TpPortal - Teleport to your portals location: Version: v0.3 This is my first plugin which I am releasing it for everyone. Forgotten your portals location? Simply download this plugin! Download Link: Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Features: /setportal - Save the portal location at your current position. /portal - Wrap you to the portal location Permission not supported at the moment Only OP can set portal location Any player are allowed to use /portal ToDo lists: Add permission file Multiple portals location More Lists Coming Soon! Changelog: Version 0.3 Updated to Bukkit Latest Recommended Build 1060 Version 0.2 Bug fixed! Multiple World Supported Version 0.1 Initially release! If you found any bug please send me message as soon as possible! Enjoy. Credit: @CaiusTSM - For helping me a lot of stuff ! The source code is a mess, I will try to fix it later. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Download link already fixed. I will try DropBox whenever I have spare time. //Version 0.3 is ready should be uploaded this week. Thank you
it worked perfectly on build 1000. But when i updated to build 1060 today it says "an internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command" when i type /portal. i can type /setportal though
Sorry for inconvenience causes. I could not perform any fixed at the moment due my computer broke out. Please be patience while I'm fixing it.
What do you mean by good? I did this plugin for fun. >< There're full of bugs in this plugin which the source code is very messy atm. You could tryout MultiWarp aswell
haha coz my portal station thing is far away and its real useful oh i couldnt find multiwarp btw EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Is your server private or public? Thanks for the feedback! Sorry, I couldn't search the MultiWarp atm due I'm using a noob computer.