[INACTIVE][SEC/ECON] iCoLand v2.46 - buy/protect land with iConomy [740]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Magik, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. Offline


    iCoLand v2.46
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    iColand v2.46 Jar
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    Plugin Requirements
    • iCoLand v2.46 was tested against Craftbukkit build #740
    • iConomy 5.0
    • Permissions 2.7.2
    So I wanted a plugin on my server that allows for self-service protection. But I didn't want to make these areas infinitely creatable, and I hate the idea of admins/mods having to zone out areas for people. So that's where the birth of this idea came from. This mod allows for self-service protection areas, and they are limited by the fact that they must "buy" these areas with iConomy currency. This will greatly reduce the amount of griefing issues I will have to deal with on my server as I will start telling people that this is the only valid form of protection and griefing is a fact of life that is unavoidable if you don't protect your land.

    iCoLand allows you to buy/sell areas of land ( cuboids ) for self-service protection. You select areas of land using the "/icl select" tool, then you can buy the land with "/icl buy land". This makes the land protected so no others can place or destroy blocks in there. There will be addons you can buy that will add extra features to the land you've bought. Such as announcing the zone name when you enter or leave it, having a location heal a player over time, blocking people from entering the zone completely.

    The basic premise of the plugin is that each block in the world is worth some default value (configurable). In the future, there will be the ability to make areas of land worth more. Probably a center point that is highest price modification, with a radius of effect that drops down to 0 at the edge of the circle. Addons also are a per-block pricing scheme.

    Updates and more to come, keep posted.

    Much thanks goes to Nijikokun for the great iConomy, as well as some helper functions I may have stole of his through HaloInverse's DynamicMarket plugin. Thanks to you too Halo! And thanks to TheYeti for maintaining Permissions until Bukkit solves that can of worms. As well as the Bukkti devs for making all of this possible. Also to TomyLobo for his OfflinePlayer class ( to access Permission nodes of offline players ).
  2. Offline


    use /icl edit perms
  3. Offline


    I only had 'icl.basic.*' and 'icl.land.*'. With the newest version of your plugin it says about 12 mins for one and 13 mins for the other of my lands, when I enter 10 mins in the config. But the counter continues into negative when it reaches the time of taxation. :) (without taxing my land)

    edit: ok, for admins it works! I don't need to pay anyting, but it's working, since I get the message and the correct amount. But again, after 12 and 13 mins, not 10, as configured
  4. Offline


    Dude its lagging my server:
    2011-04-13 19:02:38 [SEVERE] Could not pass event CREATURE_SPAWN to iCoLand
        at me.slaps.iCoLand.Cuboid.computeNewBlock(Cuboid.java:124)
        at me.slaps.iCoLand.Cuboid.<init>(Cuboid.java:48)
        at me.slaps.iCoLand.LandDBH2.getLandById(LandDBH2.java:732)
        at me.slaps.iCoLand.LandManager.getLandById(LandManager.java:106)
        at me.slaps.iCoLand.iCoLandEntityListener.onCreatureSpawn(iCoLandEntityListener.java:28)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$48.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:494)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:59)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:255)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callCreatureSpawnEvent(CraftEventFactory.java:228)
        at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:724)
        at net.minecraft.server.SpawnerCreature.a(SourceFile:148)
        at net.minecraft.server.World.h(World.java:1384)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:359)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:283)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:375)
    2011-04-13 19:02:39 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-04-13 19:02:39 [SEVERE]     at me.slaps.iCoLand.Cuboid.computeNewBlock(Cuboid.java:124)
    2011-04-13 19:02:39 [SEVERE]     at me.slaps.iCoLand.Cuboid.<init>(Cuboid.java:48)
    2011-04-13 19:02:39 [SEVERE]     at me.slaps.iCoLand.LandDBH2.getLandById(LandDBH2.java:732)
    2011-04-13 19:02:39 [SEVERE]     at me.slaps.iCoLand.LandManager.getLandById(LandManager.java:106)
    2011-04-13 19:02:39 [SEVERE]     at me.slaps.iCoLand.MobKillTask.run(MobKillTask.java:20)
    2011-04-13 19:02:39 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:122)
    2011-04-13 19:02:39 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:356)
    2011-04-13 19:02:39 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:283)
    2011-04-13 19:02:39 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:375)
    2011-04-13 19:02:39 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
        at me.slaps.iCoLand.Cuboid.computeNewBlock(Cuboid.java:124)
        at me.slaps.iCoLand.Cuboid.<init>(Cuboid.java:48)
        at me.slaps.iCoLand.LandDBH2.getLandById(LandDBH2.java:732)
        at me.slaps.iCoLand.LandManager.getLandById(LandManager.java:106)
        at me.slaps.iCoLand.MobKillTask.run(MobKillTask.java:20)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:122)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:356)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:283)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:375)
    2011-04-13 19:03:27 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-04-13 19:03:36 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-04-13 19:03:36 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-04-13 19:03:41 [INFO] Read timed out
    2011-04-13 19:03:43 [INFO] Read timed out
  5. Offline


    Seems to be working after some testing, Thanks!
  6. Offline


    updated to v2.32
    - staggered mob removal event to be less intensive, spread removals over multiple ticks

    updated to v2.31
    - fixed some tax code issues

    I havn't seen any ill effects on my server, that looks like the DB is having trouble getting data out of the H2 database.... what are you server specs, specifically what kind of IO access rates are you getting on the HD where the database is stored?

    also, what is your mob removal timer set to?

    just changed some stuff around in v2.32 to help alleviate this issue for you, but as I said, it works fine for me on my end, so I don't know how much this will help you...

    Confirmed, and I think I have fixed this now in the last update ( v2.31 ). Times can still go negative, but that's just because the tax code doesn't run super often ( i've reduced it down to every minute now - so you shouldn't see a negative # more than 1 minute in /icl info ).
  7. Offline


    we are using 1gb nfo server
    ment for gamaing
  8. Offline


    hard drive specs?

    i've seen many "game server" websites sell "minecraft game servers" that are meant for "minecraft servers", but fall very short of the bill for a minecraft server. Just because they advertise it as a minecraft server does not mean it's up to par
  9. Offline


    ran a benchmark on the server

    146 MB in 3.02 seconds = 48.30 MB/sec
    50 megs a second random read write average
  10. Offline


    download link not working? I get page not found.
  11. Offline


    how'd you run your bench?

    what other plugins are you running? and you never answered my question back there - what's your mob removal interval set to?

    and have you tried v2.32 ? I staggered the mob removal task to only do 20 mobs a tick instead of the whole server's worth of mobs.

    How many people on your server when it's lagging? How many entities/mobs do you think exist on the server at the time?

    just checked, and it worked for me? Try going to the "older versions" link - it should be listed there as well ( as well as older versions )
  12. Offline


    I get this from Chrome:

    Error 205 (net::ERR_CERT_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_REVOCATION): Unknown error.

    EDIT: Tried with IE, it works. Must be a chrome thing? :confused:
  13. Offline


    github doesn't have a valid SSL security certificate, you have to ignore the bad cert
  14. Offline


    oh ok, weird thing is chrome wont let me ignore, it just blocks me :O

    Also quick question, is there any way to let people build by default in the region? Like i claimed my spawntown with icl and put in nospawn, and announcement, but now people cant use the teleport hub, as they cannot build their teleporters.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  15. Offline


    Can i expect a temporary build solution as posted before in the next time? at the moment i have to port players out of holes every day, so if they could place torches and ladders in unclaimed areas which will be removed after for example 5 min or/and when they are to far away, it would be awesome
  16. Offline


    i updated to 2.32 it runs perfectly now, but still my users are complaining that they cant build with friends...
    also i want to add the announce addon by default when they buy land. This will help the noobs find out were there land ends, also this will help with the fact that you cant cross two area claims even if you own them both.
  17. Offline


    use /icl edit perms..... you can enable whoever you want to build in your zone, please read documentation in the OP at the wiki

    there is no way to default add announce, but you can make it cost 0 so it's free
  18. Offline


    i keep getings these [warning]'s :/!

    2011-04-10 18:58:22 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: masonator117:t:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:22 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: SirLeeuwenKlauw:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:22 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: Nielscorn:t:t:t:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:24 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: nielscorn:t:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:24 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: masonator117:t:t:t:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:24 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: babbe0:t:t:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:24 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: Takaramono:t:t:t:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:24 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: _fear_inside_:f:t:t:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:24 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: babbe0:t:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:24 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: babbe0:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:24 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: takaramono:t:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:24 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: takaramono:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:24 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: masonator117:t:t:t:t:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:24 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: nielscorn:t:t
    2011-04-10 18:58:24 [WARNING] [iCoLand] Error parsing tag: masonator117:t:t

    as you see these arent recent but basicly, it's happening as we speak...
    What does this mean? is it bad? does it lag my server(as i think giving warnings constantly isnt a good thing?)
    Please let me know asap!
  19. Offline


    its possible that a player get the money if one buy a land?
  20. Offline


    would it be possible for you to implement a function which allows a player to get tax from other players who are on his land? Or simply one payment from whoever enters it?
  21. Offline


    are you using the latest version of iCoLand?
    I havn't implemented anything like that yet
    doesn't seem like it would be a nice quick and easy addition, it would take some work I imagine as I would want to have some sort of confirmation... Well, another thing is would the user be able to set the tax price on entering? Would there be any limit to this? Because if its auto-deducted from an account when a player enters an area, couldn't someone just pop this lil areas all around the map in random places and make mad money this way? How would one have a confirmation screen for this? How long does paying the tax gain you entry in the zone? What happens when the time runs out and you are still in the zone? There are a lot of questions about the implementation that would need to be ironed out first before this even got thought of being implemented.
  22. Offline


    is it possible to make?
  23. Offline


    i have not implemented it yet, yes it's possible... will i do it now? I don't know.... will I do it ever? maybe
  24. Offline


    yes i am... :/, well it happened on the old version and i upgraded it, still happening... A LOT, like 5 [WARNING] messages every second

    Little extra thing... nobody but me seems to be able to acces the commands, i set up the NEW permissions exactly as i did with the old ones and they still can't acces them... I even used permission such as icoland.land.* and icoland.basic.* just to be sure i didnt do anything wrong... what could be wrong?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  25. Offline


    ohh, yeah ok, you need to clear out the bad entries - just doing a quick edit on it will fix it

    do this on any landID that has the messed up tags:
    /icl modify <landid> perms default:f
    /icl modify <landid> perms default:-
    can you post your permissions config file? I don't have this issue at all

    plugin updated to v2.33
    -added temporarily allowed items in claimed lands ( for example ladders or torches )
    -configurable delay for temp items
    -items will be returned back to the player after the delay

    added this feature in v2.33

    plugin updated to v2.34
    -added configurable nospawn mobs, added default list in config.yml

    plugin updated to v2.34
    -added configurable nospawn mob list

    Added this in the latest version =)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  26. Offline


    Can you PLEASE make it so that we can RENT out the land to people? I think that'd be so awesome. Like.. every 24 hours it takes out 10 coins from the rentor and gives it to the landlord. AWESOME plugin!
  27. Offline


    fixed the permissions thing, seems like my wrapper didn't update the commands in the config but just in the wrapper...
  28. Offline


    GENIUS! Much appreciated! I must say that we all love your mod. I do have one question. The no spawn addon, it seems to prevent anything from spawning, including livestock. Is this accurate or a coincidence that livestock stopped spawning. Ive also noticed that monster spawns are very rare in my "base/house" and thats even with areas that arent very well lit. If you own the land, do monsters spawn on/in the purchased lot? (i have it set to purchase from top to bottom 128) In the past if I tapped into a cave system the unexplored or unlit areas were full of monsters. This seems to no longer be the case after installing this mod but again i suppose it could all be a coincidence.

    So the question is since, I ranted a bit up top, is...

    Does nospawn addon kill all spawns including livestock.
    Does just owning land prevent monster spawn within owned plot?
    lastly depending on answer...
    is it possible to just disable monster spawn?

    Thank you again for your hard work, quick response, and utter GENIUS!
  29. Offline


    Ok, then I'll try to give you some ideas:
    First of all, the owner of a zone would have to buy an ADDON, which allows him to raise taxes on it ;)

    Well, another thing is would the user be able to set the tax price on entering?
    - Tax-Rate is a fixed rate in the config file, like the normal tax rate, and is calculated in the same way. The time span between taxation could be also configured in the config. minimum every minute, not below. For my purpose this would be enough :) You then would have to implemet a function which transfers the money from players on the given land to the account of the player who owns this land.

    Would there be any limit to this?
    - Yes, since it's fixed in the config

    Because if its auto-deducted from an account when a player enters an area, couldn't someone just pop this lil areas all around the map in random places and make mad money this way?
    - Since you have to pay for the land at least every one minute, you simply could leave the land. On the other hand it wouldn't be rentable for the owners to buy land that is big enough, so a player would need more then a minute to cross it ;)

    How would one have a confirmation screen for this?
    - I would add a simple message to whoever is entering such an area. Included in this message would be the owner, the tax rate, and the interval.

    How long does paying the tax gain you entry in the zone? What happens when the time runs out and you are still in the zone?
    - As long as you are able to pay you can stay in the zone. After that you get ported out of it. If you don't have any money you still can enter a zone, to cross it for instance. But if you have to pay you again get ported out of it.

    I hope this makes it clearer and I REALLY hope you could implement such a function, with a new ADDON ;)

    In Short: A new addon, which is linked to a fixed (tax/time) value in the config. Whoever buys this addon for his land gets money from players being in his land.
  30. Offline

    Matt Johnstone

    Hi, is there BOSEconomy support for this? because my server uses that and i was just wondering. if not could you make it compatable?
  31. Offline


    Nice, thanks very much!

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