[INACTIVE][INFO] WelcomeMe v1.3.0 - Fast custom welcome message [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by maxx001, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. Offline


    WelcomeMe - The fast, custom welcome message plugin!

    This plugin makes it possible to display a welcome message to a player when they log on your server. This message can be customized with text colors and dynamic 'tags' which can be used to display the number of players online, maximum players and a list of players online.

    As i work with embedded device hardware and software development, i'm very focused on speed, which is why i made this plugin instead of using some of the already existing ones. This plugin stores the message in memory for fast retrieval when a player joins the server, causing as little lag as possible.

    How do i install?

    Install is very simple, just extract the zip file to your plugins folder.

    WelcomeMe has only been tested on Craftbukkit build 556, but should work on earlier builds as well as long as they support the new CommandExecutor.

    How do i format message.txt?

    You just write the text you want to display to the user. If you hit enter in your message.txt, it will also give a line break in the chat.

    There are currently 4 dynamic tags that you can use:
    1. %op - displays the numerical amount of players currently online on your server
    2. %mp - displays the numerical maximum number of players your server supports
    3. %pl - displays a comma separated list of online players names
    4. %np - displays the name of the player who logged in or issued the /wm command
    You can also format your text with standard color codes:


    To add a color, for example red, type &4 before the text you want to be red.

    Are there any commands?

    There are two commands for this plugin. First one is used to reload the message.txt file into memory if you change it while the server is running while the second one displays the message again.
    • /wm reload (requires that the player has server operator status)
    • /wm
    Does this plugin support permissions, iConomy, x, y, z...?

    No, this plugin was made to be fast and simple to use. It does not support nor depend on any other plugin to work.

    Could you show me an example of message.txt formatting?

    Yes of course!

    Welcome to our &4Minecraft &fserver %np!
    Please read the &9/rules.
    &fThere are currently &e%op &fout of &e%mp &fplayers online.
    Which looks like this in minecraft:


    Version 1.3.0:​
    - Fixed the encoding problems with message.txt by replacing § with & (credits to Bone007 for Colorize method)
    Version 1.2.0:​
    - Added %np tag that displays the name of the player who logged in or issued the command.​
    Version 1.1.2:​
    - Updated to support Craftbukkit 766, easier color notations coming later.​
    Version 1.1.1:​
    - Updated plugin due to Bukkit API changes​
    Version 1.1.0:
    - Made it possible to just type /wm to display the welcome message again
    Version 1.0.0:
    - Relase

    hammale and Theta Sigma like this.
  2. Offline


    what's your texture pack in the image? It is SICK!
  3. Offline


    How much memory to it consume? I know it not much but...
  4. Offline


    Please update it to RB740 and use the "&x" notation for colors as stated by MadManMarkAu. This plugin is rocks because of it's simplicity. Please update and maintain :D:D:D
  5. Offline


    considered inactive
  6. Offline


    Do you have any more info on this notation scheme? I'd like to implement it if it makes it easier to use the plugin :)

    I will update the plugin to support bukkit 766 as soon as i have more info on the color format.

    EDIT: I uploaded version 1.1.2 which supports Craftbukkit 766. Different color notations will come later.

    I'm currently looking into a solution to make it easier to set colors, stay tuned :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  7. Offline


    Download Link doesnt works for me :(
  8. Offline


    link seems broken
    it says 404 this is not the page youre looking for
  9. Offline


    Oups, you're right! Link has been fixed now.

    Please note, the plugin should also work fine with the new recommended build 798.
  10. Offline


    Notation is as follows:

    && -> &
    &0 -> ChatColor.BLACK
    &1 -> ChatColor.DARK_BLUE
    &2 -> ChatColor.DARK_GREEN
    &e -> ChatColor.YELLOW
    &f -> ChatColor.WHITE
  11. Offline

    Jack Whitney

    I was wondering if you could add somthing, so it says the players name within the welcome message like, (welcome Jwhiterz to our server)

    I have seen this in some other pluggins but I much prefer yours.
  12. Offline



    I will implement a new tag, %np (for new player).
  13. Offline


    The new %np tag has been implemented. Version 1.2.0 available in first post.

    The new color tags will come a little later.
    Leemur, e_zach and MadManMarkAu like this.
  14. Offline


    good plugin.

    can you change please the default message for "player joined/left" with a text that support dynamic tags?
    and... for the command "/wm" will be better to receive another text messages.
  15. Offline


    the OP has said before that the welcomeMe is going to remain as a basic welcome message, nothing more, they are however implementing more dynamic tags to put in messages i believe, but other than that they do not to majorly add any features.
  16. Offline


    Hello my message is:
    &cWitam Ciebie §3%np §7na serwerze §1Minecraft §2Fordon.
    §fAktualnie jest §6%op §fz §6%mp §fgraczy online.
    §7Gracze online: §f%pl
    And it looks like this:

  17. Offline


    that could be the same issue which was discussed on the previous page:
    go to the post to read it completely
  18. Offline


    I'm not advanced in english enough to understand this. Can u tell me what i have to write in message.txt to set color ?
  19. Offline


    the text file needs to be saved in a UTF-8 format for it to work. the example .yml posted is for windows only, so those hosting on linux (like myself) the characters may not be the same.
  20. Offline


    Thx for the plugin, works perfect.
  21. Offline


    As e_zach mentions in his post, this is a problem with encodings. This should be solved in the next version where the color tags will be changed.
  22. Offline


    In windows. this plugin works fine..
    in Linux.. I have problems with the character "§"
    the same problem like @Marcin .

  23. Offline


    same solution. make sure your saving the file out as utf8, and you may need to edit the file on a linux machine to get the correct character.
  24. Offline


    can i get /rules command?
  25. Offline


    as stated before a couple of times, this is ONLY a welcome message, nothing more. you will need another plugin for /rules or other commands.
  26. Offline


    I tried - still have same problem. Can you add one more character, not only "§" ?
  27. Offline


    here's a copy of mine that works fine (i had to edit it a bit on windows, so sorry if it doesn't, had my server ip in it)
    currently only the "§" character works to set the colours, next version is supposed to have &'s like other plugins.

    Attached Files:

  28. Offline


    i triyed... not working..:(
  29. Offline


    what's it look like in-game? is it actually printing out the §'s?
  30. Offline


    yes.. like in print above
  31. Offline


    I love this plugin btw.

    Sometimes, it doesn't format the colors … it just removes the § and spits out the letter or number after it along with the text. Also, could you make it so that %pl puts spaces after the commas, or add a different command that does?

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