Plugin category: Misc/Mechanic Suggested name: InfFlow A bit about me: I am the owner of the small server Minecraft (Not) Vanilla, and I like to make my server as fun as possible for players, that includes making things easier to automate, without completely destroying the game. What I want: A plugin that simply allows anyone with the permission to place a bukkit of water that infinitely flows. Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin. Ideas for permissions: infflow.flow When I'd like it by: Some time this month. Similar plugin requests: None that I know of. Devs who might be interested in this: Anyone who want really strange, large farms.
Yeah, you know how block 36 prevents liquids? I would use this and ditches to guide it, and it would at just like normal water, except without the 8 block limit.
Well, if you want a true infinite water source, then take a look at this post. This post proves it is possible, and bergerkiller made it.
@coolo1 Here it is! Once it gets approved you can download it!
Recursion + Async Delayed Task. Just place the water if there's air in the surrounding space. Once it's placed the first time, the built in water physics will keep it in place regardless.
Is there any way I can get the exact opposite of this? I have a full request here -
Any reason why a configuration like this does not work? B=Block W=Water Code: BWB BBB BBB B B B B B B
I think he wanted it so that if a player without the permission places a bucket of water it'll flow normally and not endlessly.
I realized what he wanted, however my plugin does not look at players in any way... That is a known bug... Reaaaaly not sure what's wrong