[INACTIVE][MECH]CommandSigns v0.4 - Issue commands using signs [672]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Edward Hand, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Edward Hand

    Well just start a new line after punchin and not after 5 then.
  2. Offline


    So I have my sign set up like this:

    The virtual user has permissions for /manpromote, and the user has permission to use the sign.
    However, all it does is say "player not found"

    What did I do wrong?
    Maybe it's trying to /manpromote the virtual command sign user?
  3. Offline

    Edward Hand

    Looks good to me. When you say the text turned yellow, do you mean green?
    Look in the server console. What command was it trying to run?
  4. Offline


    Yes, I do mean green.

    The console does not print any messages when I right-click the sign.
    However, on launch, it says that it is enabled, and I get a response, but the response is "Player not found",so GroupManager got the command and it is responding to it. But the console is empty.

    If I try to enter this:
    it works perfectly and it shows that the user "/CommandSigns" has logged in.d

    Maybe I'll make a quick video to show you what's going on
  5. I have found some issues that SOME plugin commands dont like the signs, sometimes... sometimes it requires OP for /CommandSigns . However, when i continue to test (assigning another 'real' player as admin), that player also has problems using the same commands (no signs)...
    So, at least from my testing, its working properly... just some issues with permission assignment on each plugin
  6. Offline


    can we change the /CommandSigns in permissions file

    to have this form---> /playername
    because if i use de /CommandSigns in uquest plugin all people on my server do the same quest
  7. Offline

    Edward Hand

    Thanks for pointing this out. The Permissions plugin doesn't allow overriding permissions, so I had to go with a rather hackish solution. I've just released a new version which, while no less hackish, is hackish in different and hopefully better ways.

    (see above)

    Update may fix your problems too

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  8. Offline


    16:55:46 [INFO] Mag [/] logged in with entity id 128
    16:55:46 [INFO] Loaded world: world/RoG
    16:55:53 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    16:55:53 [GRAVE] Could not pass event BLOCK_RIGHTCLICKED to SignColours
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.Server.dispatchCommand(Lorg/bukkit/comma
            at com.edwardhand.commandsigns.SignListener.onBlockRightClick(SignListen
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$20.execute(JavaPluginLoader.j
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.jav
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.j
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:493)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet15Place.a(SourceFile:57)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(SourceFile:230)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:76)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:357)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:272)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
    16:55:55 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    16:55:55 [GRAVE] Could not pass event BLOCK_RIGHTCLICKED to SignColours
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.Server.dispatchCommand(Lorg/bukkit/comma
            at com.edwardhand.commandsigns.SignListener.onBlockRightClick(SignListen
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$20.execute(JavaPluginLoader.j
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.jav
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.j
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:493)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet15Place.a(SourceFile:57)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(SourceFile:230)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:76)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:357)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:272)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)

    after the update, I have got this error when i use this sign

    /*uquest give
  9. Offline


    Alright, I'll try the new version and see if it works, thanks
  10. Offline

    Edward Hand

    You shouldn't be getting that...
    What version of craftbukkit are you using?
    You may need to update it.
  11. Offline


  12. Offline


    I posted this on another thread here

    Basically, when my new users type in, I or another OP type in:
    /manuadd Milo Miners
    And they are added to the miners guild & then known as [Miners] Milo: in chat. (with a coloured prefix). Ideally I don't want to have to rely on my admins & Ops to have to be constantly adding new players, so I'd like the sign to add the player to the user group, and give a reward for doing so.

    In my initial post, I'd also included an option for an NPC to also be a part of this, to issue interactive commands, something to add to the roleplay of it all.

    Is this all possible?

    Many thanks,

  13. Offline

    Edward Hand

    The system is designed to hopefully allow anything that chat commands can do to be automated using signs. CommandSigns provides itself very little functionality - its power comes from providing a reflection of the capabilities of other plugins in a new place.
    You are currently limited by what you can fit on a sign, so not everything is possible. I'm thinking of adding configurable macros though, so maybe in the future that limit will be gone.

    For the example of adding people to groups:
    <NAME> Miners
    should work. That will add whoever clicks to the Miners group (provided you set up the permissions override stuff as layed out in the first post).

    Does that answer your question?
  14. Offline


    *handballs to husband*
    Thanks for your super quick reply, I do the admin, not the tech stuff, so I'll get husband to install now. :)
    I'll come back later when it's all setup to give it a go. :)

    Sorry to ask, is there a way where the sign can be used once? It can not be repeatedly hit?
    So Milo can't keep getting 250 credits, he can only get it once? It most likely was answered previously but I didn't see it on my 1st read through.

  15. Offline


    Bug. I'm trying to add /*clearinventory But it seems to not work

    I have it just like this

    I have to put the y on another line due to how long it is. and consol picks up this.
    12:14:57 [INFO] /CommandSigns tried command: clearinventor y

    See how it has the space. That should not be there correct?
  16. Offline


    Instead of pressing "Enter", try to just press the "Down" arrow.
    It might still make a space, although that's what I would try

    By the way, the latest version seems to give the "Could not pass event BLOCK_RIGHTCLICKED" error...

    I'll update my CraftBukkit, although I updated it couple of days ago.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  17. Offline


    @srsdude yeah even using the down arrow it still does the same thing. It seems to add a space for each line.
  18. Offline


    Would it be possible now to work with redstone, at least with the new npc thing, because it doesn't need the information, who activated the sign, right? It will be the best thing, ever happened to minecraft, because you will be able to do a lot of things "naturally" with redstone and you could combine the signs with redstone circuits and timers. Pls give it a try!
  19. Offline

    Timothy Graham

    On our server we are trying to set it up so users can set there spawns in town they decide...but don't want them setting there spawn in there own bases. so we tried this.

    We are using mcmmo for setmyspawn
    and place the signs like this [command]

    but it does not show up or let us set a spawn... when we use /setmyspawn with no * it works tho, but only for admins.

    this is in the permissions under members.

    default: true
    prefix: ''
    suffix: ''
    build: true
    - 'commandSigns.use'

    under users:

    group: Member
    - 'commandSigns.use'
    - 'mcmmo.commands.setmyspawn'
  20. Offline


    Works!!! Thx. :)
  21. Offline

    Amin Azman

    hello, i cant use:

    it says: You dont have permission to do this.

    (i've added /CommandSigns to op/admin group)
    but i can use
    <name> 1 1

    how to add long command like: /shop buy BrownWool 64 ?
    i use:
    /shop buy

  22. Offline


    This is what happened when I did this: [​IMG]
    2011-03-20 07:11:20 [INFO] §6[Owner]§erenx§f§f§7:§f try now
    2011-03-20 07:11:22 [INFO] §7[Civilian]DualDynamics§f§7:§f lol
    2011-03-20 07:11:24 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:11:24 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:11:26 [INFO]
    And then I tried a different format:

    And he tried it literally 15 times.
    [INFO] §6[Owner]§erenx§f§f§7:§f try it
    2011-03-20 07:18:55 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:18:55 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:03 [INFO] §7[Civilian]DualDynamics§f§7:§f V_V nope not allowed
    2011-03-20 07:19:05 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:05 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:05 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:05 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:05 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:05 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:05 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:05 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:06 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:06 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:06 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:06 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:06 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:06 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:06 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:06 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:06 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:06 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:07 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:07 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:07 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:07 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:07 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:07 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:07 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:07 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:07 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:07 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:07 [INFO] /CommandSigns
    2011-03-20 07:19:07 [INFO] true
    2011-03-20 07:19:12 [INFO] §6[Owner]§erenx§f§f§7:§f whats the error?
    2011-03-20 07:19:18 [INFO] [Hawox uQuest] Saving all players quests to file...
    2011-03-20 07:19:18 [INFO] [Hawox uQuest] Done saving.
    2011-03-20 07:19:26 [INFO] §7[Civilian]DualDynamics§f§7:§f You are not allowed to use that command
    2011-03-20 07:19:29 [INFO] [Hawox uQuest] Saving all players quests to file...
    2011-03-20 07:19:29 [INFO] [Hawox uQuest] Done saving.
    2011-03-20 07:19:44 [INFO] §7[Civilian]DualDynamics§f§7:§f then it shows /manuadd <player> <group>
    I'm not too sure what to do. Civilians (§7[Civilian]DualDynamics) are allowed to use these signs on my groups.yml. Suggestions?
  23. Offline

    Edward Hand

    Use of /* is for overriding permissions. When you use the * the permissions of the person using the sign are irrelevant.
    If you want the permissions of the person using the sign to be used, remove the *.
    If you want someone to be able to use the sign command regardless of their usual permissions keep the * and add the fictional user '/CommandSigns' to your permissions.

    I suspect the reason you can use give but not other commands is because you have not set up permissions correctly. Opping /CommandSigns allows use of commands built into the vanilla server and bukkit (give/kill/reload etc). For plugin based commands it is usually necessary to also add /CommandSigns into your Permissions/GroupManager config such that they have access to the command.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  24. Offline


    I want the /* there. I added /CommandSigns to ops.txt and made it the highest permission possible.
  25. Offline


    Noticed a possible bug. Version 0.35 CommandSigns & Craftbukkit 556, using a /tppos sign twice in a row (without restarting the server) will lock up my server and I have to SSH in and kill all java processes just to restart it again. No error or even info shows up in the server log, so I'm not sure if this is a /tppos bug or a commandsigns bug. Just wanted to let people know/see if there's a solution. Besides that it works great!
  26. Offline


    very very cool
  27. I tested a teleport command on signs, and it has worked without a problem. Perhaps its your plugin you're using to do /tppos ?
  28. Offline

    Amin Azman

    im not sure this is a bug or not, for the previous version before v.035, my sign:
    /shop buy
    Cobblestone 64

    works, but with v.035, it will say input error (command not complete) so i suspect must be problem with the long command. i switched back to the prev version, the sign works.

    please look into this matter. thanks :D
  29. Offline


    Is there any chance of making a command sign that is one use only?
  30. Offline


    What's the chance of you being able to log commands done by these signs?

    I've currently set my sign at the end of my maze to green my players, yet the actual command and who issued it don't get logged anywhere to my knowledge.

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