[INACTIVE][[MECH] AutoTool v1.4 - Never dig through your inventory for tools again [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by marinating, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    The plugin has been taken over by joshua katz.
    Grab his version on bukkitdev!

    AutoTool - The smart, convenient tool switcher.
    Version: v1.4

    AutoTool was developed when I became tired of constantly switching between shovels and pickaxes while mining. With this plugin, simply type /autotool or /at followed by on or off to toggle. A config file is provided that lets you specify which types of items you want to set to shovels, pickaxes, or axes- the file comes default with the basic items like ores, stones, logs, sand, and the like. If a player has AutoTool on and hits a log, for example, while holding a pickaxe in their hand, AutoTool will search their inventory for an axe. If it finds one, it immediately swaps the positions of the pickaxe and axe so the player can chop some wood without having to rearrange their items. This will hopefully be a huge headache-saver for some people, namely our Yogscast adventuring duo *cough cough*.
    Placing a blocks while in AutoTool mode will disable it, because strange duplication glitches may happen (until Bukkit comes up with a suitable replacement for player.updateInventory()).
    Plans for the future include AutoSword when damaged by a monster or other player, and AutoFood when your health runs low.
    Permissions node: 'auto.tool'

    • Config file lets you manually specify which items are assigned to what tools.
    • Never waste time searching your inventory for pickaxes, shovels, and axes!
    • Toggle on and off with simple commands- /at, /at on, /at off
    • Automatically pulls up the next tool in your inventory if the one you're using breaks

    Version 0.9
    • Release
    Version 1.0
    • Added permissions - 'auto.tool'
    Version 1.1
    • Bugfix for null pointer
    Version 1.2
    • Removed spam, made it smarter (placing blocks will not go trigger a tool switch, but left clicking will)
    • No longer switches out when you're holding a sword
    • Added SuperPerms support
    Version 1.3
    • Added more items to default pickaxe items
    • Added a config option that makes autotool on by default
    Version 1.4
    • Fixed all the bugs!
    Xerial, JonasD, maetthew and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Go for it then, that'd be great.
  3. Offline

    joshua katz

  4. Offline


    Cool, I'll update the original post with the link.

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