowing to rollback and redo, but also to tp to blockchanges, delete log ingame etc. Full list of commands.
    • Many parameters for lookup/rollback/redo/tp/clearlog commands: Block changes of one ore more player, in a specific area, in a world edit selection, specific block types only, block changes older or newer that a specific date, destroyed/created block only, in a different world and combinations of all these parameters. Full list of parameters.
    • Rebuilding map after importing a backup (/lb redo)
    • Last parameter to use the parameters of the last command
    • Quick ingame lookup of block history a wood pickaxe or a bedrock block.
    • All commands accessible from console (exept tools :D)
    • Custom queries for tools.
    • Different tool modes (lookup, rollback, redo, writelogfile and clearlog)
    • Saves block data like wool color, log type, torch adjustment, etc
    • Multiworld and multiserver support (some servers sharing the same database)
    • BigBrother log import
    • Loggable super pickaxe plugin (not to confuse with WorldEdit's super pickaxe)
    • API
    • Webstats
    Why to use LogBlock:

    Example commands: (thanks to tha d0ctor, read more about commands here)

    /lb rollback player fire since 1d3h – rolls back fire 1 day 3 hours
    /lb rollback player fire since 1d3h area 15 – rolls back fire 1 day 3 hours within a radius of 15 blocks

    /lb rollback player thad0ctor since 1h - rolls back thad0ctor 1 hour
    /lb rollback player thad0ctor since 1d area 5 – rolls back thad0ctor actions for the last day within 5 blocks
    /lb rollback area 10 since 1h30m - rolls back all modifications within 10 blocks since the list 1 hours and 30 mins
    /lb rollback area 10 before 06.11.2011 - roll back all changes in an area of 1o before June 11th, 2011
    /lb rollback player thad0ctor since 05:36:00 - roll back all changes of thad0ctor since 05:36 (server time)

    Download, Command, Configuration and Details:

    -> Full changelog
    • LogBlock v1.50 # 81 (Dez. 13, 2011)
      Works with CraftBukkit 1.0.1-R1
      • Feature: /lb me shows the total block count
      • Feature: Chest logging without spout
      • Feature: Enderdragon logging
      • Feature: Logging for tree and mushroom grow (thanks to MD5 for the api)
      • Fix: Area param works again with default radius
      • Fix: Rollbacks got slowed down a bit to avoid rare server crashes
      • Fix: If mysql username, password or database only consist of unquoted numbers, LB will read them now
      • Config: World configs changed totally, some names changed and all logging options are now in an own section
    • LogBlock v1.41 #63 (Nov. 15, 2011)
      Works with CraftBukkit recommended build #1337
      • Fix: Players with spawnTools permission are no longer allowed to spawn all tools.
      • Fix: Added a check to avoid "The permission xy is already defined!" errors
    • LogBlock v1.40 #60 (Nov. 09, 2011)
      Works with CraftBukkit recommended build #1337
      • Feature: Custom auto ClearLog
      • Feature: Reduced error spam. Instead of like 40 line of error code, there is now just a warning stating the MySQL con
      • Feature: The queue will now be dumped after 10 tries even when the MySQL server is connected
      • Feature: Custom material names, allows naming custom blocks
      • Feature: LogBlock will now respond to messages when started without MySQL connection
      • Fix: Log import runs now async
      • Fix: Log import errors won't crash the server
      • Fix: Console commands work again
      • Fix: You can now use upper case letter in tool names (I don't know why you even should, but ...)
      • Config: Added, clearlog.enableAutoClearlog in main config. Added materials.yml. Removed clearlog.keepLogDays
      • Permissions: Added 'logblock.spawnTools'
    • LogBlock v1.32 (Oct. 04, 2011)
      Works with CraftBukkit recommended build #1240
      • Feature: Player info logging: firstLogin, lastLogin, onlinetime, ip. No ingame lookup yet.
      • Feature: /lb queuesize to see the current queue size
      • Fix: Door logging logs now also fence gates
      • Fix: Bukkit api break in CB #1191
      • Fix: time restriction works now as intended. Thanks to xrobau
      • Fix: Players with insufficient permissions can't smuggle bedrock from one world to another
      • Config: Added logPlayerInfo
    • LogBlock v1.30 (Sep. 22, 2011)
      Works with CraftBukkit recommended build #1185
      • Feature: Chat lookup /lb chat player diddiz search +admin +sucks +dicks (more info)
      • Feature: Door logging
      • Feature: Dynamic tools, define your own tools
      • Feature: Use since and before to define a timespan
      • Feature: Enderman logging
      • Feature: cake logging (who ate it)
      • Config: Added logEndermen, logCakes and logDoors to world config and moved the tool section in main config.
      • Permissions: logblock.tool changed to and
        logblock.toolblock to
    Todo List:

    Permission Nodes:

    Plugins supporting Logblock:
    List (open)

    When you want to appear your plugin here, tell me about

    Support the developer (that's me :D):
    If you want to support me writing plugins or want to thank me for the plugin/support, you can: Suggest features I missed, report bugs (best with fix :D), donate via PayPal, flattr my plugins, gift me The Witcher 2 (thanks to newyoukdaily), 2x 1GB DDR1 modules (thanks to HonestFlames), or send me the inner life of a laptop or netbook with a broken display (need it to build a model aircraft, so there is no need for parts like display and keyboard).


    How to post error messages:

    I won't aswer questions to general MySQL setup/installation/what is MySQL (there are lots of good tutorials out there, use google)
    Please read the installation guide before asking a question about installation problems.
    Please read the FAQ before posting a error report. It may be solved there.
    In case of rollback or lookup problems: Type /lb savequeue and try again (when it's fixed then, it was a consumer problem, see FAQ)
    When you post error messages, it's important to paste the whole stack trace!

    Newyorkdailys Plugin Support Buisness (open)
    Still can't get LogBlock working, or any other plugin? Are you getting errors in your console and cant figure out why? Newyorkdaily offers Basic/Advanced Plugin support.
    • General/Advanced troubleshooting: FREE!
    • Plugin Installations: 1-2 Plugins - FREE!
    • 3 or More Plugins - $2
    Click on the link below to connect to him now!

    There is a LogBlock irc channel: #logblock at
    You can ask me on skype. My name is 'hawky.diddiz'.
  2. Offline


    Huh... guess not :p
    Thanks for the help! [diamond]
    DiddiZ likes this.
  3. Offline


    i know i am an idiot :).
    can i use the old logblock for 1337 for 1559
  4. Offline


    Yeah, sure. It was only broken from 1296 to 1500 :D
  5. 2011-12-06 18:33:49 [SEVERE] [LogBlock] Error while loading: null

    Why is it not working? iam using the newest buil
  6. Offline


    Also using latest bukkit build?
  7. Offline


    I was having this problem even after I put the password in quotes. Everything had worked in the previous version and I knew the sql db was fine because mcmmo still worked. However, I also put my username in ' ' and then it worked as my user name was only a number.
  8. sure...
  9. Offline


    I understand the latest and greatest griefing tool with logblock is to plant trees, and place sand. Any idea on this? We had a player griefed in this way, and although we were able to fix most of it, some of it we had to do manually because of the sand / trees.
  10. Offline


    Does this log changes to the world using WorldEdit?
  11. Offline


    Tree logging will come as soon as the pull request gets pulled, for sand/gravel there is no solution in sight atm.
    There was a potential api brean recently, need to check if LB affected as soon as I get my hard drive back.
  12. Offline


    Not good with 1.0.0.
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


    Is there perhaps a logblock troubleshoot flying about.

    Every time I query the database (e.g. /lb area 10) it prompts me with "Error, Check Log" I check the console and the ONLY thing it gives me is [LogBlock] Exception in commands handler:
    All other commands appear to work but those related to logging, querying and I assume rollbacks which i haven't tried as there would be no point as nothing is getting logged.
    I Googled that message and it seems that is a VERY common message for A HEAP of common unrelated problems.

    I checked my database credentials where correct in the config, I made sure the correct worlds where being logged, checked for capitalization on the world logging options but to no avail.
    I have a hunch that it may just be a version issue but I lack the know how to actually know if that's the case. I'm lost where would I start to tackle this problem in an educated manner? The error, or more a warning message given to me in the console is rather obscure and vague.
  15. Offline


    I guess you are using MCMyAdmin or something similar?
    For some reason I'll never get it hides the actual error message. Have a look at the server.log file, ther should be the stacktrace in full.
  16. Offline


    Oh... Would "Pail" be likely to hide error messages? If so that's pretty stupid...
    Ill check the server.log and see if I cant figure it out.

    Edit: OK... Now that I know where to find the REAL error log it tells me quite clearly that the world I queried was not logged. Which is odd I added the worlds i thought i wanted to log in the to the config. I will just have to review what I did...
  17. Offline


    Hy all

    Using Logblock now for about 2 weeks - moved from BB as it looked a bit outdated (but still wasnt bad).

    It does what it should - great work so far :)

    but i have a problem with lags:
    Not anytime but on high serverload it seems that the "consumer" makes this. few days ago i hat really bad settings for it:
    400ms every 6sec atleast 40edits bukkitscheduler false. at that time - with more than lets say 70 players - we had recomming blocks nearly any 5 secs. ok wasnt that unexpected as i then rereaded the docu :p
    so we changed to 100ms any 3secs / 25edits and an eye on the queuesize. this was better a long time but few hours later it also started same behavour. not any 3 secs but if - then huge. sometimes your last 10 broken stones reappeared... not funny :( the queue-size was <40 all the times we tested with /lb savequeue

    allready updated from 1.41 to latest dev-version - same results.

    we cleanup the tables way often - mostly removing (into dumpfiles) anything before 24 hours. we would love to log more time for rollbacks - maybe 3 days - but sometimes it seems its going slower when the table goes up above 1-2.000.000 entries - and this is maybe a day on our server - on weekend even more.

    i cant say its a problem with logblock - but its the only plugin which made differences on other config-settings - and the first lags where exactly the 6secs of lb's consumer :(

    what makes us weired is - the first 2 days anything run verrrry smooth with up to 100players - but then it started and doesnt go away :(

    my questions:
    how to optimize the settings for servers @ about 100players? i dont know how its working internally - should i use something like a short time every second or longer times not that often? or on what does it depend?
    on which tasks does lb read from the main table? only when using lb-tools or also when writing something into it or other recomming events?
    and cleanup - is it running only on serverstart or also while running?

    and a reload-command for the config whould be verrry nice to test this parts as they need hours to appear... or also a kind of "stop all logging now for a short time" to check if the lags are from lb or something other

    and bit off topic - how far is "guardian"? :p i think u are also working on it - is it kind of "soon" or "not this year"? :) any testing-versions available?

    thanks for any help - here or via msg (english or german ;))
    greetz speedy
  18. Offline


    TYI: THe world names are case sensitive and must include relative path, if any.
    Auto clearlog is only called at server start yet ... I still may change that.

    Firstly, server lags aren't directly related to the database (that's the point of using the consumer as cache), unless the queue hits enormous sizes. Anyhow, on a single core system, the consumer and the database can affect the game server, but single cores got rare these days.

    Block respawning is normally caused by cpu overload.

    To about queue processing while cpu spikes, set forceToProcess to 0 (this is mainly used for remote MySQL servers with a high ping.

    You could disable some environment logging features (if enabled) , like water/lava flow and leaves decay.

    You could increase the MySQL key buffer, so genereating keys should take place faster at the cost of a higher ram usage.

    You could try time 100 and delay 1 or time 1000 and delay 10
  19. Offline


    Could anyone help me on the Webstats Optimization part. Its telling I can use this:

    ALTER TABLE `lb-world` DROP INDEX playerid, ADD INDEX webstats1 (playerid, type, replaced), ADD INDEX webstats2 (playerid, replaced, type);

    But im not sure where to put it. If anyone can help me i would thank you forever.
  20. Offline


    MySQL console, phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbenc, whatever you've got.
  21. Offline


    I put in a ticket on dev.bukkit, not sure what one would get the quickest reply. We're getting this on console when we restart we've also had a few crashes and the console has been spammed with logblock errors.
  22. Offline


  23. So, how to I get the Webstats to work? It's looking for lb-main but there is no such table. Since I run the server with default names the tables being created is tb-world and tb-world_nether.

    So what am I missing here?

    EDIT: Ok. So I changed the lb-main to lb-world and it seems to work. But does this mean that the webstats only show stats for one world? If I spend an eternety in the ether then it doesn't show?
  24. Offline


    That's the reason $tables is an array, you can list all your worlds there:
    $tables = array('lb-world', 'lb-world_nether', 'lb-world_the_end');
  25. Offline


    will there ever be a way to rollback fire destruction and tnt (so like environment just like in bigbrother)? And, will there be a way to undo a rollback before x minutes/ticks?
  26. Offline


    I get this error on startup:
    [LogBlock] Error while loading: No worlds configured
    And before you ask, yes I filled in my logged worlds in config.yml:

    - world
    - world_nether
    - world_the_end
    - creative
    - survival
    I am using version 75 of the dev build.
  27. Offline


    Also getting this error. Downgraded to #72.
  28. Offline


    Thanks rtca, il do the same!
  29. Offline


    /lb rb player fire (requires fire logging enabled)

    /lb rb player tnt (requires tnt logging enabled)

    /lb rb player diddiz since 999d (rollback)
    /lb redo player diddiz since 999d (undo of the rollback)

    Ty, looks like auto logging all worlds backfired ...
  30. Offline


    thx, oh, and i didnt know redo was undo, sry
    can you rb again after a redo?
  31. Offline


    If you want, sure :D

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